In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show we’ll sit down with Steve Farrar, of OM Mushrooms. Farrar is a mycologist with over 30 years experience growing mushrooms, and has a deep-rooted passion for how they can help us! Listen to find out how mushrooms can help you enjoy a new level of vibrancy and overall wellness. After you’re finished with this episode be sure to check out previous shows below!

How Mushrooms Can Help You Enjoy a New Level of Vibrancy
How Mushrooms Can Help You Enjoy a New Level of Vibrancy
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show we'll sit down with Steve Farrar, of OM Mushrooms. Farrar is a mycologist with over 30 years experience growing mushrooms, and has a deep-rooted passion for how they can help us! Listen to find out how mushrooms can help you enjoy a new level of vibrancy and overall wellness. After you're finished with this episode be sure to check out previous shows below!
How Mushrooms Can Help You Enjoy a New Level of Vibrancy
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show we'll sit down with Steve Farrar, of OM Mushrooms. Farrar is a mycologist with over 30 years experience growing mushrooms, and has a deep-rooted passion for how they can help us! Listen to find out how mushrooms can help you enjoy a new level of vibrancy and overall wellness. After you're finished with this episode be sure to check out previous shows below!
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, one of the hottest trends in the natural food industry is mushrooms and the wide range of uses and benefits they provide, learn about how you can incorporate them into your daily diet. Later will tell you what's going on around town.
But first, steer is the chief technical officer and mycologist, which means the mushroom scientist at Carlsbad company that specializes in organic mushrooms, and you've been at this for over 35 years, specializing in species and produce items, but for the past 10 years, they focused on growing medicinal species and processing it from dehydrated powder into long shelf life, and it looks like things are moving forward, and we welcome you to the mother's market radio show.
Welcome, thank you very much.
Why don't you fill us in on our audience a little bit on your mission and work before we get to today's show, thumping?
Well, I'm very enthused about the power of mushrooms, not only heal us individually, but also heal the planet, they're being used as bio-remediate to work with industrial toxins, and beyond that, they're very wonderful health items with a lot of functionality that goes beyond many of the herbal plant species, so there's a lot that much room brings to the table in terms of healing and therapeutic aspects, and particularly in this day and age with all the stress we have, they're known as adaptions that help us cope with the stress, so they're really a multi-faceted action and many species to work with.
So today we're talking about the many uses of mushrooms, and so Steve, all of your mushrooms are grown right in Carlsbad, and can you tell us a little bit about the unique way that you grow your mushrooms?
Yes, we grow them in a very modern efficient facility that is good manufacturing practices, validated. We grow them in a very safe and consistent manner, it's in a process called solid-state fermentation, where you grow them on an organic substrate, and the process involves atomic digestion of the oath Castra and conversion of the nutrition of the oats into the... My seletar of the mushroom, which is the vegetative stage of the mushroom below ground, you don't early see that. We also get the fruit body stage of spores and all the extra sell your compound. So essentially, we get the entire life cycle of the mushroom that we process into a dehydrated powder that is convenient to use.
Well, that sounds so simple.
Not, no, it's very interesting, the way that you go through this process, the way you grow your mushrooms focuses on the whole food and full spectrum life cycle of the mushroom, how does this benefit our health... Well, there's a lot of active ingredients in mushrooms, some of them are hot water side, some of them are alcohol cable, some of them are insoluble, some of them are temperature-sensitive, Samo them are very resistant to temperature, so we try to incorporate all those compounds. Many of the products on the market currently are extracts submissions, they isolate individual active ingredients, kind of on a reductionist sort of philosophy, I'm much more of a whole food philosophy where I think the hole is great and then some of the parts... And so we present all of the nutritional and medicinal compounds of the mushrooms in a easy-to-use form, we don't encapsulate, we present them as a power that people can add a teaspoon a day to their soups or stews, or smooth, their protein shake their sauces and it's much more convenient for people. And these mushrooms are best used as a tonic, meaning that you use them on an ongoing basis, you don't just use them when you feel a little bit under the weather or stressed, their best uses a tonic to maximize your benefits and making them convenient helps people are very wary of taking capsules, they're taken too many capsules, so the idea of a whole food powder, super food powder is really resonated with the public and they're using them more consistently and in therapeutic doses, does that change the taste of what you're using that way?
