In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio Show, Doctor Susan Smith Jones talks about how common foods can help us look and feel our best. Dr. Jones is an excellent educator and is one of the world’s foremost experts on using natural remedies, living a balanced life, looking years younger, shedding extra weight and creating high level success and happiness.
Regenerative Cell Therapy
Rejuvenating Food
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio Show, Doctor Susan Smith Jones talks about how common foods can help us look and feel our best. Dr. Jones is an excellent educator and is one of the world's foremost experts on using natural remedies, living a balanced life, looking years younger, shedding extra weight and creating high level success and happiness.
Rejuvenating Food
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio Show, Doctor Susan Smith Jones talks about how common foods can help us look and feel our best. Dr. Jones is an excellent educator and is one of the world's foremost experts on using natural remedies, living a balanced life, looking years younger, shedding extra weight and creating high level success and happiness.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, the food you can eat can either give you energy or make you crash, and our guest is gonna tell you what food you will rejuvenate your body and get you through your busy day. Plus later, we'll tell you what's new at mother's market and what's going on around town. First step, we're going to discuss one of our favorite topics, healthy food... Well, on today's show, Dr. Susan Smith-Jones is going to talk about how common foods can help us look and feel our best. Susan is an educator, extraordinaire, she's one of the world's foremost experts on using natural remedies, living a balanced life, and looking years younger, shedding extra weight and creating a high level success and happiness. And author of over 25 books and 2000 magazine articles on these topics. Her latest best-selling books include walking on air, you're 30-day inside and out, rejuvenation makeover the joy factor, 10 sacred practices for radiant health and a full color recipe book, recipes for health list, and it's our pleasure to welcome her to the mother's market radio show.
Susan, how are you?
I'm doing great, Kim. It's wonderful to be back with you again. Why don't you fill our audience in a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to today's show topic... Yes, sure then, my work is all about educating people on how to be healthy and live balanced lives, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and I'm so happy today to be able to talk about and feature my two brand new books walking on air, your 30 day inside and out rejuvenation, makeover and the joy factor, 10 sacred practices for radiate. Today we're talking about how we can use food to give us more energy and vibrant in our daily lives, it really is true that we are... Well, eat isn't a doctor... Well, it's true, yes, that we are what we eat and we are what we digest, and we also are what we might put on our skin, and I learned from my grandmother when I was young on how to look to nature for those things to heal you. She used to say to me, in nature, you don't find ice cream trees and potato chip bushes or donut vines, but the more naturally colorful your meal, the more abundance of enzymes and vitamins and minerals and antioxidants will have to keep you healthy. So I always looked to nature for what to eat, and I know that if my plate looks like a fiesta, lots of color, I'm probably doing a good job picking the foods, very good advice. And a colorful food.
Alright, well, what kinds of foods work well for our skin... Well, you wanna eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, of course, you wanna get enough sleep or else you're not gonna have good looking skin, but you wanna choose those foods that are highest and water content, and that's why I always recommend go to mother's market and kitchen, because they have the best selection of produce I've ever seen actually in the world. I love mother's markets, but here's something that you can do to apply to your skin to make it healthier, if you want your skin to look soft and do we go for honey, because honey has been used for centuries, especially by the ancient Egyptians, to keep their skin looking really youthful, and all you do is you wash your face and you pat it dry, keep it a little bit moist and dewy, and then add some raw unfiltered honey. I usually use 100% organic Manuka honey. I don't know if you've heard that, Manuka, and I know that it's a mother's markets, 'cause I saw it there when I was shopping there last time, so you apply it on your face as a mask, even under your eyes all around, and maybe you lie down for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. Because this moisturizer, your skin and helps it to look very supple and youthful, and I do this once a week, well, that's why you look as fabulous as you do, you look amazing. Well, and speaking of amazing, is there anything we can do for our teeth to make us look more youthful, smile more, 'cause if you smile more, you'll be happier person, but here's something I bet you haven't heard of him, as you go for strawberries, 'cause they can help you have a dazzling smile, you juice some strawberries, and if you don't have a juicer, you could blame them and squeeze them through some cheese cloth, and if you don't have a blender, smashed them in the cheese cloth and squeeze out a little bit of the juice and then what you do is you paint the juice on your teeth, and you leave it on for five minutes, and then you rinse your mouth with a little warm water and a pinch of baking, so so to added to it, and you'll see a brightness in your teeth, because it helps clean the stains off your teeth, so if you have a big event coming up or a high school reunion or a birthday or whatever, and you don't have time to go to a dentist to have your teeth white, and this is a simple natural remedy that you can use that and most people can find strawberries, you're around and they're at mother's market and is so amazing because you think strawberries, we're gonna stay in your teeth, but that is an excellent natural advice. I love it.
