In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show we’ll sit down with Jaroslav H. Boublik, of MRM. We’ll talk about maintaining a more active lifestyle, and the nutritional choices you can make to feel more vibrant and energetic throughout the entire day.
Healthy, Active Lifestyles
Healthy, Active Lifestyles
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show we'll sit down with Jaroslav H. Boublik, of MRM. We'll talk about maintaining a more active lifestyle, and the nutritional choices you can make to feel more vibrant and energetic throughout the entire day.
Healthy, Active Lifestyles
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show we'll sit down with Jaroslav H. Boublik, of MRM. We'll talk about maintaining a more active lifestyle, and the nutritional choices you can make to feel more vibrant and energetic throughout the entire day.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition. Hellman really king and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show with Summer on the horizon, we discussed the benefits of living a healthy, active lifestyle, so much more than just eating right and exercise, so listen, close and learn more later. We'll tell you what's going on around town and tell you what's new at mother's market, but first up, we are pleased to have Dr. Yaroslav bubble with us. Dr. bubble was educated in Melbourne, Australia, and received his BSc from the Department of Chemistry at Monash University, and later his PhD from the Department of Medicine at Monash University. He is an associate member of the Australian College for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, a member of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and a chartered chemist. He was also a research fellow at the Salk Institute in the Hoya from 1985 to 1989.
Dr. bubble has published over 30 peer-reviewed studies and articles in the scientific journals and has presented over 40 scientific papers at research symposia. He is an inventor holding four patents, three of which are in the US and one for hydration solution, it held in 25 countries. He also has been a nutritional advisor to several elite athletes, including Olympic medalists, and we welcome him to the mother's market radio show, you... How are you?
I'm really well, Thanks, Cam.
Goodness, and I feel like this big right now, so I can do a... Congratulations.
Why don't we fill our audience in a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to a show topic.
Okay, so that background was very much in drug development and the sort of hard end of medical research, what that doesn't cover is the fact that since doing that, I really have changed my focus very much to nutritional medicine at the time, and that I was a drug development scientist, I thought, drive with the future of medicine. I don't think that anymore. I think that nutrition is the future medicine, and so I've been working in that field now for the past 20 years, came back to the United States in 2008 and have been working with a number of companies here, notably Mr. in who will speak about today, developing cutting edge nutritional products, including our hydration technology, really from the point of view of giving people the best possible tools for managing their well-being and really... That's my mission.
I think this is fascinating and it's so timely from where we are going, so thank you so much for being here and an honor... What is the definition of an active lifestyle?
So the products that we like to work with an MRI, I aimed at giving people an active lifestyle, and we see that as our lifestyle where you wake up in the morning, fully vital, you can't wait to get out of bed, you wanna get on with your day, and at the end of your day... At the end of your work day, 'cause let's face it, most people have a job and work a hard day, what we don't want is for people to come home and just flop on the couch, and that's the extent of their energy reserves and they've given it to their workplace, and now they have nothing left for their family, that's not an active lifestyle, and active lifestyle is when you come home from work and you can maintain a level of energy, you can do stuff with your kids, you can take the time to exercise yourself, you can make the effort to go out and buy some high quality food and cook a freshly cooked meal each night, and these are the things that we need to do in order to be healthy, and then at the end of that, you go to sleep and sleep a solid nights sleep and wake up in the morning and do it all over again. That's an active lifestyle. It's not the struggling with the energy all day to just make it to the end of the day and then falling in a hot because that's really not doing anyone any good.
I have so many questions in my head right now going, and really, a lot of it has to do with the continent that you live into, I would imagine that has a lot to do with you.
