Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Dr. Michael Grossman. In this episode, we’ll discover the fountain of youth with some help from an expert on the aging process, Dr. Michael Grossman, of Irvine based BodyLogicMD.
In Search of The Fountain of Youth
In Search of The Fountain of Youth
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Dr. Michael Grossman. In this episode, we’ll discover the fountain of youth with some help from an expert on the aging process, Dr. Michael Grossman, of Irvine based BodyLogicMD.
In Search of The Fountain of Youth
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest Dr. Michael Grossman. In this episode, we’ll discover the fountain of youth with some help from an expert on the aging process, Dr. Michael Grossman, of Irvine based BodyLogicMD.
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Hello, Latimer Le King and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we're going to uncover the fountain of youth, and what better way to learn how we can slow the aging process, then to talk with local expert, Dr. Michael Grossman plus, we'll tell you what's happening around town and give you a chance to win a 100 gift card, so listen carefully to the cohort this week, but first up, it's time to discuss another issue that affects each of us, and that's the aging process... Oh, that's so much fun. There's so many facets to this topic, including menopause and Andrew pause... Well, fortunately, we have an expert when it comes to anti-aging, and that is Dr. Michael Grossman, Dr. Grossman is the owner and operator of body logic, MD and Irvine. He's a graduate of New York University School of Medicine, and a diplomat of the American Board of anti-aging and regenerative medicine. He's been in private practice since 1978, he is the author of the vitality connection, 10 practical ways to optimize health and reverse the aging process. We welcome on to him to the mother's market radio show, Dr. Grossman, how are you?
Great, nice to be here with you.
Thank you for being here and we want you to tell us a little bit about your work before you get to today's topic, so as an anti-aging Doctor, I look at How can I make people healthier and make them more useful, and that wolves looking at whole life situation, both from their lifestyle, of their sleeping patterns, their exercise patterns, their eating patterns, looking at their nutritional health and balances, and looking at their home on balances as we get older, our home ones change, and so we need to keep them at youthful level, so we look at the whole situation. I usually spend an hour and 15 minutes with most do patients, and that's kind of what I do for people. Now, we're talking about aging. Some things we can expect and happen as we age, you are an expert when it comes to regenerative medicine. Exactly what is that? Regenerative medicine is a newer specialty, which is developed in the last 15 years, out of the research that comes from what it takes to be youthful and understanding more and more of why we get old, it is not necessary that we get old, but it seems that people do that. And there's so much new research that's come out as to how we can prevent it, so this is a preventive specialty, which now allows us to manipulate people's physiology through diet, through replacement of hormones, through various supplements and nutrients, and soon to be injections of stem cells and other various technologies which allow people to stay young, even though they're getting older... Absolutely. Now, this is all preventative, and you've been an expert in this for a long time. What has changed in the last 30 years?
Well, when I was in medical school, 1970s, if someone came in to the doctor and had bones of a 80-year-old and they were 80 years old, we would have told them, Don't worry about it, you'll probably break your bones in the next year or two, and you might die, 50% of the people will die from it, but don't worry, everyone does it.
Now we have a different attitude among physicians that, Oh, your bones are 80-year-old bones and your 80... That's terrible. We have to make them younger like a young person because you're likely to die, and we have all these technologies to make your bones younger.
Well, that same approach has now filtered through so many areas of our health, that if you come in to the office and you're 60 years old, and you have the physiology of a 60-year-old, I say, Oh my gosh, you're getting old. Let's do something and let's make you more youthful again, so that's a whole new approach, a whole new technology, it still is not accepted by all physicians, but the technology is there, and it's a matter of whether people want to do it and whether they're willing to follow the recommendations that will allow them to feel and to be more youthful.
What causes aging?