Not a whole lot. the powders, the way we process in, that contains both to my cell vegetative stage and the sexual fruiting body states tend to be communion-like and flavor, so that whatever you blend them with, that kind of blends with that, there is some aspects of bitterness to them, but it really blends very well, and if you put it into a fruit smoothie, you never notice... Is there one of our byline is, you don't have to taste some mushrooms, you can feel the mushrooms...
Oh, there you go, I like that.
Where... What are beta Glens, poly saris and adaptions, and how do they improve our health?
Well, beta-glycans are long-chain carbohydrate molecules that in particular linkages that are found in mushrooms, they are biological response modifiers, and what they do is they actually interact with your immune system by attaching to receptor sites and various components of our immune cells and triggering a cascade of immune events, somewhat like a vaccine, but it's the act, actually, they attached the receptor sites and set off a series of events that potentiation modulates immune community.
Now, it's not just strength in the mutates, balancing it, so it's appropriate for both weak immune systems and hyperactive or misdirected immune system, Musser, a lot about them is balanced, and that was part of the name of OM, which is kind of a Asian means of balancing. And centering Mushrooms tend to have all the that function when we consume them as an ongoing basis, and so... Can you also talk a little bit about... So those adaptions, and so the improvement of our health or health of... They open up those as adaptions are natural products that help us cope with stress in somewhat of a non-specific way, they address psychological issues, physiological issues, environmental stresses, and everybody's stressed these days for me, never of means and when you act from a more commented sort of thing, and not so much in the fight or flight cortisol generation thing, it definitely helps. And definitely by RAI, one of the mushrooms to grow is not as a premier adaption of Traditional Chinese Medicine, they call it the elixir of life, the mushroom of mortality, they'll explode bottom, but they are very powerful agents and people should make them a bigger part of their life, medicinal mishmash Ams have been popping up in all wellness trends, from adaptions and wellness tonics to inflammation fighting foods, and can you tell us about each species of mushrooms, you started to talk about race, mushrooms, but they're incredible benefits. Now, we just talked about ratios... Let's go for it.
Certainly, yeah, they all have immune modulating immune balancing function, but some of them have specific function as well, cortices is getting very popular in the sports performance world, not as a pre-workout, but also a recovery thing, it has some anti-inflammatory properties. It up-regulates the synthesis of ATP, it helps with oxygen uptake and delivery to the tissues, so it's... In the sports performance world, it's one of the go-to mushrooms, good immune function, they tend to vassal dilate, so more blood can get through the blood vessels, they lower blood pressure, they have some anti-cholesterol or properties to them, so it's a very popular mushroom. Another one that's recently increased in popular is a Muslim called Lion's Mane, a kind of a funny name, it looks like a little bit like a lion's mane, it's guys, white tendrils coming down. It's known as the smart mushroom, it has cognitive function, and there's some cross-generational interest in not only for the older generation that's worried about losing their memory, but the younger generation that wants to be creative and be able to cram for tests and do all and perform well, mentally, it up regulates the synthesis of nerve growth factor, and it is being used in a treat depression and a number of cognitive sort if conditions that's becoming more prevalent, it quickly with an aging population, the ratio already talked about that's maybe still in the top three the premier adaption of all traditional Chinese medicine with some very good cardiovascular benefits to it also helps with allergic Trenton by down-regulating the histamine response.
