Manitoba Harvest’s Mike Fata talks with host Kimberly King about the power of hemp in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Tune in to hear how Mr. Fata used hemp foods to transform his health and overhaul his previously unhealthy diet.

The Power of CBD
The Power Of Hemp
Manitoba Harvest's Mike Fata talks with host Kimberly King about the power of hemp in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Tune in to hear how Mr. Fata used hemp foods to transform his health and overhaul his previously unhealthy diet.
The Power Of Hemp
Manitoba Harvest's Mike Fata talks with host Kimberly King about the power of hemp in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Tune in to hear how Mr. Fata used hemp foods to transform his health and overhaul his previously unhealthy diet.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, the show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, it's the little theme that packs a powerful nutritional punch, the Hep C, And you can mix it into a smoothie or sprinkle it on a salad, so listen up and prepare to learn the latest information on the power of Hadoop plus. Later, we'll tell you what's going on around town and what's new at mother's market, but first up, Mike fate is co-founder of Manitoba harvest hemp foods. Mike used to weigh over 300 pounds and was sick and tired of being sick and tired, he decided it was time for a change, so he overhauled his diet focusing on protein, good fats and fiber. All nutrients found in hemp food.
Since hemp foods played such an essential role in Mike's health transformation, he wanted everyone to be able to try them, and Manitoba harvest bought Mike stream of sharing hemp foods with the world to life and who? welcome him to the mother's market radio show. Mike, how are you?
Thanks for having me, I'm happy to be here and I'm doing very well today.
Good, it's nice to have you.
Why don't you fill our audience in a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to today's show topic.
Yeah, our mission is really to educate people about the benefits of hemp food and make them available so they can have them in their pantries at home, and then a diet... Well, it's great because you have your stories, you live your passion, and you do want everybody to know what your story is, so let's talk a little bit about the power of hemp foods, and can you tell our listeners about yourself and your weight loss journey?
Definitely, when I was young, I wasn't educated about health and McDonald set up right beside our school, and I had hot dog day in hamburger day, and the next thing you know, I was 18 years old and I was 300 pounds, and I was sick and tired all the time... And one day I had the Aha moment of I didn't wanna be sick and tired anymore, and I was gonna change my lifestyle, and it was kind of like the biggest loser moment, my brother was already... He's a couple years older and exercising and took me the gym and worked out, but I started to educate myself about nutrition and realized how big of an important role that played, it took a while through experimentation, 'cause I went on a no-fat diet, which was very popular in, in 1990s, but left me unstable and unhealthy because I cut all the fat out of my diet, which led me to learning about the essential fatty acids, I make a 3 Omega 6, which was my road to him during all this time was you... Did your brother... Was he overweight at all? Was he... He was a little overweight, I'd say probably over-weigh where I was obese, being over 100 pounds overweight, and he was probably chubby and maybe you lost 15 or 20 pounds, but different scales, he was getting into exercise before I was... Right, but through that trial and error process, you figured out, Okay, this is... This is it. And you did, you kind of figured out, Okay, the fad dieting, and so the no fat, and then the exercising, and then all of a sudden, boom, you figured out... Yeah, and the big discovery was, if you put the right feel in the body, in the right food, you are naturally going to want to move and exercise, and that's the success, that's how you can really feel good, feel the body properly and then move it and shake it and you could be healthy.
What were the most effective health changes that you made in your weight loss journey, cutting chemicals out of my diet, I didn't know about actives and preservatives and different ingredients that are legal to have in food that can play a big habit at a site level, and so I went on a discovery of what are all these things and why are they in our food, which led me to more, I say, organic quality food choices after more trial and error, but I'd say that's probably the biggest... Biggest piece that I've learned, to realize that you have gone on and you've done all this research and you figured out, Wow, okay, these are choices that you can make and you are... This is why you've done the journey and you've taken this... So what does your typical day look like? From health and wellness perspective. Yeah, it's great. I like to get up and an exercise first thing in the morning and create that desire and burn for food, so usually it's some cardio in some way, training or yoga, if I'm sore and I don't wanna wait train, but I like to lift weights and I like to like to run. And then from there, I'm going into refueling the body, so a smoothie is usually my go-to in the morning, for sure, for the summer months, winter sometimes it's oatmeal, super powered with ham parts and hemp protein and other super food products. And then throughout the day, I'd say then it's more conscious to mindfulness, I do a lot of meditation, keep the mind in a nice healthy place, eat a big salad every day for lunch and staying on my feet and carry that throughout the rest of the day in good eating and get plenty of rest, 'cause sleep is another magical piece of a healthy lifestyle, and that's what I've been hearing too, I think mindfulness, that goes along with it, but it was it... Is it sort of when you were in that place, before you started losing the weight and before you started exercising, did you feel like you had to kind of see yourself as losing the weight, see yourself as a thinner... Yes, very much so. And people kinda see that, but it's like the two voices, the good voice in the bad voice, I always like to think about that as the natural body and the unnatural body, and you have to really think hard to get through to the natural body, if you're affected by all these stresses and being overweight and having wrong food and chemicals in your body can lead to a natural voice, being stronger, and so there was both from a meditation and a manifestation of what I wanted, but also I'd look in the mirror and pull my face back the double chin and say this is... Wanna look like when I'm fan and really imagine that and it was easier to then take the step to get there, tell me a little bit about your plant-based food when you started that because that's really what got you to this point.
