Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Sean McBride, of Manitoba Harvest. Manitoba Harvest, based in Canada, is the world’s largest manufacturer that grows, makes and sells its own line of hemp food products. Sean will share about Manitoba Harvest itself, about plant based diets and will talk about the role hemp based products can play in helping people move toward a healthy plant based diet. To learn more about Manitoba Harvest visit
The Benefits of Hemp
The Benefits of Plant Based Diets
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Sean McBride, of Manitoba Harvest. Manitoba Harvest, based in Canada, is the world’s largest manufacturer that grows, makes and sells its own line of hemp food products. Sean will share about Manitoba Harvest itself, about plant based diets and will talk about the role hemp based products can play in helping people move toward a healthy plant based diet. To learn more about Manitoba Harvest visit
The Benefits of Plant Based Diets
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Sean McBride, of Manitoba Harvest. Manitoba Harvest, based in Canada, is the world’s largest manufacturer that grows, makes and sells its own line of hemp food products. Sean will share about Manitoba Harvest itself, about plant based diets and will talk about the role hemp based products can play in helping people move toward a healthy plant based diet. To learn more about Manitoba Harvest visit
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, eating a plant-based diet can give you energy and help you live a longer healthier life, so listen, close and see if this is right for you, and later... We'll tell you what's going on around town. And what's new at mother's market?
But first up, Samaritans the Senior Sales Manager with Manitoba harvest hemp foods since 2010, Shan has been passionately growing the humors industry, educating on hemp nutrition and raising the overall awareness for the hemp market. Previous to Manitoba harvest hemp foods, sham spent almost a decade with super nutrition, and he brings decades of experience in the natural products retail environment and food service industry, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show.
Sean, how are you?
You're on doing fantastic. And I'm happy to be here.
Well, thanks, it's great to have you here, why don't you fill our audience in a little bit on your mission and work before we get to today's show topic...
Oh, fantastic, I would love to. So what I mentioned is to bring healthy foods and plant-based proteins to the average American to make sure it's available, we wanna have healthy plant-based diets, and for me personally, it's all about having an offering for someone that's healthy based on the plan-based diet, but also on a healthy nutrition.
Excellent, and so what is plant-based nutrition, so plant basis Nevins, where you're sourcing the proteins that you might typically get from meats, so you from B for chicken, the getting those proteins from plants, in this case, we're talking about him foods, the other plants that also provide those proteins, but as a plant-based it would go, epas, one of the lead products that falls into that category, so what plant-based nutrition... Does him provide that?
It absolutely does. It provide hiroden Omega-M fiber, so it's actually a fully blended or full-spectrum product, but the protein is very high in him food, so as a plant-based protein goes, it's what they call the big dog in the arena because it provides up to 10 grams of protein per serving or 30% of protein by volume.
Okay, and that's always the big question for veterans and the teen, that protein.
And so how has that provided... I know. What does him look like?
Him was like... So one of the core of our core item is our hemp part, and that would be the soft or whole emceed, so we just basically show the seed, it's a raw seed comes in the package, you're gonna eat it right out of the bag. You can kinda put it on salads or soup or yogurt, and that one serving of that is 10 grams of protein, one serving is roughly three-level table phones, so it's a high protein volume for a small amount of seed, it's a nutty and it's nutrition, and I blended, a lot of foods is a nice savory flavor, so if you're doing a plan-based diner budget chair and you wanna get more out of protein from plans, you can add him on and that in grams of protein by simply sprinkling that on your food.
Great, and so, yeah, let's talk a little bit... Let's break down, you said a protein, Omega and fiber, and you're talking about the grams, and so the 10 grams, let's talk out each individual one.
Excellent Fanta. I would love to... How did you know?
So the 10 grams of plant-based protein are super bio-available, so when he parts, the protein in ham parts is 90% bio-available, so it's a super high digest ability and that proteins create because you've already has to work to digest traditional proteins that come from same meats, like chicken or beef. And our passion for plant-based diet isn't a mission, again to meat-based diet, it's about having that option and educating people that they can get great proteins from plants, that their bodies can digest, and is it makes a diet good for people, not just vegetarians, but the fact that it's easier to digest, that what your body is not struggling as much in taking as much time to do that, the other benefit because the plant-based proteins in him are two-thirds of that protein is bio-identical to the protein found on the human body, and the other third of that protein is identical to approaching strands found in egg whites, but from a plant, these are all super digestible forms of protein, but coming from a plant base, and so imagine people say... I would call it like the plant meets and really doesn't really work out that way, but it provides the full spectrum of amino acids, which is unique to him, Saul, it's a 20 meeting, I said profile, but it has all 10 essential amino acids. And as you only see in the kingdom of seeds that provides that, so it is a complete protein, which is super unique to an foods.