So aging has many different causes, some of the causes are injury to the DNA, which can cause skin cancer and your skin getting old and wrinkled from sun damage, which is a DNA injury, the DNA get injured inside the body, it's kind of like a rusting effect, like if you leave your car out in the hot sun for a couple of years, it comes all hot, all the leather and SID gets tough and they start cracking, that's an aging effect from oxidation, and if the body can't repair oxidative injuries... That's part of the aging process.
We have other issues of aging that involve hormones as we get older, for some unknown reason, home-on levels go down, mostly there are some hormones that we don't wanna go up that go up, most of the home ones are going down, and that is a big problem for aging, and that can be easily reversed, and I spend probably most of my time reverse in hormones and... What is a hormone? Hoon is a messenger. So hormones are little substances or chemicals in the body that tiny amounts of it send a message to another part of the body to do something, so the brain will send a message or a grand... Send a message, or the intestines will send a message and just a little tiny bit of it has a huge effect on the physiology, and there are hormones that control many things in the body, we know about the female and male hormones, the steroid hormones or sex home moms, we have home moms that are like thyroid that controls metabolism, there are hormones that control the adrenal glands, that control energy, there are many different kinds of hormones that do different things in the physiology, and most of these get lower and lower and lower as we get older... And I don't mean interrupt you, but are there typically an age that this happens around, or is there a target... Some of the hormones are age-related, so some of the hormones, it's a very straight relationship, the old you are, the lower it gets, so that would be the DHEA is a home one made by the adrenal glands that just seems to get less as you get older.
We have hormones for men, testosterone just gradually goes down lower and lower, the old you get... It gradually gets less and less.
We have growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland or actually gets less unless the old... You get... There are other home owns that suddenly get less, like in menopause, the female home ones, estrogen progesterone can pretty dramatically get less in just a year or two, when people going to menopause... That varies a lot. megaman, when you're 38 mayonnaise, when you're 55, it depends upon your family genetics, I was gonna talk to you about a menopause... What is menopause? And you're talking a little bit about starting that process of menopause, the change of life, menopause is what affects women where suddenly the ovaries are not making enough hormones now, when I say suddenly, it could be over a period of years, it could be over five or seven years, but it could also be over six months where when you don't make enough arena, progesterone, you start getting symptoms. For most women, they lose progesterone first and they get irritability before their periods, they don't sleep good, they feel kind of unhappy, sad, depressed, and that's the first part of menopause, then the estrogen levels go down and then you get hot flushes, night sweats, and you get moods mood swings, irritability, increasing, and that's what happens in female menopause, those two are the main hormones, but testosterone is a fact or two for women, they lose their testosterone also, and that effects... And all these menopausal hormones also affect the brain, and then how do you... I guess... How do you treat that? What do women take from that... Menopause will is a very controversial area in the past, and in the year 2003, big study 20000 women showed that the synthetic hormones and animal-based hormones were causing cancer and heart disease and they stopped the study, and then all the doctors said, Oh, we can use hormones anymore, but women was suffering terribly, and the bio-identical hormones, which are just the natural hormones that are in the women's body can replaced, but there's no patent on them, so the drug companies don't make a lot of money on these things, and there's studies show when you use them topically, you get less hot disease and less cancer, then you did nothing unlike the other hormones, we get more cancer in Walmart disease than if you did nothing, so we like using them topically for the most part, estrogen progesterone, you have options. Testosterone, we like using a topically and these have dramatic improvements for people, and they really start reversing a lot of the aging process, both for the body and also for the brain, so it's sort of a great debate at this point in time, but it's still showing some of the debate is going away, because the research is so obvious, the drug companies aren't quite so happy about it going away, but it's going away...
Oh, good. Or that's good news. Estrogen in women, then it affects more than just the female organs, progesterone, I guess that's also a progesterone versus estrogens.
Progesterone is the natural hormone, progestins and are synthetic rejections, their like progesterone, but they're much more potent and cause all these side effects, so when we use a natural progesterone, we don't get those side effects, you get only good long-term side effects, you get less cancer unless heart disease.