I think it's certainly informed my worldview coming here to the United States, and when I first arrived in the 80s, there was a notable difference between Australia in the United States, unfortunately, we have adopted most of the bad habits of this culture, which is included becoming I think now, the second most obese nation on earth, which is not a good thing, so the image of the Sun bronze is not something that actually plays out very often in reality anymore, unfortunately, and we need to work to get that back. Here in California, I think we see a slightly different slice of American life than the rest of the country, but by and large, people are not leaving these active lifestyles, they're managing if they can, but they're paying the price with obesity and all of the diseases that come from that, and then ultimately, a shortened health Spain. One of the things we're talking a lot about with Mr is Hellman and life span, so you have a list ban, and the government tells us they're very pleased that that's been going up, that we're getting... We're living to an old on the older age, but how much of that is health span, how much of that life do we actually spend healthy and fully vital, and I think what we really need to be working at is making health span equal lifespan, and that's a very good point. Why do so many people seem to fall short of reaching this goal of the act of lifestyle... Well, I think there's just a couple of simple things that are missing from most people's regime, I think unfortunately, a lot of people make poor dietary choices, so we need to help them with that, and there's two ways to do that, one's education for making better dietary choices, the other one is supplementation to fill in the gaps, there are some lifestyle issues around not getting enough sleep and not getting enough exercise, and really the only person that can do anything about that is the individual, and then there's... This is an issue of hydration, and it's been my personal passion for the last 20 years, certainly the focus of all of my own R and D has been on this issue of hydration, and by that, I don't just mean drinking a bit more water, I mean making that water work at every level in the body, right down to the cellular level, because the water in our body has the job of taking all the nutrients into ourselves, but also washing all of the waste products out of ourselves, and so hydration is when that function is operating at highest fidelity, and there are some things we can do to assist with that, certainly drinking more fluid is one, but many of the mechanisms get damaged over time due to neglect, and so what we've developed is a formulation that actually reset some of the deficits that accumulate over time, and that's our hydration factor product, and it really resets your first reflex, makes you first the appropriate times, it helps the water function in your body more effectively, and getting properly hydrated is a huge part of this active healthy lifestyle, and so you're train people how to hydrate properly. I guess that's what you're... Absolutely, it's absolutely... It's partially habitual things. It's partially just you sort of day-to-day business of, we're all walking around here with bottles of water in our hands and that's great, but a lot of people don't do that, and a lot of people reach for the wrong sort of beverages when they are first so sodas and caffeinated beverages, and at the end of the day, they're reach for the alcoholic beverages and all of these things, they have some fluid, that's a good thing, but unfortunately they have components like caffeine and alcohol that serve to dehydrate us, so unless we're addressing that with an appropriate intake of hydrating beverages, we don't end up with a balance by the end of the day, what can cause inadequate dehydration and how does it affect our day... Well, I mean, there are a number of factors not drinking enough fluid, hydrating fluid is obviously first and foremost, eating a diet of primarily processed foods will also do it because we do get a lot of water in the natural and fresh foods that we should be 18 if we're eating them, so if we're eating a diet full of fresh vegetables and these sorts of things will be getting some water there, if we're eating primarily processed food and fast food, we're missing out on the water that would normally be in our food, and we need to repair that gap will address that gap, and typically when we buy process foods and fast foods, we combine that with beverages that don't address that gap, so we're actually getting a two-punch, then we've got all sorts of environmental factors, Florissant lights, air conditioning, Ironmen, radiation there is some evidence that a lot of the fantail drugs that we consume have an effect on hydration mechanism, so there's a whole lot of factors that are mitigating against us maintaining optimal hydration, and you know what those we wouldn't even think about with fluorescent lights. But again, the process foods to have so much salt in them too, so that makes us one... What would be a direction in some direction for people to reaching a balance in their eating habits?
So to me, diet seems to have been incredibly mystified by so many people, and I think it's incredibly simple, there are some macro nutrients that we need to consume on a daily basis at protein, carbohydrate and water, these are the macro nutrients we really need to think of water as Kanu Trent, because it satisfies all the definition, all the requirements of the definition of a nutrient, then there are a bunch of micro-nutrients, which if you're reading a good balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables and minimal aunts of animal products and so on, then you're gonna get all of those micronutrients, umm, and that's a good diet, when you choose to, you know, eat processed food, when you choose to hit fast food, when you eat out, you know, you can perhaps to lose the fidelity of that good diet, and that's when some supplementation can help, particularly with a... Not micro-nutrients, making sure that a simple multi-vitamin, for example, or if you know that you have particular things that you don't eat that contain key nutrients, like you don't have enough food that contains vitamin D, you should take a vitamin D supplement. If you don't have enough foods that contain iron, then you should have an iron supplement, so that's a relatively simple, I think, equation to do, but it seems to be something that people find very challenging.
Right, but following those guidelines to fill in with the macronutrients, what would be a solution to getting a balance of these nutrients into their diet, and I think you said supplement may be women, the key thing is a good diet, so... Constructing a good dart.