So if I am just starting off, I'm realizing, Okay, I think this meet isn't working for me, and I'm interested in starting off, first of all, a question, How old should I... Can anybody start?
Yeah, anyone can start off. Yeah, pretty much pagan. We keep seeing place, but it really is, it's super simple, it's easy to digest it, vitamins and five or another nice ingredients for your body, so because of that, you could start basically in any age and you can have that product, you know, in the case of my daughter, we use him boil and her smoothies in the morning, and she's been having that ever since she was like three years old.
And how old is he now?
Now she's 12 today, actually birthday for... Yeah, but what's great about that is the reason we give her the humble because it helps keep irregular, but it's a natural way to do that because of that the Amiga is really good for the body in that respect. It's something simple that we can do, and it's been very effective for her, and what other side effects for us with, say, side-effects are health, happiness, feeling better, less joint pain, better muscle growth, currently, as most foods are... When people ask me like, if I eat too much ham, but all happen, and I just say, Well, eat too much of that cracker or have too many hamburgers or eat too much of that soda, it's basically like a food or too much food can blow you... It's oil-rich, so sometimes that can affect your body that way, but any oil-rich food that you have, if you eat too much, your body is gonna respond in a certain way, so... I kind of get the idea of like when you say it, seeds. I kinda think about a peanut butter type of a... Sure, do you have it like that?
So we saw the whole raw seed or the... That we call it the impart, but you can take that and you can turn that into a bun and nut butter, you can just know that slowly with some oil. And then you make your own thing. You make like a... We call it a hep nut butter, but it has no side and one's unique about him foods and the fan-based diet is that because it's a seed and it's not a nut or a green, it doesn't feature in the top allergens...
I was just gonna associate it with those products we're talking about nuts, right.
So again, that kind of meat thing, that thing all comes up and has a nice professionally flavor, but the benefit is it doesn't have the Eastern aulus it in a very similar fashion.
Got it. Can you talk about how Manitoba has navigated the legal waters in regard to him...
Oh, absolutely, so the story is super, super great.
So when the company was founded almost 20 years ago, Mike Fana and the team, the co-founders of the company had to petition the Ministry of Agriculture in Canada to grow him foods there because of the time, it wasn't legal to grow... Still currently in the US. Their issues with that, right?
Absolutely, and so the petition, they work hard, they march, they did all they could to get the Ministry of Agriculture to understand that him had a value as a crop and that it wasn't a drug, it wasn't a narcotic, but it could be a helpful food item, and so they petitioned, they grew the first test plots and they were so successful, they got that class one changed over to legal growth in Canada, and so at this point in time... So now that it's here, and expand that out a little bit, so you're sold in mother's market or... So the mother's markets to pursue, or friends with mothers, I've been just fun working with them, so we grow everything in Canada that our farms and Manitoba a schedule on the online areas, and then we import that into the US. Right, so we currently don't grow in the US because it's still by federal mandate, not legal to grow. Hamptons is industrial hemp. So we bring everything into the country and then we send it to our accounts. Okay, and so can you talk a little bit about with the hemp and as far as people getting more into the plant-based eating just... Is it just for vegetarians, so it's not just for vegetarians, and I think that's what's great. In my car, I usually use my own testimonial, so I was just raised Midwest omnivore, and I love food, I was raising in meat and potatoes and salad, and that's kind of in my nature, but when I joined the company almost seven years ago now, I decided to put more him into my diet to really see how it affected me, and what I noticed is that I still am an omnivore, I still like some meats, I still like some chicken, but all of my cravings for the fatty or floods have dissipated and I tend to eat more lean cuts of meat and a lot more imposing my diet because of the Omega and providing those fatty amazes the essential ones that my body was grave and I also have a reduction in cravings for sugar as well, so these are all based on the blood level of the body and the Megas in the body. So for me, and I think white plant-based is becoming such a big deal, is that people who are searching for plant-based diets are wanting some of those benefits, they wanna get the oils they need, but not necessarily from a satire-based or an animal base, and they wanna get the benefits. What's nice about a lot of great plant-based, not just hemp foods, is that you can incorporate them into your diet, they don't become your diet, you incorporate them into your diet, so it's just kind of enriched your diet is what you're saying, is what I'm trying to say, yeah, and it wasn't Sonia looking for... It just was kind of what happened and allowed me to kinda trim up a little bit and build good lean muscle mass. One of the other benefits of specifically of some plant-based in him specifically is rich in GLA or Gamelan-like acid, which is good for joint pain, it's good for information and stress in the body and some hormone balance, so having that plant-based oils can provide those for people, and those are some of the reasons they're looking... There's also the other piece to this, which is a sustainable aspect of plant-based diets, is that how it affects the planet, how much water it takes to grow a plant versus raise a cow. And the industry side of it. So that's a big benefit.
