Host Kimberly King joins Kristi Acuna to discuss Detox for Gut Health! It’s always a great goal to eat healthy, but we all have cheat days… so it might be time to detox your gut with a cleanse! Kristi Acuna is a holistic nutritionist specializing in natural healthcare; she designs specialized nutrition programs for her clients. Tune in!
Detox for Gut Health
Detox for Gut Health
Host Kimberly King joins Kristi Acuna to discuss Detox for Gut Health! It's always a great goal to eat healthy, but we all have cheat days... so it might be time to detox your gut with a cleanse! Kristi Acuna is a holistic nutritionist specializing in natural healthcare; she designs specialized nutrition programs for her clients. Tune in!
Detox for Gut Health
Host Kimberly King joins Kristi Acuna to discuss Detox for Gut Health! It's always a great goal to eat healthy, but we all have cheat days... so it might be time to detox your gut with a cleanse! Kristi Acuna is a holistic nutritionist specializing in natural healthcare; she designs specialized nutrition programs for her clients. Tune in!
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market podcast, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, we can all learn to eat better, but when we don't, it might be time to detox that gut with the cleanse, so listen close to find out.
Plus later will tell you what's going on around town, but first a-party akuma is a holistic nutritionist specializing in natural healthcare who's been practicing for 14 years, and who also is celebrating her own practice for the last decade. Christy has helped numerous clients by designing a specialized nutrition program, her specialty areas are skin problems, hormone, gut balance, sleep energy, weight loss, and mood support, Sign me up by the way, so today we're talking about proper detoxification as it relates to gut health and gut health... Yeah, even the sound of it, I know where we're going with this.
And Christine, I've interviewed you before, so I'm gonna just break out and just ask you... It's not necessarily about me, I'm gonna actually blame my family, I'm playing my husband and my son, oh my gosh, I can't leave you having me back, all this, but I like it. 'cause you get right down to business. But getting rid of bloating and smell gas, how do people get rid of this...
I know I met in my life. Get rid of it.
It single... We all blame it on the men to... Right.
How did the year men in your life get rid of the bloating and smelly gas.
Alright, well, the maximum... You know why I'm actually Mexican, but it's not that bad as long as you know what to order... Oh yeah, I can eat anywhere.
As long as I know what to order.
Here's the thing, you need a good, proper functioning gallbladder, who need good proper intestinal function and you need excellent gut microbiome.
Okay, how do we get there?
Go ahead. Excellent question. Let's dive down that rabbit hole. So, of course, I would suggest, of course, you need to send your men to me so that I can muscle test them and see exactly what's their priority, what is the root cause to causing all their gas, because everyone's problem is different, it could be parasites causing it, it could be ease causing it, it could be viruses, it could be bacteria, and these are all pathogenic bugs that are bad bugs, an overgrowth of bad bugs out of control behaving badly.
So when we're eating foods and we're firing, that means the food's not being digested and then it can become petrified in the gut system, and then those bugs... They are so smart. I mean, absolutely so smart, they'll do anything just to eat the flesh, I mean, they're trying to kill you, that's the point of them, and they're eating your foods, and that can cause a lot of digestive distress.
Yeah, and you're just painting a picture here and it's just like... Yes.
Okay, one more thing, sorry.
I was just gonna tell you a lack of stomach acid, that's really a big place where it starts, and I'll tell you, you can go up to your husband at your husband and son to... Not that you're trying to call that, I wanna say My son... Okay, what if I say I'd be saying the dog house, right?
That's true.
Maybe it's my son's friends, whatever, it's their guys... Their kids. Yeah, yeah, exactly. You can go up to your sign as the stick is tongue out and look if there's white on that tongue, now, if it's pink, that's a good sign, it doesn't mean that there's no yeast in the body, but if it's white or any white on their tongue, that means it's systemic.
Really, and then that pretty much means there's lack of stomach acid, it doesn't mean there's none, but there's probably a pretty good deficiency, a stomach acid and it looks like white anywhere, just like it could be white patches, it could be thick white.
Have you ever heard of the term thrush like babies?
Yeah, that's what it looks... It's similar, I could be thin layer, it could be thick layer, or Here's a Norwell, there's another test too that you could do it, so there's a test to see low stomach acid, and then there's a test to also see if you have Candida, and actually, I know this is funny 'cause a lot of people listen to Dr as he has some good things sometimes, but Dr. Oz approves this test too, about the Candida, so sometimes people like to hear that or need to hear that, so the test is a water test, you're gonna get a glass of water, so I have your son get a glass of water, you're gonna have a lean over first thing in the morning and hackle in there, he can just spit, but package is more fun and dramatic.
Right, right.
And what does that tone and what that tells us, he's gonna check that every 15 minutes for the first hour, and if he sees within that seconds or minutes, any tendrils or strings going towards the bottom of that glass, that's positive for an overgrowth of bad East in the body... Now, that's another way to test it... Yeah, anything clouding in the glass like a tornado of spit and it looks gross, it turns grow, so it's a great little test. It should be a different color. Or what... Does that make anyone either a, state him to the ER?
That we're worried about that. They were worried about that.
Okay, well, that's an interesting test too.
Okay, so let's talk a little bit going back to the stomach, that stomach acid. How do we get rid of that?
How do you get rid of the Tunica?
No, you don't wanna get rid of it.
You wanna do... Yeah, because it's a lack of stomach as... Sorry about that. So how do we get more... Sorry, how do you get more... Good of that question.