Now, for me, that means making fresh food out of Rayford as often as you possibly can, and that's challenging when you come home from work and you don't have the energy to do that, so we have a downward spiral potentially when people don't have the energy to even make good food choices, or they're rushing around at work and they're reading faster because that's all they have time to do, so it's a lifestyle kind of decision process, but once you've made that last YLE decision, then you know, you do a little calculation in your head, look back on the last week, how many times did you sit down to a meal that you yourself cope from rood? And if it's 27, hang on time, 28 meals, then you're doing really, really well better than most... If it's 20 meals, then there's a short folder and how are you gonna fill in the gap and supplementation is a good way of doing it, another good way of doing it is re-doubling your efforts the next week to do better, and I think everyone can do that without necessarily having to revert to supplementation, but supplements, they create the simple, the straightforward, they're inexpensive, guaranteed quality, and they really are a very good way to ensure that we get all of their requirements.
Well, this is really interesting information, and right now we need to take a quick break, but more with Dr. Bob, in just a moment. Don't go away, we'll be right back.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click on the link for radio and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Dr. bulk, and we're talking about how to maintain an active lifestyle, but first of all, we were just talking a little bit off their hair, what is your personal testimony?
Okay, so I trained to be a drug development scientist to actually trying to be a neuro-endocrinologist and then ended up in drug development science, and really believed in the medical profession, in the medical system, to be the way that I would address all the personal health challenges. That I may be faced with. And when I was faced with a relatively minor one, I found that the medical profession really didn't have very much to offer me in terms of solutions, and so I started looking elsewhere, scientist inquiring mind, is there another answer? And I really, I was compelled by what I found out about diet and nutrition and took that into my life, made a big difference to my personal well-being and to change the amount of exercise that I was doing quite dramatically, and that comma with me working towards running a marathon, so I trained for marathon for almost a year, I was having terrible problems with hydration, finally enough, and that's actually the event in my life that really triggered my interest in hydration, I met another researcher in that field, we worked together and developed the formulation that subsequently became our patented formulation that's now in the hydration factor, and it was a really transformative experience for me because it made me realize that using simple tools, tools that I can buy at the grocery store, I can actually take control of my well-being and I... I think that's a pretty compelling realization for someone that comes from that medical background and ought to be a realization for everybody, because I think we so often put our well-being in the hands of the medical professionals around us, and while honestly, I was... And I hope this never happens, involved in a traumatic accident and taken to the emergency room, I want the very best of modern medicine to put me back together, but in terms of keeping me... Well, I think a holistic complimentary approach is far better in terms of prevention, and the core of prevention is good nutrition and...
Wow, that's very compelling. And I think you say actively, but that also does everything mentally too, I think that's a little package.
Wow, thank you for sharing that. Downton, are there are any other ideas in their lifestyle of nutrition that can be falling short? Well, we talk before about macronutrients, and we get those primarily from our fruit and vegetable diet, and when we're missing them there, we can get them through supplementation. I touched much earlier about macro nutrients, and one of the ones that I think is beginning the most press lately is protein. I think there's been a T-resurgence in our understanding of how important protein content of foods and our protein intake is, it's a macro nutrient, so we need to take in large amounts of it, so it's not practical to take it in encapsulated form. We either need to be eight protein ACOS Foods, which is relatively easy to do, it's not hard to get quality protein in your diet, but sometimes it's not convenient to do it, and that's where protein supplements, I think fill the bill beautifully, whether they be animal protein, so why protein, egg, white protein, those sorts of things, or vegetable proteins, which we've been working on are like lately at MR and really, I think have cracked the code on what makes a good vegetable protein supplement in terms of combining different vegetable proteins to get a complete protein. Supplement, complete protein food, and I personally use them every day, My breakfast is a vegetable or way protein shake, 'cause it's simple, it's quick. I know that I'm getting a third of my daily requirement protein, I'm now 55 years old, I need to worry about loss, Ole muscle. One of the ways keeping that on board is exercising but exercising without adequate protein intake, it's not gonna work.
So that's I think something we need to be quite mindful of, and it's certainly getting a lot more traction these days in the mass media, that protein is something that people need to attend to much more carefully than they did in the past.
And then if you get serious about this active lifestyle, you'll want to exercise more than you probably are, and with a bit of like, you'll get to like it, because exercising just for the sake of exercising is pretty tiresome, but exercising, doing something that you really enjoy is just, it's a great way to spend some time every day.
