Host Kimberly King joins Dr. Mark Kaylor to discuss Immune Health! We’re right in the middle of cold and flu season, so it’s important to keep your immune system in top shape, so listen in to find out how. Dr Kaylor has been involved in the natural products industry for over 30 years and we welcome him back to the show. Tune in!

Immune Health
Immune Health
Host Kimberly King joins Dr. Mark Kaylor to discuss Immune Health! We're right in the middle of cold and flu season, so it's important to keep your immune system in top shape, so listen in to find out how. Dr Kaylor has been involved in the natural products industry for over 30 years and we welcome him back to the show. Tune in!
Immune Health
Host Kimberly King joins Dr. Mark Kaylor to discuss Immune Health! We're right in the middle of cold and flu season, so it's important to keep your immune system in top shape, so listen in to find out how. Dr Kaylor has been involved in the natural products industry for over 30 years and we welcome him back to the show. Tune in!
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, it's the cold and flu season, so it's a great time to take preventative measures and strengthen your immune system, so listen closely and find out how to stay healthy.
Plus later will tell you what's going on around town, but first up, Dr. Mark Kale has been involved in the natural products industry for well over 30 years, including retail manufacturing, formulating in private practice, he studied a variety of traditional healing approaches, including eastern and western herbalism, naturopathy, nutrition and shamanism, marking is an eclectic perspective to the conversation with an emphasis on education and a truly holistic orientation, and we welcome him back to the mother's market radio show.
Mark, how are you?
I'm doing really well. One slight adjustment here, I hate to date myself, but it's now been 40 years, so... My goodness. Shame on it, and just turn 60. and hopefully going strong.
Well, you look fabulous that... Thanks for what you think.
So is everybody else here is... I don't know, I don't leave anybody out.
We don't you fill our audience a little bit on you and your mission and your work before we get to today's show topic.
Sure, well, actually what I've been doing in the last few years, I started a non-profit called radiant health project. And the whole idea was to try to move the conversation away from the disease orientation that we have today, the focus on symptoms on things breaking, and even moved away a little bit from the prevention pathway, so we're really not talking about diseases, so we're talking about health it's interesting that we say health and healing, but for most of us when we say that, we're really just talking healing, we're not talking health, and I really wanna talk about health and something even more than what I call radiant health, and the basic idea is to be the best you you can be.
I like to fulfill your potential, fulfill what you're capable doing, and I strongly believe in having now worked with clients for close to 40 years, we tend to walk around, I think, in a certain state of a fault, not really being the best we can be mentally physically in things.
So the idea is to try to move the conversation away from that and basically help everybody get better... Good for you. I love that and I love you're always so positive. So we'll keep this conversation going with today we are talking about immune health and radiant health, so you just came out with a... We just came out with a really bad cold and flu season, especially, I'm from San Diego, but seven California specifically. Can we do anything to increase our odds that we don't get hit like that again?
Yeah, obviously, there's some obvious things we can do, and the basic point is, take care of your health now, don't wait for cold and flu season to get sick, and this kind of ties into the radiant health them, people start paying attention when the symptom starts showing up, don't wait for cancer to develop in the body, act preventative-ly, don't wait for heart disease to happen in the body at preventative-ly, so get proactive, start assuming responsibility for your health. I think those are really key points in the process, and I think they're too big dietary biggies, so to speak, on is the ETA plant-based diet, and that doesn't mean a vegetarian diet, it just means Build your meals around plans, you can have fish, chicken, red meat whatever you want, but that should be the smaller part of the meal, the bigger part of the meal really should be whatever plans do you prefer to eat and things... And sometimes this is the hardest one for everybody is eliminate sugar and refined carbohydrates, I think these things are legitimately drugs, they act like drugs in the body, they layout the same pathway that cocaine does in the body, so the best we can do in limit those... I think there's no reason for an hour diet, we don't need it, so get rid of it, develop a better relationship with stress. Stress is not something that comes from the outside. Stress is actually something that comes from the inside, is how you respond to things, and the example I use is if you're sitting in traffic here in Southern California, a common occurrence, you're having a great day, you're sitting in traffic and you grew into the tones, other days you're not having a great day or sit in the exact same traffic, moving the exact same speed, and you're cussing and banging on the stringent, your blood pressure is up and all those types of things, so learn to respond to stress in a better way, and then last thing I mentioned, we just move, our bodies were made to move, it doesn't have to be intensive active programs, I think walking is one of the best things you can do for the human body. We just need to get up and move. Even if you're in a sedentary job every 20-30 minutes, just get up and stand up for a little while, walk to the water cooler or go to the bathroom and walk outside, take a breath, come back in, you know, whatever you need to do, and then take a long-term immunity, something that's gonna activate and build the immune system of the long run, something like the immune health basics product.