We're talking about massaging your teeth with the strawberries, but let's move right along and talk about a mini massage... Oh, I love massage.
Now, that is one way to boost your immune system by doing full body massages, but if you don't have time or it costs too much for you, you can give yourself a mini-massage and it's a Mediterranean secret for restoring vitality.
So I know Kim, you're aware of extra virgin Ali oil, and it's great for us in salad dressings, but if you combine one tablespoon of this oil with three to four drops of the essential peppermint oil and massage that into your feet, you'll be saying, Ah, 'cause it makes you feel so good. Better yet, if you can have someone massage your feet, that will even feel better, and what I often do is I always keep a small bottle of the essential oil of peppermint in the shower, and I'll sprinkle two to three drops on the shower floor, and then I turn on the water and your entire shower smells like peppermint, and it's like you're taking a shower in a spa, and it smells great, and it will energize you... Oh my goodness. Who would have thought about that? That's excellent. And it's like going to a professional spot... Nice. I love the fact that it's peppermint oil and you're just filled with wonderful ideas. That's why you do what you do.
So reading ahead, lavra, how can live help us?
Definitely, you wanna keep an Olivera plant right there in your kitchen window sill because... And if you say to me, Kim, you don't have a green thumb. You don't need a green thumb to grow Alvar, it requires no care beyond maybe weekly watering. In my private practice, people come to me for whatever, ALS them, from simple things like maybe a bee bite or ear infection to life-threatening illnesses, and I recommend what to use, that's more natural, and you can use Alabama for anything from itching or inflamed skin or hem rights or a minor cut or wound or bug bites, even a thick sunburn or any kind of Eric irritated skin condition, and Kim, here's all you do, you snip off a thick leaf and you slit it open and you scoop out the gel from the inner leaf and you apply it to the infected area and it's one of nature's miracles lever, the plant doesn't cost that much, it will grow year round, and you should always keep one in your kitchen window sill, even if you burn yourself on the stove, it's an excellent natural remedy and has many more uses than I've even described here.
Well, more. Excellent advice. Thank you. Moving right along, doctor, what can help our aching creaking arthritic joints?
Well, two things I would recommend. One would be turmeric.
Now, many people say turmeric, but it's turmeric, and it's that yellow gold spice that you find in curry that's used often in Indian Asia, but it's one of the best anti-inflammatories on planet Earth, and I know you can buy it in capsule form or in liquid extract at mother's market and kitchen. And so not only does it lower cholesterol and blood pressure, but it helps take away inflammation in your body, so when people come to see me in my private practice and they say they have a joints and arthritis, turmeric is one of the first things I'll recommend. But I also recommend for ache Arthur joints, cherries doesn't matter if they're fresh or frozen cherries, you know it's a delicious vitamin pack fruit, but studies show that it actually relieves arthritic pain and often better than aspirin or ibuprofen, long a folk remedy for gout cherries. Now have scientific proof of their pain prevention powers, there was a study I read just recently done at Michigan State University, and I found that there's a substance and cherries that stops the production of chemicals that cause inflammation and pain, and the sign to say that cherries relieve arthritic pain as well as are often better than all those over-the-counter drugs, and what need as a bowl of about 20 shares, it doesn't matter if they're fresh or frozen, you want 20 a day, especially if you have about without... Which many people do, because that's enough to neutralize the aces and the swelling to, but with no stomach upset or other side effects, there was a later study I read that on people in California that reported the same pain relief using cherries.
Another reason cherries are good for you is they help regulate the level of the hormone melatonin in your body, so if you do a lot of traveling, like I do when you cross over different time zones, I always take cherries with me, and if I can't find them fresh, I might take dried shares 'cause you wanna eat lots of cherries before you fly, after you fly, and when you arrive for the next two to three days to get your body back to the normal sleep cycle.