And on that note, because of the environment, so how do you feel about that, what is the public's perception about with the plant-based and then the environment... As we're going down the second... Yeah, I think that the... It depends on how much time you wanna tee to learn, 'cause you have to take time to learn, education is a big part of what we do with them foods for people. So plant-based diet learning is the same way to talk about how the industry responds to how the machine gets behind the food sources that we have... Plan Base is a great way to make a stand and say, Hey, I want something that comes from the ground, I wanna have something that's a low, low impact, high yield for the environment. How much transfers over to someone who is just drying plant-based proteins or has a mission for a reason, they want just to have us kind of different... What's nice is they can find a spectrum in between to do both, you can entertain someone who just wants to try something different, or you can find a great way to have a plant-based diet, they're really sort of, as we say, those with your dollar and sort of drive that goal towards better practices, but as you mentioned just previously about helping the environment, it must feel much like you really are giving back as well, we feel like that every time we get someone to try him foods, we see the plant-based I grow, we're doing a solid for the planet every time. Yeah, yeah, absolutely, right. And it is also, I would think in this day and age, more people are getting more... Getting the research that they deserve, because it's a more transparent... And yes, we think that that the conversation is getting bigger and people wanna know sourcing, they wanna know local or not they... And where does it come from? And, and even if it comes from maybe not local, it doesn't mean it's bad head, but what is the sourcing? How is it processed? And when you talk about animal-based for his plan to such an interesting discussion on how much energy it takes to produce one thing here versus something here, so for plant-based, I think as part of what's driving the interest, and I think it's part of what's excited the general public about plant-based nutrition is that it's healthy and tastes good, it... And someone gave you some weak grass and said, This is plan lactation, and you'd be like, some people love... We grant some people don't, but hemp food things like these products are really great because they can help someone, and that's bringing people towards the diet. The other thing you spoke about briefly with allergens, it's another big thing driving people to plant-based diets is 'cause the allergens get limited, the cleaner you get in that single source ingredient, in which case, hampers a single starts protein.
Well, this is very interesting information and we have to take a quick break, but more in just a moment... Don't go away, we'll be right back.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you've missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com.
And now back to our interview with Manitoba Seabird, and we're talking about the benefits of eating a plant-based diet, and specifically him, and I wanted to ask you what the benefits are of people eating from a plant-based diet and especially him. Okay, excellent. A good, really good question.
So the benefits of eating plant-based diets is, Are you're limiting allergens that can come from meats or dairies or cheeses, like ever get your proteins from those sources.
The benefits are you're getting a more digestible source of protein, you're also getting vitamin E, you're getting chlorophyll, which are living ingredients for the blood, hippos also rich in half of year RD of magnesium per serving at roughly 48% of your daily. You get 25% of your daily zinc, you get some iron and of phosphorus, so it's micronutrient or macro-nutrient rent as well, to get both of those combined. Some of the other benefits are because of the Omega, it can help with things like joint pain, it's also good for the brain as well, so that can be nerves, which can help with everything from sleep to exercising, it's good for the skin for hormone balance and helping them reducing it can even be helpful just like hot flashes, so have a lot of great benefits and plant-based as across the board, and primarily it's the... It's the single ingredient approach, and it's less things added in, more digestible, and it's all the benefits that come with that, including like I mentioned, the green foods as well, so the chlorophyll get the... And it just... It's an amazing product and super tasty, so you can do both.