That's great. Those are great tips. And so, thank you, and you make it sound so easy, but I love that I do a company of those things are you doing now?
I try to, especially with the traffic that crank up the tunes and you know what? Just have fun with it. You mentioned the product called immune health basics. What exactly is this product... Yeah, this is a beta glue can product, a term that's widely used, certainly in the natural products industry, but it's a very special beta lucan that comes from a particular type of Baker's ease, and what it does, it basically binds to certain immune cells, and it called neutrophils and neutrophils are the immune cells that we have more of than any other type of immune cell, so roughly 60% to 80% of our immune cells are these neutrophils, so it binds to them and activate them, and it basically can wake them up and put them on alert, and the analogy there would be like If you have troops, if they're in the barracks and they're in tucking their beds and everybody's wearing the skies or whatever, something comes along, you're in trouble, but if they're out and they're on a word ready to go, the response is better and stronger, and it's the same thing for the immune system, you wake up, the immune system, you put it on a war, you get it going, so it can be more quick to respond to things, and the research shows that it is more quickly responding that way, it increases appetite immune cells, so that our new cells eat or destroy more pathogens, it enhances a variety of the immune system that we call attack mechanisms, things called phagocytosis, chemo, taxes, oxidative bursts.
Basically, these are way the immune system attacks, viruses are back there, or even cancer cells, it enhances migration to the site where the infection may be, and that may not sound like a important thing, but if you have an infection in your finger to Nueces and your big toe aren't doing a lot of good. So you wanna get those muscles where they need to go in in a Santa inflammatory... And we know certainly inflammation is a major contributor diversity, all chronic diseases and a part of a lot of other diseases, so it brings up really a wide range of actions and activities that enhance and prepare the immune system do its job, and is this taken as a capsule, and you take it every day, or how is this a... It's a capsule, you can take it and you should take it every day. The idea is that we talked about cold and flu season, so many people, and you in the natural autos industry, colle products, the immune products jump in sales significantly during the fall and winter, but really need to be taking these things 365 times, and there's always viruses and bacteria out there, our body is always the lignin cells, it's always dealing with the turn turnover of just regular metabolism, we know they're more antibody can drug-resistant bugs out there that we have to deal with, so I think it really behooves us to be attentive to this on a year-round basis, and it's just one, you know, one a day is all you really need in... Okay, what about all the various and numerous products that we have available for us supporting our immune health, but... Why did you pick this? immune health, this basics, this product.
Yeah, there are certainly lots of different products out there that you can choose Wellman, and it's not to say that these are all bad, but I think there's some things that are particular about this, the fact that it primes the immune system... That it's not stimulating the immune system. You don't have to worry about over-stimulation, and you can take any aspect of the body, take your hearing, Take your smell, whatever... The example I use is, if you go to New York City, you get there and you're a mom parted with it, you're constantly stimulated, and what ends up happening after you there for a week or two... You don't hear it anymore.