Turkey Tail as another species that's very popular, it's probably the most research of all the mushroom species, it's called Turkey Tail, because the mushroom fruit body looks a little bit like a turkey tail, it's got kind of a fan shape with sastri actions. No Turkey is involved with it, but it's a very good immune function, it's actually used clinically in Asia in many hospital settings, it's also a very strong liver tonic and detoxification, it's detoxification properties are such that it's actually used even for Bio-remediation, which in the case of mushrooms is called micro-remediation using it to detoxify industrial and agricultural pollutants that use it to do that.
So it's a very strong detoxify, my take also a very popular space, it's a very good culinary species, but also very strong medicinal activities, blood sugar regulation, slowing the uptake of carbohydrates and sugars, lowers blood pressure has good immune function, also using some weight control programs. It influences the deposition of fat cells and differentiation of fat cells, and also a very good adoption, Chagas, another spec has gone very, very popular that we do it as a cultivated product, there are wild charge out there, but there's some concerns about the sustainability of the wild harvest, it's very slow grind mushroom, and the harvesting pressure has increased substantially, so being able to grow as a certified organic cultivated species is helping to preserve the Eco-bone, and it's becoming very popular kind of trending right now.
Wow, so so many different uses. And this is great, how many different species of mushrooms are there, if you can think about...
Oh, there's a lot in terms of the fungal kingdom, as many as about 51 million, which would number for every space is a on planet Earth, there's 15 species of fungi, and all of these are mushroom, all mushrooms are funding or mushrooms. There's many things like yeast and molds, but it's a big kingdom of things, probably only about 20 of them, cultivated commercially, about maybe 20 to 300 species they figure out to cultivate, but it's a big room to work with. Wow, it's important, I think, to point out that you actually got your degree in horticulture, which is the plant life or the plan culture, but coming in to study this... I think it's important to point that out.
Yes, I was always interested in missions and how they relate to plan health and also soil fertility, the are very important, the microrna that colonize the surfaces around rother perform a protective function, they help with the uptake of nutrients and they have a big part in soil telson fertility, so that was kind of my initial orientation, I never thought that I'd grow them as a crop, I thought there'd be more of an ally of the plants, but it turned into Gondar and as a product, and now look at where you are.
How do people use your mushroom powders? And we did talk a little bit about kind of what they taste like, but can you expand on that, certainly in a wide variety of ways, a lot of people make it a part of their smoothie or a protein, can regiment a teaspoon a day. With all the other ingredients they're putting in, it goes well, it also in cooked things, the cooking with some heat with it, like in mixing with coffee or with the soup or stew or a sauce, it actually makes some of the beta-glycan compounds that we talked about earlier, more assimilated, it will just certain stand, degrade some of the enzymes and some of the more temperature-sensitive vitamins, but I make it a point on a daily basis, it takes some with some heat treatment in my coffee or in a soup, but also some in a smoothie sort of formulation. So we get the best of both worlds, and so it's user-friendly, and depending on what your current health condition is, there's some options whether than buying in a capsule that all I can do is joke down a capsule, you can incorporate it in your diet in the powder form. Well, this is interesting information, and right now we have to take a quick break, but stay with us more in a moment with Steve for AR and he'd been mycologist for organic mahila. Be right back today with this.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you've missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows. Plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now, back to our interview with organic mushroom, Steve Farrar, Chief Technical Officer and mycologist with organic mushrooms, and we're talking about, of course, in many uses of mushrooms and it's so very interesting, so Steve, there are a lot of fitness enthusiasts in Southern California, of course, and there are a lot of mushrooms that can enhance your workout in training, I wanted to kinda dive into this, which mushrooms can make you a better athlete... Well, several of them, particularly the cortices is kind of the go-to sports performance mushroom in terms of energy levels up, regulates ATP synthesis, increased oxygenation to the tissues tends to vassal dilate, so there's more blood can get through the tubes to the tissues, more efficiently.