Wow, it sounds excellent. Okay, once again, very interesting information, and Susan knows how to put it all together, we're talking about food always, it makes us hungry and at least now we can feel better too, more information on what foods can make us look and feel better in just a moment, but first, we're gonna take a quick break more with Dr. Susan Smith-Jones, don't go away, we'll be right back for. And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the podcast from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now, back to our interview with Dr. Susan Smith-Jones, and we're talking about how food can give us more energy and make us look and feel better, is there anything we can do to help us eat less...
Oh, you bet there is... And it's a space, I know you're familiar with him, and it's called Kian, actually, any hot peppers or cyan powder will help you lose weight.
Now, we all know it's a popular ingredient in Southwest cooking, chillies or hot peppers, they add spice and interest to many foods, but they're also... You might not know this, there are three prong attack against obesity first, when you eat chilli peppers or cyan Pepper fights food cravings. Some experts now know through scientific studies that eating sharp tasting foods like hot peppers or pickles or even space tomato juice can overwhelm your taste buds and cut off your food cravings.
Secondly, when you eat Kian pepper, it may help you eat less, and you might appreciate the study, it was done in the Netherlands, and they gave a large group of men about 09 grams of cyan pepper either as a pill or mixed in tomato juice beverage, and then picture this, 30 minutes later, they turn these men loose and then all you could eat buffet, and compared with the men who were given the placebo, the men who had the chili pepper reduced their food intake by up to 16%.
And that's why if I go to a big holiday dinner or a big family meal, I'll take one to two capsules of cayenne pepper before I go eat, because it will help me eat less, it will burn more calories out... I'll talk to you about in a moment, and it will reduce my food intake, and one other tip is it actually requires energy to eat chilli peppers, probably came... You've experienced eating something hot and spicy, and you can feel your stomach getting warm and your skin maybe even beginning to preside, and that's because when you eat these hot spicy foods, it burns calories to eat them. In fact, Kani called a thermo spice, which means it increases the metabolism in your body, and you may not always want everything to taste like cyan pepper, so you don't wanna put cyan pepper on everything, but if you know you're going to do a big holiday Miller family dinner, and you might have a couple of servings of dessert, it's a good idea to have some extra chilly powder or cyan pepper, take it before or during in capsule form during the dessert, and you will burn more calories as a result, and here's one other little tip since I'm really big into exercise, if you take 30 minutes before you work out one to two capsules of cyan pepper, it will help you burn more calories during your workout.
Now, if you really are strong, you could put a quarter to a half a teaspoon, maybe that's a little too much, you wanna start off smaller, but you can put the powder into a glass of water or juice and drink it down. But for those people that can't quite stomach that, you can take it in capsule form, a great thing to do if you wanna burn more calories during your exercise session, talk about turn and burn, and who doesn't wanna do that for our workouts and... Perfect timing. Because it is a new year, isn't it?
Well, what benefits does cinnamon have?
Oh, but Kim, I could talk for hours on cinnamon just by itself. If you want more balance in your body, you wanna team up with cinnamon, see most people love the taste of cinnamon, I'm definitely one of them, and it's fragrance conjures up thoughts of the holidays and special treats for the taste bud and it's... I don't know if you're aware of this, but it's an ancient spice that's obtained from the dried bark of two Asian evergreens, and it's a comment Ive, and that means that it relieves gas and bloating, but it's also an anti-inflammatory and its anti-aging. And it also helps to balance out your blood sugar level, 'cause if you add cinnamon food sprinkling, smoothies are on top of oatmeal or toast, and especially the sugary ones, it helps normalize the blood sugar by making insulin more sensitive, and that's because it has a compound in an active ingredient called method Roxy Cal con polymer or M HCP for short, and that means that this compound increases the process of blood sugar by 2000% or 20 fold, so in other words, just using cinnamon and tiny amounts, even sprinkled on desserts makes your insulin more efficient. And Kim, me also add the cloves, turmeric and bay leaves also work to help balance out your blood sugar, but they're a lot weaker than cinnamon. In the last few years, there have been numerous studies on cinnamon and how beneficial it is for your body, and if you're one of the rare people in America and in Orange County that don't like Cinnamon, and then you can take it in capsule form and reap the benefits that way. In fact, if anybody listening is diabetic or pre-diabetic, you definitely wanna add cinnamon to your diet, I've been hearing you talk about cinnamon, so it is really, truly a wonder space.