You get the benefits of that. The one thing about plant-based, it's easier to carry, you can pack with it, you can hike with it, it doesn't have to be refrigerated, like you've got all these other benefits, some tile change the usage parameters of the product, because it's not gonna say rod on the shelf, if you will.
So you just mentioned it's tasty, so talk about the taste and what kind of... I gotta tell you about the hem foods that we do and that we grow, him should have a nice... If it's fresh, I should have a nice nutty sweet flavor, and there are many times people will try him foods for their first time and they'll say, Oh, these are not... They taste like a pine nut or taste like a session he set or a taste second, that's because your body is not used to having him foods, but it's used to having nuts, so it's nice, it's a seed, so it's a nutty sweet flavor and was created, it's a savory flavor, so blends really well with, like we say, Put it on a salad, to it in some suit, put it into a smoothie, it has a nice creamy flavor to a smoothie or if you're gonna be make a pesto with it. You could do all that with the hampers and it's because of that Savory Sweet flavor. And that's soft palette.
And so, as you mentioned, going on a hike with it, so what form are you talking about?
So we make a variety of products and we say, get the others and check him out, 'cause I carry everything and it's great. We do have hearts, which are like the loose or the bulk seed, we're now doing imparts snacks where they're portable, we're doing them toppers, we're doing a whole toasted seeds now, so you can just take them out of amour hiking, other special... Make a protein shakes and you can shake and go, we're really just getting in all those places so people can find that plant-based nutrition on the go as well.
Right, right.
And now you kind of talked about that a little earlier, so I'm just trying to see that versatility about how you offer... Absolutely, we like I have been young people for years that there's no end use for him, what can you think of... What do you like to do? We have team members and friends who will call us up and she just made the most amazing thing with your product, and we didn't even think about that, but it's... What makes you passionate?
I would say it's one of the other these certain back on the plant-based diet is it passion is driving that quest for plant-based nutrition, so is there an expiration date on hemp, so you... So a fresh product packaged and handled properly, in our case, we nitrogen flush, we have no windows on our bags, everything is he protected. Light protected, right?
So we'll give you a bee years or the expiration on the package, if you keep in their fraud go longer, but not just as a sales team, but as a consumer of really good foods myself, if I'm buying a product, ideally, I don't want that to buy a year's worth of that product. I want fresh product, I'm gonna buy it and use it and then replace it, as I'm buying fresh foods, 'cause we are a fresh hafod company, and so really fresh is best.
Absolutely. And so what are some of the misconceptions of him... The biggest misconception is the conception of cannabis and hemp, and then they're the same plant, it's something that we educate on all the time, and really what it comes down to is ultimately industrial hemp in Canada are from the same strain of cannabis, but one is female and price for a flower and industrial hemp is mail and price for exceed and it's three parts per million tech in the industrial hemp and 20%, 30% PC by volume in cannabis. So it's kind of like, if you think about it, I use a hot cherry tree story, so you've got two cherry trees on that blossoms and on the blossoms and fruits, the ones that blossom don't fruit we use in the streets of our nation's capital, and they're beautiful. The ones that blossom and fruit we use in our agricultural system to create food, it's a subtle difference, but if you are starving, it would be every difference in the world, one would feed you and one would not, is very similar with cannabis, industrial hemp. They're super similar, but the biggest difference is we're harvesting seed for food without the THC, we're not using the flowers, so people sometimes... And I was like, How do you extract the sheet, see what we don't... It's technically a different plant, like a different genome of the plant.
So that's the biggest misconception. And we do everything we can to educate and talk about the health benefits and talking about the food-based diet and say, Hey, try these products, they're great, you'll love them, incorporate them. Once we get someone, we pretty much have them 'cause the food's amazing, we produce an awesome product and the results are great and that we've talked about already. And how does the FDA look at that?
Well, they have, Dylan, our case, we can import our S because it's industrial Hammond doesn't have a THC to get that three parts per million.
Some of the other benefits are We don't import whole seeds and that's be Rose them or toast them, so there are certain laws and regulations you have to follow to import products into the country... Right, yeah.