It helps us recovery, particularly has some anti-inflammatory properties that help to support a healthy Inflammation System. I'm bordered on talking about a disease state, but they are documented of doing that, cortices combine it very well with RAI, they bring some cardiovascular plus respiratory aspects to it, and it... We have a plan we call fit matrix, which is loaded with cornices and ratios, got some other species in it, but that's kind of one of our go-to formulations, some people refer to take a single species at the time and do their own formulation.
They definitely help with recovery, 'cause in a big part of sports performance that people wouldn't normally think of is that when you are doing heavy exercise, that results in a temporary suppression of immune function, so often people that are weekend warriors, they go out and exercise hard, and their immune system gets compromised or suppressed a little bit, and they end up getting a cold or a flu, so if you can keep your immune system strong, there's nothing like reckon your exercise schedule by... In coming down with a cold, our product support a healthy immune system. So you can stay... Stay healthy.
So yes, and it's... They're being sought after it, many professional athletes are using them and they use them to great effect.
Well, okay, so I recently heard a story about the triumph project, and I have to ask you about this. Jeff Fairbank, a triathlete. He competed in 21 triathlons in 21 cities in 21 days. That's incredible. But he was greatly accredited getting through this journey by using your mushroom powders, can you talk about this and how did this benefit and which ones did he use... Oh yes, he's a crazy man, a very fit young man, very energetic, it was half Tritons, not full marathons, but still quite accomplished with 21 in 21 days.
Is he 21?
No, I'd say he's in his 30s. He's 30, 30 something.
Oh my gosh.
And he used our Fit Metrics planned a lot, as well as we have a product called energy matrix, which is a blend of botanical plus mushrooms, plus some Rana and your mama. So between the botanicals and the caffeine and the Uranian Gran and the ratio of my talk, it's a nice sustained energy boost as well as electrolytes to counteract the sweat he was exerting in that process, and he said he had helped him with... He was recovery, he wasn't sure the next day he wasn't swollen, and he did... He kind of doubted the acca of the missions where they were really doing that, so her at times he's gone back to not stop taking him, and his performance went down, his recovery times increased and he just didn't perform as well, so he's a firm believer of it.
And I don't see how... To me, it's a super human sort of accomplishment, but he did it and he's still able to walk.
Right. That's really, truly incredible. And again, if you wanna find out more about that, his name is Jeff Fairbanks, so... That's just incredible to me.
So thanks for sharing that story too, how soon after taking these mushrooms, while people feel a benefit... Well, it varies, it somewhat depends on the starting point, where a person's at what his physical and Medal and to say even spiritual condition is his mindset, typically, within a week or two weeks, you're gonna feel some things... Some of the things are subtle, some people say they feel within a day of taking, they feel the effect in terms of immune function staying strong and is somewhat of an absence of negative effect, so it's difficult to quantify, but generally people feel more energetic or balanced more calm. And certainly a positive thing. So we do... In many people, they will try it for a while and they're thinking, Well, I'm not sure whether it's working or not, so when they stop taking these as part of their daily regimen and they see what it does and they come back to us in it again.
You talk about your Energy blend being one of your products that has flavor and extra ingredients, can you expand on that, what are those mushrooms that give you energy and what's different about that product? You mentioned that with what Jeff Fairbanks was using it, I think that's... That energy matrix. Yes, yes, yes, it's... We wanted to provide a healthy alternative to the Red Bull and Monster drinks out there that have some very massive amounts of sugar in the pure video synthetase and MS, most people wouldn't think about drinking mushrooms, it's not something you'd really think of that doesn't save appetizing. Even though these are not discussing flavors by any means, they're still an earthy musty, a good flavor. So we flavored it with sweeten it, Wisteria put it some natural citrus flavors in it, we wanted to add a botanical component to it, ginseng and turmeric would have very well-known functional properties to them, and then some caffeine, about 90 milligrams of caffeine as your Mamata and girona, the combination of the botanicals, the mushrooms and the caffeine from the grant's a nice sustained, focused energy without any jittery sort of a nervous component to it and without a sugar crash at the end of it, so it's gotten very popular and it... Bolas, a pre-workout and as opposed to work out, I do Hot Yoga, which is a fairly strong UST thing, and I bought an hour reform lay my hot yoga. I do energy and I breezed through it.