Yeah, I think when I discovered it's not only the power of plants, but also the clean burn of plant-based foods, and so I've done, throughout my weight loss journey, done a lot of attention to cleansing, I'm a big green juice fan, I used to juice every day salary, carrots, kale, spinach, and as much nutrients as you can get into a glass, and that was the, I guess, the multi-vitamin and that along juice and alongside of smoothies and salads are a great way to get a huge amount of nutrition in the body, but stay light and stay clean and a clean burn.
Are you a vegetarian?
I'm a quality Rian, so I like quality things. I don't eat a tremendous amount of meat, but I do... I do eat on me and some dairy, but most of my dad, I'd say is plant-based and most of my dad is organic, but again, I look for quality things, so if there's a... If a farmer raises a good piece of meat, I would probably try something.
Okay, that's the first time I've heard a quality, but I like that too, so... Okay, so let's talk about how did hemo first make an impact on your health?
Because I was, I would say at that point, suffering from the no-fat diet, I was so obsessed of reading Dr. Nathan predacons materials on low fat and no fat that... And I was losing weight from eating no fat, that I took it down to eating one gram a fatty and learned the hard way of how important the essential fatty acids are in the diet, and so when I started to eat hemp food products, it was because of the omega 3 and omega 6. and it went from literally when I was eating no fat, my health was suffering, my hair was falling out, my energy levels were really low, and my skin was horrible, and as soon as I started to eat essential fatty acid in my diet... It all changed. It was like putting gas in the gas tank of your car instead of putting water in there and wondering why the car is not working properly. How did you first discover him?
There was two other co-founders of mental harvest, and they were lobbying the government to legalize hemp, and we had friends of friends, so I had known them, but when I was on this whole fat, trying to figure out fats, and someone introduced me to the book fatal fate that killed by Dr. Judaism and UDO writes about all things fat, good, fat, bad fats, and essential fatty acids, and in his book, wrote about him as being the best source of essential fatty acids, but not available in America at that time, only available in Europe, and so it was the material and who does book? And it was a meeting with the other two co-founders were hemp advocates, and thinking, always thinking myself at hemp was cool in the bracelet and the t-shirts and stuff, and put the nutrition and the activism together, and we created a business out of it.
So speaking of the business, tell us about that exciting recent company news and what that means to you.
Breaking news, breaking news. Yeah, this week that we announced that hemp foods are... We put our self-assessment in for graph certification, so I generally recognizes safe, and that's an FDA program. And why it's it really important is because besides our mental harvest brand of products that we put out into the marketplace, we also sell him food ingredients to other manufacturers, and grass is a certification that those manufacturers can feel that they have... There's safety and efficacy that's been studied and researched and peer-reviewed to make sure that the foods are safe and so... Him been eaten for thousands of years. But before you put together all the science and register it with the FDA, there's a lot of work to be able to do that, and mental harvest is taking that on, really for the entire hemp industry and made that announcement this week around the natural product Expo.
Well, congratulations. How long have you been working on that?
That's about a two-year process. But really the documentation for the research, the Safety Research and the efficacy research has been a good 20 years in the making since we started the business.