That's Chatham with our immune system happens every part of a body, constant stimulation will eventually turn... The body will shut it down, it needs louder stimulation to get the attention, and the same thing is with immune system, you don't wanna stimulate on a day-to-day basis, you basically wanna activate it, warm it up, get it ready to go when it needs to go, here, then kick it in the gear, even though there may not be anything to do at that point in time, this makes it say for people with autoimmune disorders, obviously, you don't wanna over-stemming the immune system, then the second thing I really like about a particular... From a practitioner point of view, and the fact that I use these things myself, is this back by 300 million in research, and that's really unheard of for virtually any natural product, and I know of in our industry and things... There are over 15 double-blind placebo controlled studies or just upper respiratory tactician infections alone. And because of this research and Nicki about it is what the research was performed on as the exact same product you get when you buy it in the store, and that's really key, 'cause there's research on Acacia, but the condition of the research may be very different from the CASA you buy on the shelf and thing, so getting the actual product makes a big difference, and as we just mentioned, one a day... That's nice. I take a ton of supplements, my kitchen looks like a supplement store, so if there's a product like an add to the mix, it's gonna support my immune system. That's just one a day. That's great. And I also like the fact that it works preventative-ly, I'm a big baby. When I get sick, I don't deny it. So anything I can do not to get sick, and my wife is very happy that I'm on the prevention path as well, 'cause she doesn't like dealing with me when I'm annoyed at... You can admit it that...
Yeah, I really admit it. I'm coming out of the closet with being a big baby when I'm sick, so you said, we should also be aware of the beta Lukens label. So why is this a medical against is a really broadly used term, it's really a chemical Classification, most people associate a Melba lucan with immune system, but the reality is some beta who can suppress the immune system, some beta Lucas that we find like an oat are good for the cardiovascular system.
So it's all about the right beta, lucan, the right size, the right safe, the right structure, and when I use a Vatican, I love for Beauce that has been clinically confirmed to do what we say it's gonna do, it's nice to make all these claims and things... Just because it has a beta Goans and one company can say, I got more beta lucan and anybody else, and I kinda go, So what, you know, show me the clinical research showing that your begun do what works, say What's gonna do... In this regard, in un-health basic stands out because of all the clinical research supporting it and human clinicals, I should add, these are human studies that have been done, I'm glad you pointed that on.
So you mentioned immune health basics for cold and flu prevention, but do we need to be taking this or other men products here?
Absolutely, I think immune support is a 24-hour a day, 365 days a year, your body is constantly being tax, no matter what room you're in, there's things that are off-gassing, no matter how cleanly you eat, there are still things on that food that probably needs to be dealt with an immune system, we have heavy metals everywhere, again, we always have bacteria, viruses, and places that you don't think the keyboard on our computers is considered to be one of the dirtiest places that we come across a dirty or then that Torts of all things. So our body is constantly working, and the simple fact is that immune health really is health overall, so for your body to be healthy, your immune system needs to be healthy, cardiovascular health is dependent upon immune health, immune function, brain health, we've seen increases in neurodegenerative disorders, very important to have an active and healthy immune system in our brain doing its job and in that regard, so virtually every system in our body is dependent upon the immune system for maintenance, for overall health and vitality, and then again, as well as dealing with all the different pathogens and a growing number of drug-resistant pathogens that we're confronted with today, so I think we need to think immune system every day, and even going back to with what you were talking about with your radiant health project, just really just making that choice to really live nightly, after use the key word there is choice, these are all things about choice, you can choose to eat that triple deck or a cheeseburger, or you can choose to have a nice salad and you want a small piece of beef or even one pad IEEE or something so health really comes down to, in many ways, the choices that we make, am I gonna get up and go for a walk, and we're gonna sit on the couch, you some bond bonds and just channel surf.
So know from other conversations that we've had that you take the holistic view when it comes to our health and healing, but does immune health basics, does that offer any other benefits in this regard?