My personal passion is mountain bike riding, so I do that every weekend that I can, and when you get to that level, then you start thinking about perhaps some exercise-related supplements, so some pre-workout supplements, certainly making sure that straight after the workout you're getting adequate amounts of nutrition to replenish what you have used through the workout and absolutely making sure that you've got adequate hydration before, during and following the exercise, particularly if you're exercising, condition where you're going to be losing a lot of body water, Okay, so what kind of supplement would that mean, so when you say free workout, supplement or Do you have a pre after supplement?
Well, it can be as simple as making sure that you're getting some fluid and some carbohydrate before I work out, a dedicated specialist pre-workout supplement. And they're fantastic. I mean, again, Amram has one called Driven that we use and recommend to everyone, and it contains a bit of caffeine and it's got some carbohydrate in there, and you take it as it's a drink mix, so you take it in a large volume of water, so you're getting your requirement of hydration, you're getting you a requirement of additional energy, and you're getting some Catlin to give you that Zen and actually just make the exercises more enjoyable, and then afterwards you can do... It can be anything from chocolate milk to again, dedicated post-workout, properly formulated shakes and those sorts of things, I mean, the protein powders that we talked about earlier can be certainly used post-workout to replenish the protein, there's a relatively short window after exercising intensively where it's ideal to replenish that protein and carbohydrate and get that back into the muscles, so these are somewhat timing issues, so it's not like you can go out for a run and then three hours later decide to reload that you've missed in Windows question.
We know it's close, you need to do it straight afterwards, and that's why I think pre-packaged products that are convenient and easy to transport, and they can be there in your gym bag or be there in your car when you get back from your mountain bike ride like I do, you take them straight down and you know that you've put back what the exercise too at.
Okay, that's great. What are some solutions to optimize to getting back on track or getting to an active lifestyle? If you've been away from it for a while.
Yeah, I think it's... Well, it's the first thing, I think you just need a will to want to do it, 'cause it's hard, if you've been away from it for a long... For a long time, then I can guarantee you the first time you exercise won't be enjoyable and won't be pleasant, and you probably regret it for two or three days afterwards if you've done it properly, but there comes a time when the gains really start becoming worthwhile because you start experiencing them through the rest of your day, so that 20 minutes or half an hour of pushing yourself a little bit, and it could be as simple as parking at the opposite... At the car park at the grocery store instead of right next to the door and making the effort to do the walk and then carry the groceries back, I mean that some little incidental exercise, that can be a great place to start changing the mindset around having an active lifestyle, looking at these people that are at running the beach every morning and only when grass shakes or whatever, I mean, that's an extreme... And maybe it's something to aspire to. But an active lifestyle can be really as simple as just adding in some incidental exercise, being a little bit careful about how much you eat, start with the evening meal, you know the one over which you typically have the most control and generally have the most time. Then make sure the breakfast is good and deal with lunch last, because that's the one in the middle of the work day, and it's probably the easiest one to buy something quick, but I think it's just a... It's a will power step-wise process, and the good thing is that the feedback comes pretty quick, you know it's not... You don't have to dedicate yourself for 12 months before you see the benefits, I mean, you honestly say the benefits within a few days... One thing I will say if you're a smoker, you need to stop, I mean, that's just a given and probably the people listening to this broadcast, that's not gonna be an issue, but it's certainly something that I always start my presentations with when I talk about this publicly, if you're a smoky and you need to stop, that's not negotiable, but after that, just start taking the steps in the right direction, and I keep it simple, make sure it fits in with your lifestyle, make sure that your lifestyle grows out of your active intent rather than trying to re-engineer a lifestyle around it, because chances are, you won't be able to maintain it if you do that.
Right, and I think you say too, once you start exercising, it'll start to... You'll start to crave it and you'll get to it really enjoy... And any other suggestions? Nutritionally to reduce mental and physical fatigue, well, one of the things that I have observed over the last, I guess, decade, is a great reliance by many people on stimulants. I think that's fine. If you really need them, I personally quite like a coffee in the morning, I do find that it takes my brain up, I don't believe I'm dependent on it 'cause I can get along perfectly well without it fundamentally, again, being healthy, getting plenty of sleep, getting your seven or eight hours a night, which a lot of people don't being properly hydrated, however you do that, all of those things will certainly do much more solid and fundamental things for your energy systems than just using stimulants.
Excellent, well, thank you so very much for your time and grow some great advice, and we really appreciate your knowledge and look forward to having you on again in the meantime, get more information on Dr. public and his website, Mr. Musa dot-com, and we look forward to your next visit.
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