Can you talk about the healing agent that dates back to Biblical times, apple cider vinegar is dated back to Biblical times, in fact, it was hypocrites over 2400 years ago, known as the Greek father of medicine, who relied on opposite Venice as a standard remedy. And if you look at the scientific literature, it shows how good raw apple cider vinegar, which is rich in enzymes and potassium, has been found to help relieve high blood pressure obesity, diabetes, acid reflux, achy joints, allergies, sore throats and other conditions. In fact, if someone comes to see me for arthritis Serai joints, I'll usually recommend ginger, ginger, turmeric, and of course, apple cider vinegar, but here's what's really important to understand, there's a big difference between raw organic, unfiltered and un-distilled apple cider vinegar sold primarily in health food stores like Mother's market and kitchen, and then that white distilled clear vinegar that turns up on grocery shelves because this latter lacks the mother of the vinegar and the cloudy sediment that proponents say contains most of those health-promoting enzymes and good bacteria. Minerals and other nutrients. Is what you wanna get. It might not have the... I appeal to the general public. It looks a little cloudy and like it has sediment in it, but you want the raw apple cider vinegar, but here's a little caveat I wanna say about rioted or vinegar while it's great to take... And you might do what I do, I take one to two table spoons in an eight-ounce glass of water and I sip it slowly, I don't hug it, some people like a little sweetener in it. But apple cider vinegar is very CIC and it can damage the tooth enamel as well as the tissues in your throat and in your mouth, so if you take episode of vinegar, you wanna make sure you rinse your mouth out with water after drinking it. So we use that one very sparingly.
So I wanna know the answer to this next question. What foods help with the aging process?
Well, here's a humble dried fruit, in fact, I always say for this one, that you can fight Father Time with his humble dried fruit and with a new name and a new image, the dried Plum. But I know, Kim, you know it as the prune, it's now been proven to fight the diseases of aging, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, and arthritis, Osteoporosis cancer, and... Yes, of course, constipation, but in a study I read not long ago from Tufts University, researchers discovered that this wrinkled wonder contains more than twice as many antioxidants has the next highest food, the reason... But a study also done at Oklahoma State, scientists found that this fruit actually restores bone density after losses had occurred, plus it has the same cancer-fighting components as apples. Great fruit and oranges.
So here's what I do, I eat them out of hand, I cut them up, put them into grain dishes and methods and breads, and I often re-hydrate them, I'll just put them in a bull, put hot water on and let them plump up again, and I put them into the blender and add smoothies is a natural thicker and a taste enhancer, and you can also put this pure into bake goods to help keep the bake goods really moist, so make friends again with that wonderful dried Plum or the prone. So I will definitely make friends with the dried Plum known as the prom. Thank you very much. Alright, so what foods give us more energy and other question, I am looking for an answer to one of the best foods, not only him for more energy, but also to revitalize every one of the 70 trillion cells in your body would be sprouts. If you want more energy and you wanna look younger quickly, I encourage you to make sprouts at home, my grandmother taught me how to grow sprouts, and if you came into my kitchen right now, you'd probably see about eight different types of sprouts growing from alfalfa, red clover to lent to broccoli sprouts and many others, it takes a few inches of space in your kitchen, and it takes about five to six minutes spread out over three to four days, and it cost only pennies, and these remarkable gifts of nature are pure, fresh, nutrient-rich and alive with their vital force in tech.
Now, if you're into rathod and you're listening to this program, you're already aware of sprouts and how they're good for you, but if you're not into eating Roth foods and you've never had spreads, you definitely wanna add them to your diet, they're the cornerstone of my wellness program. And you start with a small dry seed, you add a little warm water and air, fresh water, and you watch his life emerges as if by magic, and from a dormant seed to get a beautiful sprout that is more nutritious than the seed was. And there's lots of information in my Beautiful four color, and there's lots of information about growing sprouts, A to see everything you need to know in my full color recipe book called recipes for health lists, and you can find out more about that book, and also how to grow sprouts right on my website. Susan Smith-Jones dot com, perfect way to end the show. And so much, great information. Once again, thank you very much for your time, Susan, and we look forward to having you on again. In the meantime, you can get more information on Susan and on her website, Susan Smith Jones dot com, learn more about her and even pick up one of her amazing books, we look forward to our next visit.
Thank you, Kim. I enjoy being with you and I look forward to being back with you again.
Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show, and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition, A