Yeah, absolutely. As a kind of a research, a hole that I think I am, and coming from the holistic point of view, it's really intriguing to see something that is basically being used to study the immune system, how it works, how it prevents colds and flu, and these types of applications, and it's wonderful that these studies actually looked at other factors and other variables, so yeah, it reduced the risk of getting sick, it's shortened duration of sickness, decreased severity to decrease the number of sick days, all those things that we associate with something that benefits our immune but what surprising is they saw quality of life improvements and that's not something we normally associate with unpowered, say, Oh, I wanna take machines, I feel better overall, they do it so I can find a cold, immune health basics was shown to improve overall quality of life, it reduced for the fatigue, it reduced tension. This was a surprising one for me, it reduced confusion, so that's one of those things I would love to store biochemically, how it's doing that an increased bigger... And that's the word I actually love, it's not when we use very often be bigger, but what a wonderful word that is to have more bigger in our lives, so to improve that, and it did it with a number of folks that were under different types of stress med students, marathoner firefighters, and even us normal folks with high stress level, so just a wonderful remedy with these holistic benefits beyond just a Uber, just increasing mood and improving their overall outlook, I think.
Wonderful. Well, this is very interesting, I don't go anywhere. We're gonna be right back with Markle right now. We need to take a quick break. So we'll be right back. And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you've missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Dr. Mark Taylor, and we're talking about immune health basics. And really interesting information.
So what is some of the research that has been done using immune health basis, as I mentioned, there have been literally tens, if not hundreds of millions dollar spent on immune health basics... Unheard for a natural product. In fact, one of the best studies, I think, was a study that was done by the Canadian Defense Department, they actually looked at 300 different immune products that are in the marketplace, so they just went in the stores, bought things off of shelves and did some immune studies, and they found immune health basics was number one, and they even studied in tested I get various deadly pathogens that could be obviously quite a threat, so to have it come out number one in 300, I think it was really strong that I mentioned lots of double-blind placebo-controlled studies. One study looked at Marathon as 35 women, 35 men and 40 women aged 18 to 53. they started using the product four weeks before Marathon and there was a 67% decrease in upper respiratory track infections, and this is key because marathons are gonna tax their cardiovascular system, they're breathing really hard after that kind of exertion, they tend to be prone to cold and flu, so a significant decrease there, and they also saw the improvement and bigger and fatigue, intention, confusion and overall health.
There was another, again, double-blind Pocahontas-led study, this was done with med students, this is over the 90 days of Pee cold and flu season. So that would probably be what, December, January, February, they gave him just one 250 milligram immune health basics product, and they found there was a significant decrease in the number of days that they were sick, they were sick for last day as fewer people got sick, symptoms weren't nearly as bad, and then they looked at certain physiological measurements, there is a decrease in certain cytokines that are associated, what the body's inflammatory response to infection and things, so they saw significant improvement there, and again, those are just to a number that all really confirm the same things... And then there was a study done with allergies, again, just giving them one 250 milligram capsule a day for four weeks during an allergy season, and I think that's really key, if you do an allergy test in January and Maine, you're gonna get great results with it because it's not a big issue. At that point in time, there was a 27% reduction in allergy symptoms, 52% reduction in severity of those symptoms, 56% of them saw quality of life improvement, so there's that holistic benefit, so basically fewer symptoms lesser and feeling better overall. So those are just some of the studies that have been done that I think really indicating basics is, I think one of our best immune and overall health allies that are available to us.
So can I ask you a question about these allergies, are these more flu types of allergy symptoms or what about... The fever allergies.
Okay, these were studied with, but the immune response is virtually the same, basically, certain proteins are being recognized the body as in certain individuals, as you're not supposed to be here, and then it tends to over-react, so you know what people have hate, that's pollen that they're reacting to if they have a peanut allergy that it would be... Those things out now, you can't really do a study with the food substance like that because A peerage... You can kill you if you have hay fever. No, I've never heard of it. That passed away from hay fever, it's annoying and uncomfortable, so you can't really test those types of things, at least in humans, you can do animal tests and see improvements, but you can't really do human clinicals in that regard. And I'm kind of going back to what you were saying, so these allergies is still taking it once a day, and then the one day it works wonders and again, it's amazing that that what was used in the clinical research... And that's what I've used in my practice and my family, so it's a simple addition to our self-minor team.