Wow, that's incredible. Some right information. Interesting, and again, congratulations. We need to take a quick break. We'll be back in just a moment with more with Manitoba harvest harvest. away, we'll be right back.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows. Plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Manitoba harvests co-founder, Mike FATA, and we're talking about the power of him, and so like we were just talking about, you've been in this industry for so long, and it's been a bit of the wild, wild west out here. Especially with the recent laws being passed here in California, can you explain the difference between hemp Cannabis CBD and just kind of talk about it from your point of view. Yeah, definitely. There's different types of cannabis, different varieties of cannabis, summarize of cannabis that would be referred to as marijuana, whether it's recreational or medicinal marijuana, and then there's varieties of Cannabis that have no drug aspect to them, and those are the varieties that are referred to as hemp. So they're grown for food, the seed for food, or for fuel or the fiber, the stock of the plant for fiber, and then there's a little bit of a middle ground of CBD products that are more medicinal on the medicinal side of cannabis, our business is focused on the seed for food. So no psychoactive drug, no THC in the product, but many people aren't familiar with the differences, and I think it's a little bit confusing given that even in the US, the federal laws and the state laws aren't yet aligned, federally, it's not legal to grow hemp, but it's legal in all the states to eat hemp food products and to enjoy the benefits of it, and CBD and marijuana, whether recreational or medicinal, as well defined by state law, so there was a change to California state law to make legal recreational and medicinal marijuana. But from a hip food standpoint, it's been legal all the time in California and all the other states to be able to sell the products or consume the products because of the... Because there's no death, because there's no T, there's no drug aspect to that... Yeah, okay, thank you for explaining that. No, you're a pioneer, the legalization of Hemp Farming in Canada, but can you tell us more about how you were involved in that process?
Yeah, so the legalization efforts in Canada started in 1991, and it was lobbying to the State, to the provincial government in Manitoba on the benefit was very much similar to how it is in the US, where it was legal to sell the products, it just wasn't legal to grow the crop. And there was a hemp group that was formed to hemp awareness committee at the University of Manitoba to really start to bring awareness to what hemp is and how successful it could be for our farmers to grow the crop because it was legal to sell the products in Canada, and then... And so there's a lot being efforts at the state level, of provincial level in Canada, which was successful, and we got the first license to do research and development in 1994, and support also in the province lent their agronomist resources from an Agriculture department to help study and they want two things.
One, can we grow hemp here and it can be a successful crop for our farmers, and two, is it him that there's no psychoactive, there's no drug or no THC in the product, so there's no worry about drugs, and we grew from a research and development several years in 94, 95, 96, and then that information and that documentation and the support of the provincial government, then there was a lobby to healthcare to the federal government, which took two years for them to put together regulations, and we were there as a industry group to make sure that it wasn't just government-led regulations, they were listening to what we were asking of them that we want to have big give farmers an open license to be able to grow certain varieties of the plant, and after what started, I guess in 1991, in 1998, the laws were changed and federally hemp has been legal to grow in all the provinces in Canada, both from a fiber and also a seed for food. What's the nutritional value of hemp? Hemp pretty balanced, seat balanced in that it offers a good source of protein, plant-based protein, essential fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6, and also fiber that is in the brand or the shell of the product, but not only is it balanced from a seed as a whole, but if you look at the different macronutrients, the protein is a really high quality protein, it contains all the essential amino acids, the fats are a really high quality fats, they're 80% polyunsaturated, which the polyunsaturated fats or the Omega-3 Omega-6 essential fatty acids.
Hemp also has some micronutrients as well that iron for people that are eating less meat, that's really important, magnesium, which is a calming mineral that you can buy in a supplement, but you just... You can get in a serving of ham parts, so it is really unique compared to some of the other even supersedes that are on the market containing twice as much protein than a flat seed or gas and more essential fatty acids as well. And so that was kind of my next question was, how did they differ? The hemp seeds from Genet first part is that they... For most consumers that taste better, hemp has a nice native to similar to a sunflower seed or even a simple rapid, not just a nice, rich nutty flavor, where a lot of people have a hard time with the other supersedes 'cause they're trying to hide them in their foods, 'cause they don't necessarily taste that taste that well, so it starts with taste, people, most consumers would prefer him because of the taste, but then from there, those super Cesare eaten for essential fats, omega 3 and omega 6, hemp contains more than Central fetuses than she. And flax, it also can contain some of the longer chain fats, GLA gamble acid, which is proven to be very therapeutic for as an anti-inflammatory for people that are suffering from inflammation issues, and then as well, the protein, which MPS much higher in protein than other seats it contains twice the amount of protein than then a flax Seder at GSE... What's the expiration? Like shelf life, it's 12 months. The products have 12 months and you wanna keep them in the fridge or freezer if you're gonna keep me longer than that, but generally they'll have 12 months of shefflin, and what are the benefits of plant-based protein, specifically hemp protein, the benefit of plant-based protein for a lot of consumers is just a cleaner, burning protein, and you could talk to your family member or your neighbor and understand the people to eat a big stake with lots of protein feel really heavy and maybe not feel like getting off the couch. Have a similar amount of... Similar grams of protein, but from a plant-based like like Hemp foods, and you get the protein that your body needs to grow and perform, but you don't have that heavy feeling, so you wanna get up, you wanna get up and go, Which... So you get... You get both benefits, and I think that's Hampton and other plant-based proteins are sought after because their clean burning proteins.