Yeah, and so that's how they look at that and we handle that with them, there's something else I wanted to talk to you about, and that is the vertical integration to... You saw that.
That's great. Yeah, So Manitoba Vashem floods were a vertically integrated company, and what that means is we control all aspects of our business, we work and come up with farmers, so we work the farm gate and then we work on how to grow good products on horticulture... Good practice. And then we harvest that product and bring that into our own facility where we then process it, test it up to 32 times per Hempstead, many tests one seed gets in our facility, and then we package that product... We are a BRCA facility where GMP has certified kosher organic or the highest level of food safety certification recognized internationally, and so that vertical integration allows us to have that control, and then we plug that into our people profit planet model of making sure we're taking care of the community, are we taking care of the plant through our sustainability and our packaging, and how we're taking care of the team, and that's how we go to market to that Verint gratian allows us basically non-Presidente amount of control and the product quality... That's amazing for one seed, and you're saying that the totes, including sensory evaluation, that way the product maintains a smooth level of flavor, something you can find in your buying product, what we call market seed from a lot of places. The flavor gets blended, sometimes it can be blended, we have a fresh nutty product because that's all we do or a dedicated... And so walk me through the process of how long does it take from farm to shelf... You know, it depends. We're one of the few companies that can really harvest and harvest clean oppressed quickly, but ultimately it can be anywhere from six weeks from harvest, seed can be stored for a year in the silo properly, because until you crack the seed, it's totally protected.
And that's what makes it super exciting, we're just really, really busy, so we don't sit in a lot of product because people are... This is why we're here today. People are really embracing the diets... Well, that's exciting. What are some suggestions for incorporating more plant-based options into their diets?
I would say the way to do it is look at toppings and additions as the easiest way, so adding things to salads, soups, your food, you're already eating topping granola over some ham parts is a great way to do it. If you already make a smooth, throw some hip in that smoothie, try one of our protein powders, try the Ham part, try something that's gonna just kind of incorporate in there, and we have people who throw some hemp filler in with your traditional banking. It makes a little bit stronger, a bit flavor adds extra protein.
Another way is the portability of if you work out, if you travel and pouch some up, take some of the protein powders, try those as well, and then really just have it there like You gotta... It's a pantry product, you wanna be able to access it when you're cooking and when you're having a good time in your kitchen, that's like the best ways to incorporate it, and so ultimately, when people are enjoying your products, what do people... When your feedback... What are people saying?
The feedback is great, there's a lot of times, the first feedback is, this taste really great, and we're like, Well, thank you, we appreciate that. The other big feedback is... Yeah, it was easy to incorporate, I've already noticed the change in whether it's in my joints or in my sleep or just in my overall just... I feel better. A lot of times we hear... We feel better.
A lot of times we were talking to a customer of the product, I'm not gonna tell you exactly what... Pulliam may be a little too personal, but your last thing, what do you like about what you're eating? And they're like, I just feel better. And so that can mean a lot of things coming from my customer, but it just means that things are working and their bodies are responding well to the hmos.
Well, that's nice. Those are nice testimony also.
Absolutely, it's great.
Is there anything else you want people to know about eating a plant-based day?
I think we've done a great job covering it today, I think the one thing I would say is, we say plant-based diet, and it kinda makes it sound like something, it really is just an omnivore diet based with more plans. I would just say encourage people to try to eat more plant-based nutrition, and it doesn't always have to be salad, doesn't always have to be him, but try and incorporate it 'cause you'll be surprised you have a great reaction, there's less bloating, your body just responds better there's better mental acuity because you're not kind of bogged down, you know when you got a lunch and then you're like, Oh yeah, you have some plant-based good nutrition your lunch and you're right back up again because your body's accessing those nutrients quickly, it's not having to go through a heavy breakdown process. I would say my advice would be, just give it a try. Try a veggie chip, try some of the hamlets. We have a mandate, harvest amazing products. You'd be really surprised, I should say. pleasantly surprised.
Well, thank you, I think that's great information and we appreciate your time, some great advice, and we hope to have you on again and... Actually, for you to access Sean, the website is Manitoba harvest dot com. We look forward to your next visit. Awesome, thank you, thank you.
Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show. And for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,