That's great. What about kids? Is it safe for children to use... Yeah, absolutely. And again, the nice thing about it is they've done clinical research with children, they developed products specifically for kids, they have no products for younger individuals, they have a treble table, they have a 75 milligram, a 125 milligram for, again, lighter weight children, so they don't need to necessarily take the adult size, and you see the exact same results in the clinical trials with children that you saw with a dog's lowered risk for getting sick, shorter time actually being sick, the symptoms were less severe, reduced number of miss school days and anybody with kids that's a real blessing. What are you gonna do with the kid... They stay home. They're sick. You gotta stay home.
It just compounds everything.
So that alone to me, makes it a wonderful remedy, and then there's a reduced use of pharmaceuticals, particularly antibiotics, and that's one of the things that's interesting about it is in until basics may decrease the need for antibiotics, but if it's using conjunction with antibiotics and antibodies on actually work better as well. So it has kind of a two-prong benefit in that regard, one study cold and flu season, two-thirds of the children, state and good health throughout the cold season were in the placebo group. Only 15% of the kids stayed healthy, so a wonderful gift for kids and do specifically for children, but the nice thing about the dosing is you don't have to really over-think that because it's a very safe... It's derived from bakeries. We've been eating that for thousands of years, and our breads and stuff, and I guess you can kind of say the same thing, I'm just asking about our elderly community that maybe that can't swallow those pills. Maybe you can give them the children's dosing for that. Absolutely.
Is you on the tabs or the capitals, you can just open them up. It's a very mild case. So if you put it in a tea or a juice or something, you probably wouldn't even notice, you could even... It's heat stable to undergo, wouldn't cook it, but you could certainly sprinkle on your food and mix it in and... You wouldn't even know it's there.
Okay, good. And so you said it's from us, is it okay from someone with candida to take... That's always one of the questions you get people are systemic andesitic yeast infections, and I get that a lot with medicinal mushrooms as well, they've always been told you can't eat much rooms, you can't eat as if you have to the east infection. That's really only partially true. It's based on a book that was written 40 years, for 50 years ago. Which at the time was revolutionary. It really woke everybody up to the concern that can Deacon be... But what they found in the actual research is people with systemic and only about 30% or 40% of them are reactive to yeast, that being said, the way they extracted, they prepare the immune health basics, it's safe for people to use who have the sensitivities or ease allergies. In fact, there are some research to suggest that it actually may be beneficial to people who are suffering from cemented, it may have may boost the body is fun, will fighting actions in the system, basically by buying into the immune cells that are designed to attack specifically yeast and fungal infection. So I think it's safe to use and may actually be very beneficial to use, it's like putting it by back in your system in a sense, like it's fighting it, what you're buying against sort of Yes or you gotta remember these terms like Yes or even in terms like alcohol or beta glucose, these are broad terms. Sugars, we tend to think of sugar is that white height... There are lots of different types of sugar, some sugar boost immune system, like table sugar, certainly sarees in the system. So these are broad categories of compounds and things, how much does a person need to take for it to be effective? Yeah, and again, I mentioned, I love this fact that it's only one capsule a day and that's the therapeutic level that's just not like, Oh, let's take a lesser dose long-term, so I don't get sick in the first place. It's just one 250 milligram capsule a day. I personally think it's best to take it at night, this is my opinion, based on my understanding the human body, the reason for that is night time really is the most important time for immune system, like rest of our body. During the day, we're just trying to keep up with the day, and during the day, our immune systems just trying to get through the day, it's at night that it actually does all the hard work, it really deals with what's been built up over the day, all the metabolic ways, the minister has some learning to do so to speak.
So it's night time really when that gets involved, and again, just one 250 milligram, it's on my night stand, I just take one right before bed, it works wonders if you're in acute case, you might wanna double that one in the morning and one in the evening, but again, the research seems to indicate 250 milligrams for adult is sufficient both therapeutically and preventive, so how would people know if they're getting a benefit... Yeah, that's always a tricky thing when you talk about immune actions, you can go in and get blood tests and you can go in and measure these things, you can measure how they eat bacteria and all those types of things, but... I'm not gonna do that. You're not gonna do it. No one listening is really gonna do that, there might be one fanatic out there that is gonna go in and get lab tests on it, because it has these holistic benefits, you just might feel better and then maybe not get that cold. They're the fluid, you also see when you get... In the cold and flu season, don't get it.