So what are your favorite ways to use him? I like to have hemp at every meal, it makes me feel really good, and so in a smoothie, I'll put him parts and make a fresh hemp milk and add my fruit and then out of protein, at one of our protein powders, the EMPI to give that protein boost, I love him parts on top of the salad and I don't sprinkle it on, I pour it on, I really love the texture that it gives to salad and that nice. Neat flavor.
I love him parts in a soup, they kind of melt into the soup and I again, a nice to Rich creamy mouth feel to it, and then I'm a fan of snacking on the go, and some of our toasted hemp SIs are a great way to get a crunch, get a good boost of protein, essential fatty acids and have that in my backpack or my briefcase, so that's sort of like a sunflower seed sort of... Yeah, and you can just eat it right on the back, and we have toasted with Casals and also a South flavor for people that are a little space in their life.
There you go. Can you talk about the misconceptions about hemp foods and just maybe... Yeah, I think the biggest misconceptions, people don't understand the difference between hemp and marijuana, which we talked a little bit about just the hemp doesn't have any psychoactive drug, Alois is a healthy, great tasting food product, but the biggest one for people would be to understand really what hemp is... 'cause for many years, people without the Hama as marijuana or hemp as a t-shirt or a fiber product, but not as a seed and a healthy food product.
Do you make... I think about peanut butter or almond butter, do you make... We have a recipe 'cause you could take him parts and make a better is better at home in your Vitamix or a juicer, and we do share some recipes for how to take some of our staple products, oil protein powders, hampers and make them into really thousands of recipes, I say Put that on salary or something like that, we're seeing a lot of millennials, younger generations being very health-conscious in your experience, how do you see that in the future of shaping hemp?
I think we're living in a day today where the consciousness is rising and because there's an easy access to information, everyone has a mobile, and millennials are really great at that, to really get under the hood and discover the source of where their food comes from, and what's gonna be best for them, both from their own body's sake, but also supporting companies that are trustworthy and they can align with their values, and so I think that's just gonna become more front and center of easy to pronounce clean labels, simple ingredients and high efficacy. And knowing the source or knowing the farmer and hemp and our mental harvest products plays really well into that because we're vertically integrated and we work with the farmers, and our labels are only cleaned like you'd make it at home, you can understand everything is... And if there's any other ingredients, there's a handful of ingredients in there, and so I think that the models are driving that consciousness, but a real one is everyone's got a mobile phone and you can research it at home or when you're standing in the store, mothers and understand where your products are coming from, right?
It's true, I think the millennials have really done a good job of making sure there are clean labels, there's cameras everywhere, and people wanna know that there's a good clean story behind things which consumers look for when buying a hemp product. Freshness is a big thing because hemp is really rich and those essential fatty acids, they need to be manufactured fresh, so you wanna have a package on date to understand when the product was made... Best before dates. You understand, when it expires, I'm a big organic guy, so certified Dorgan for consumers that are looking for the organic certification, definitely grown without pesticides, non-GMO, those are things I think, not only in him about other foods, that are an easy way to decide, and then from there, I think it's the nutrients that you're offering, looking for a 10 gram of protein serving is a key one for consumers, and then that clean label that we talked about, and then what do you see as the future of him?
I think the future of hemp is actually the history of Hampton and that hemp was a big part of society, and it's gonna come back, and so I think you're seeing it, and not only from a food source, but also from a fiber designer hemp clothing. Not to box in Hampshire, really utilizing all aspects of the plant because it is such a power house resource, and the future of hemp is really farming hemp in America, again, it's been since 1936, since it's been legal federally to grow hemp in the note states, and that's gonna come back, and we hope that that comes back really, really soon, and then maybe breaking down those misconceptions, just like what you have and really, really continuing to keep that story out there for the general public to realize really where it came from, and I like that you said the history of hemp is the future of him.
Well, good, well, thank you so much for your time with some great advice and we really appreciate your knowledge and we look forward to having you on again. Thanks for sharing your story. To get more information on Mike, his website is Manitoba harvest dot com. Thank you so much. We look forward to your next visit.
Yeah, thanks again for having me.
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