I've tried it without it, and it's a much harder task, but I like that too, as you go up against those other drinks that you mentioned, this is very... It's all natural, and I also like that you described what is in it, because when you think about drinking mushrooms, but now that what you told us really what it tastes like, people have done the taste test and people would never know muara it.
You feel the mushrooms. You don't taste them.
Okay, Alright, everyone wants to stay beautiful and retain their youthful vibrant, but how do the mushrooms in your beautiful and to keep us beautiful... A number of ways, that's one of the remarkable things about mushrooms is it's not just a single action that's a multifaceted sort of aspect, so in terms of health and beauty, there's a lot of naturally curing by a ten in it, so it helps with hair and nail grows, Scanlan-TI-city, definitely the immune functioning part of it helps a lot.
Mushrooms are also superior prebiotics, meaning that they're their food for the beneficial probiotic organisms that reside in our gastrointestinal tract, they're responsible, we're finding about more and more even in responsible for cognitive function in your outlook on life.
So one thing, being happy and well-balanced, you tend to be more beautiful just from that level, but definitely there's some physiological properties to them, the bite, the oxygen uptake and delivery to tissues. So we get the people, the women that take it, they remark that their hair is growing faster, stronger, it's not as Brittle, their nails aren't breaking, and we have a blend called Beauty matrix that was originally more like a general all around Mushroom blend in. We got so much feedback that it made their hair grow stronger and thicker and more lustrous, and the nail thing, and the skin that we renamed beauty and the sales took off.
Well, I like that as well. I'm checking that out at... What mushrooms do you take to get through your day?
I mix it up a lot. I have access to a lot. Gurney go-to ones are cortices and RAI recently. We started growing a Muslim called Chava. I bring that in a lot. I try to mix it up a lot. I have some favorite blends and missions, but I think it's good to mix it up occasionally and present your body with some different tools to work with, you may have a favorite blend, but I would recommend once in a while mix it up going with a different blend or a different species. And the maybe some seasonal aspects to it during the cold and flu season, maybe you want to do it with more of the immune modulating parts of it in the summer, maybe more of the sports performance aspects of it, but a lot of functionality. And that was one of the things you tried to do. Take out the seasonal aspects of these missions, 'cause well, previously, they tended to be just in the dietary supplements in the immune section, by putting him in a powder form as a super food, they're in the smoothie part of the store, in the super food part of the store, so people are more likely to use them and use them on a regular basis and not encapsulated where upper it will offer them any lower price point, some people are more likely to take them a satanic, an ongoing basis, and also take enough to get a therapeutic dose.
So actually, what part of the story do you find them in actually, when you... A lot in several places at the same time, definitely in the immune section of dietary supplement section with... There's some stores have much room sections with generally, they're the extracted products where they've taken an extract and isolated active ingredients, and the present in more is almost a pharmaceutical product as opposed to a whole food matrix, so... Yes, and it's definitely helped.
Yeah, so what advice would you give someone who's trying your mushrooms for the very first time to try to take them on a regular basis? Definitely to be a little bit patient and be observant, the effects might be subtle, but definitely they're there taking them on a regular basis. What we find is that it actually... You can kind of train your pre-biotic community in your microbiome to better access the nutrition in these questions that dietary fibers and beta glycans and kitten and the missions are superior prebiotics that bring function beyond the plant-based dietary fibers.
And so you do want a healthy gastrointestinal system populated with the diverse and balanced set of beneficial organisms as opposed to pathogenic or Candida sort of things.
Give it a shot.
Well, thank you very much for all of your information. It's been, it's been great advice and we really appreciate your knowledge and look forward to having you on again, but in the meantime, you can get more information about Steve and on the website, organic mushrooms dot com, thank you so much for your visit today.
Thank you.
Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show, and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.