And I was one of those individuals, even though I take a ton of supplements every year when the cold flu came through, I got it once a year, I got laid out with it, I'd always get hit pretty hard when I went on this broad and have been on it for a while, I went through this cold and flu season, which was one of the worst in 50 years, 10 years maybe, but I didn't get it at all. My wife works in a health store where a lot of people were coming sick, she didn't get it, she didn't bring it home. So nobody got sick.
So certainly during the season, you can measure it as in, I'm not coming down with the cold and from that everybody is, but in the long term, you really have to look at overall quality of life and the center... You gotta assume that it looks like my immune system's working because I'm not having problems issues aren't a rising, but it's a difficult thing to measure unless you're gonna do some elaborate blood tests and things... What's your opinion of the flu shot? Yeah, well, interestingly, immune basics has been shown to improve the activity of flu vaccine, so personally, I'm not necessarily a big fan of vaccines, there are compounds in there that I don't think should be injected into the human body, I can't find any rationale or any way you can explain away, taking a heavy metal and actually injecting it into a bloodstream of an individual, we know this stuff is neuro-toxic, it's just dangerous for the body, so to shoot that into somebody just makes no sense to me.
I think the research isn't quite as promising as proponents of it would like you to do, I think there are better things we can do like immune health basics, let's work with the system that are healthier than bring other benefits, but if you do get the flu vaccine taking immune health basics products may decrease the likelihood of side effects from that vaccine and it may make that vaccine work more effectively. So essentially, you're saying you both like if you were to do a Tattersall...
Okay, back that up, but I really like what you're saying is really make sure that if you're taking that immune health, that makes sure that you're taking it well in advance so that you're doing that, that you wanna get a little lead time on this, you know it sees when they've gone in and they've looked at medical practitioners, nurses and things like that, when they're forced to get the vaccines and they're serving stuff, they don't wanna get it, and I'm like, If the health practitioner is the professional, I don't wanna get this in something that we don't know a attained Cine who's around this 24 hours a day, they don't wanna get the vaccine, maybe not a good... A anathema, the canaries in the coal mine. So to speak in his... That's one of my favorite songs, by the way. Materiality also important.
Yeah, absolutely. You can't say enough about lifestyle that's important for longevity, overall health, vitality, mood, and I consider diet really to be part of lifestyle is another one of those lifestyle choices that we make, so doing the right things, getting up and moving, lowering your stress levels, practicing meditation and mindfulness, you can't say enough about the benefits medicinally and there perio meditation, whatever form or shape. Mindfulness or other types. I do Insight Meditation benefits, physiologically benefits psychologically. Certainly lower stress levels. And one of the things I do in a lecture, I teach people to breathe, as we get older, in our society, we tend to be shallow breather is upper chest breathers instead of breathing with the diaphragm and the difficult thing for people in this country, Paterno women, unfortunately is when your diaphragm... Breathe, your stomach goes out. And I'm not trying to generalize too much, but a lot of people, women in particular are very unconfirmed with the idea of letting their stomach go out in that regard, but it's a healthier deeper breath, you get a lot more oxygen in the system and you can lower your blood pressure in one to three breast once you get good at it, so it's an immediate stress reliever, a mood, improve and the long-term, certainly, I think revitalize and MUN-tonic, so next time we're stuck in traffic, take that it.
Absolutely, and you can do it anywhere. It's cheap, it's... Forms can breathe everywhere.
I love it. Thank you so very much for your time, Dr. Mark, and great advice is we really appreciate your knowledge and look forward to having you on again in the meantime, get more information, Marois website, Radiant Health Project dot com or immune health basics dot com. Learn more about his approach and his unique perspective on a healthy lifestyle. We look forward to your next visit.
Thanks, have been pleasure.
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