So there's a lot of time confusion because the drug companies use the term progesterone for these synthetics... That is not progesterone. Okay, and thank you for clarifying. 'cause that has been a little bit confusing.
I do wanna talk some very interesting information, Dr. Grossman, we are gonna take a break right now, but we'll take a quick break when we return, we will get some more thoughts on how we can age gracefully.
We will be right back. Welcome back to the mother's market radio show, and we wanna take the time to remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can download the podcast from our website, mother's market dot com, click on the link for a radio podcast to listen to our past shows, plus you can always download our Healthy Recipes and mousavi GS coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Dr. Michael Grossman, we're talking about aging.
So, Dr. Grossman, we were about estrogen. How does it affect more than just the female organs, so estrogen as well as progesterone have many effects throughout the physiology, we used to think it just affected the female organs, the breast, the uterus, ovaries, but in fact, there are receptors all over the human body that have effects in the brain, particularly the brain of a woman is very responsive to estrogen and progesterone, when women don't have balanced amounts of TRNA progesterone, it affects their mood, it affects their memory and affects their ability to think.
So all those things are very important.
So when women go into menopause, it's not just, You know, you lost your sexual functioning as you're losing your brain functioning, and of course, we know that estrogens are very important for bone strength. So these are just some of the examples. There's really many hundreds of effects that estrogen and progesterone have on the physiology about how can we correct the loss of hormones at the hormones as we age as well, so correcting the loss of hormones, most of the home ones are going lower the estrone... Progesterone testosterone go lower, the DHEA, which is an adrenal gland hormone, go lower that we replace usually by topical creams, sometimes would do injections or pallets, sometimes we'll use other methods, sublingual, but the replacement has to be measured. We usually do saliva tests to measure your hormone levels, and once we see where they are, we know how to replace them, and then once we give them to you, we see how much is your body absorbing and we regulate... And we try to get you back to where you were when you were 35 or 40 years of age. We don't want you to go back to when you were 16, 'cause then you're a little bit crazy with hormones there, we just wanna make you normal with home moms, like the 35... Okay, I can see that. What we're talking about that... What about herbs and hormones and nutrition is this is how you regulate that with... There are a lot of herbs that can be very helpful for the physiology, so we use herbs a lot to balance the physiology, and herbs are gentle, but they have very few long-term side effects, and so we use herbs a lot to balance the adrenal glands, we use herbs that could be very helpful for many menopausal symptoms, for helping mood, helping sleeping, sleep is very important for people to be functioning in a healthy way, so we have many different approaches, nutritionally, there are so many different nutrients that we will replace as we get older like coq 10 and many other nutrients we don't make in the body like we did when we were more youthful, and you need that replace so that you can feel more youthful.
You mentioned COC 10, what other kind of herbs would you be using for that?
Coke 10 is actually a nutrient, not a aches, we used many herbs like Kiko, Ashland, licorice, these are all herbs that support the adrenal glands that give people more energy, we use a lot of different herbs that can be helpful for the gastrointestinal track to bring that back into health, there's many different herbs we used to help the brain, to help you to think more clearly, so there's a variety of different kinds of herbs that can do different sorts of things, depending upon what the person's situation is and what they need to balance, but herbs I've been around for thousands of years, and we kind of know most of the effects of the herbs, and if you use high quality herbs, you get great effects, if you don't, you get poor effects.
What other ways can we stay youthful?
Staying useful. It's a whole balancing act, and we have many areas of our life situation, stress is very important, we have to keep stress levels down, there's so many studies showing that stress makes us get older, it was just an article in newspaper saying that people work with loud noises die younger.
We know that nurses and doctors who have weird schedules on and off and don't sleep well, they die younger, stress is a big issue, that's the one home on, it goes up, the older we get is to stress hormones, the cortisol homes, we wanna have a balanced amount of stress, so often I teach classes on meditation and spirituality, changing our attitudes so that we don't get angry, we don't get resentful, and we actually begin to dissolve those things, very important.
So I do a lot of lectures and counseling on that, meditation, very important, people can learn to close their eyes and feel peaceful and relaxed when we're in a busy life like we are now, everyone's running around, so business, you need to have that ability to calm down and reverse all the stress and just feel peaceful. And that's something that people can learn. I do classes once a month in line hills at leisure world where I teach people that, and that's a very important part of staying young, then of course, we have the whole exercise, exercise in a balanced way is great, people can get all by exercising too much. You wear out your needs, you wear out your hips, you don't wanna exercise eight hours a day, the body is not gonna hold up over 20, 30, 40 years of doing that, you wanna have a balanced amount of exercise and you want to do... Excise that produce stress, feel.
So all these things are factors that are very important in reversing aging and staying healthy, and then the last thing I had is you gotta look at your relationships, my wife's a marriage counselor, and she deals with marriages and relationships, that's very important for people to stay youthful because if you're upset and angry and your intimate relationships, that's gonna make you old, and so that's something that you can ignore, man, it's more stress.
That's right, right, right. Imagine too, with all the electronics these days, maybe take time to turn that off as well and not be so connected in that regard, is complexity, isn't it? Right, right.
Click, I wanna also ask you a little bit about Andreas, and how does that compare to menopause? That's something that we don't often hear about.
So the anger is the male equivalent of menopause, and for men as they get older, it slowly diminishing the effects of having testosterone 'cause the levels are going down and down and down, so a man who's 70 has a lot less to stop when the man was 50 and a lot less than a man who's 30, you see the elite athletes, they go to 35, they're over the hill already it... They can't do it. You can have the quarterback and play when he's a little older 'cause he doesn't have to run too much and do too much, just throw the ball, but the other people, you can't play when they're 40 for men, when they lose testosterone, not only do I... His muscle mass and muscle strength, but they get a little fatter and they tend to develop more likely to getting diabetes, they... More likely of getting hot disease, but they also have effect on their mood and on their brain functioning. Their mood tends to go down. They get some like depressed, less enthusiastic about life, they lose energy, enthusiasm, and they lose sexual functioning, but most importantly, they lose brain, their brain doesn't stay shop and youthful, they can't think clearly, they can solve problems as well. We can replace teaspoon a man in a variety of topical ways that are very safe by injections, pellets or creams, we don't recommend using tablets because you get more medical problems when you use tables, we don't use tablets.
So that's the difference more or less between men and women.
Okay, this really interesting information, so it's kind of the same type of a situation between that synthetic and that animal hormones that you find with them and and the women that we discussed a little bit earlier.
That's correct.
You only wanna use the natural testosterone 'cause the synthetics have been around for years and they cause all kinds of problems, fascinating information, and it's true that that stress is a huge factor in the aging as well, and that the time to kind of get back to the basics and I slow down and get enough sleep and take time to de-stress a bit and take a deep breath and find out about each other as well.
Interesting information, thank you very much for your time, Dr. Grossman also, I wanna point out again, the name of your book that we discussed earlier... You wanna talk a little bit about that?
Yes, it's called the vitality connection, 10 practical ways to optimize health and reverse the aging process. It has 10 chapters. Each chapter is complete of itself, so there are three chapters on nutrition and diet, there's three chapters on cooking and shopping, his chapters on dealing with fatigue, dealing with the gastrointestinal immune system upsets, and there's another chapter on exercise, so in all... There are ten chapters, and it's really a very easy readable book that will guide people through reversing the aging process.
Wonderful and amazing. wonderful information, thank you very much for your time, Dr. Grossman and some great advice. We really appreciate your knowledge and we look forward to having you on again, and in the meantime, you can get more information on Dr. Grossman on his website, body logic, md dot com, learn more about his approach, see all of the great things he's involved with and maybe pick up his book, we look forward to our next visit.
We're moving through this week's mother's market radio show with staying with us. Next step, we'll find out what's going on around town. And give you a chance to win that 100 gift card.
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