Okay, so one, you can do a test that I do in my office to see if... Just one part that I do to see if there's a lack of stomach acid is right here in the diaphragm area on the left part of the rib, if you go down... If you go to the center, so you're at your stomach and you go up where it stops at that upper diaphragm area in the rib, go down about an inch on the left party or rib, and when you do it to yourself, you don't exactly feel as much but you can have somebody else do it and apply a lot of pressure on that Ribault, wanna be laying down, have somebody apply pressure, but you wanna give a good amount of pressure because you wanna see if there's tenderness, mild tenderness, medium tenderness, or severe tenderness, and if there's like a... Like that, or the eyebrows are crunching and you've got that tender, that is a good sign of lace, stomach acid.
Now, how you replenish that number one way, my favorite way is through the company I work with, standard process, standard process is all through healthcare practitioners, we need to know how the body is functioning before recommending any type of supplement. So it's really important to be in the hands of somebody who knows what they're doing. So Santa process has zip, which is hydrochloric acid and Pancreatic Enzymes, and they also make a supplement called pertain hydrochloride, which is straight stomach acid for somebody who's very deficient, so this is a great topic because people who have heartburn as of reflux, GERD, major problems with the stomach and stomach acid mostly are told You make way too much acid, you need to be on an an tacit, so they're put on these aerosols which are PPI, Zan tag, all these an tacos that are turning off their faucets for making acid, and then they're eating this drunk food that is diminishing more of their stomach acid, so now we've got bugs that are swarming in the gut, we've got bloating and gas, because this body doesn't have the juices, am, lack of enzymes to digest the food, and then you got one big bloat and parmesan they see, yeah, that's true.
Then we've got liver, that's where the Howie can come in to, Oh wow, I names.
Yes, I... I know, so it's not terrible, it's not terribly difficult to fix these things, it's just a matter of really accepting where it's at and wanting to get help for it and being open and committing to my program, and so as you're mentioning these supplements from the standard process how long does that take to see... So to go into effect, well, it takes 15 MAs to digest, so... Okay, don't have to. I would say maybe, sometimes you will feel it within a day or two, sometimes it can take a week for their body to start adapting and adjusting, but honestly, it doesn't usually take that long, but it depends on what area... So let's say, for example, your son came in and we found... We've got a pituitary that was nutritionally stressed, so in the muscle testing, I was weak, we have a stomach that was stressed week, we have a liver that was weak, and also a gall bladder. And so then we look at the priorities. I ask the body will, which is the priority, and it is the gall bladder, then for him, I might not start off with stomach acid, I'd probably start off with, We need to start supporting the gallbladder function, thinning the bile and supporting... Proper fatty digestion. Okay, yeah, 'cause that might be what's causing his gas... That's why it is awesome that it's specifically tailored to each individual, so Is it diet that causes the lack of stomach acid, is it too much sugar, not enough veggies? What is that's causing that? Great question. It's diet.
It is absolutely diet and stress, if we are in a really stressful job, it is absolutely gonna start diminishing our production of hydrochloric acid because stress is constantly creating inflammation and getting us to our bodies to produce cortisol, and cortisol is an inflammatory hormone, if it becomes too high, all hormones can never be too high, and they can never be too low, and when they are, that's where the problems begin, they need to be nice and balanced, and I'm making these handwritten... Yeah, exactly. So your diet eating too much carbohydrates, a lot of fried food, Sugar... Absolutely, it will start diminishing, and as we age, it's natural for our boys to start Lessing these productions, but we are accelerating as it does accelerate after that.
Okay, this is an interesting question, but needs to be asked, What does it mean when poop leaves a mark in the ball after flushing out... Such a great question.
I know everybody is like, Yes, yes, that's open to me. To the ER, Christy. So the answer is, is that you've got two heavy effects, unhealthy fats and sugar in the diet, and it's what's leaving residue, the poop is too heavy, it's leaving residue, and you have poor gall bladder and liver function, the fatty digestion part of the body is not functioning optimally.
So I would use typically a beta food or beta food, there's a plethora of gallbladder and liver supplements I would look at for each individual, but if somebody is apprehensive and not ready for... You know what I do, try doing some rabbits, I don't mean beat juice, I mean rabbits actually buy a beat, clean it, cut the stem, make sure you wash the leaves because you're gonna wanna eat the leaves in a salad, the beat leaves and the beat help to thin the bile and support gallbladder function.
Yeah, yeah, global to chokes are also another one as well that can be helpful, and if those two things don't work very well, and get your butt in my office and go see Christians, what should we do about... Acid reflux or heartburn. You kind of touched a little bit on that, but... A great question. So every case is gonna be different. So the severe cases, there are steps that we have to take some... They have ulcers, so we're not just gonna pound in some stuff acid because they'll start to burn, so we need to heal and repair if there's any holes or ulcers, because your stomach has linings, believe it or not, we've got a stomach that makes the stomach acid, but we also have an epithelial mucosa lining in that stomach that protects our stomach from our own acid, so when those linings get eaten through or worn down, that's when the problems begin, inflammation happens and we've cut leaky gut and poor digestion function.
So with someone that's on roads tombs, typical and tacit over-the-counter things...
I'm trying to think of what's the one... No, I think it's contact... There's a commercial, it says, Each your way and treat your way.
It emphasizes, I think it's antecedents ES for you to eat however the heck you want, and this is gonna be your band at, so you can live your life and do what ever you want, so it's the worst thing. But a lot of people are on that.
Live like that, I like that.
So taking some stomach acid, taking some hydrochloric acid can really help to alleviate if it doesn't and it makes it worse, there's some deeper problems going on, and that's where I come in to really look at, we might need to go about this a little different way for you... So it can be different steps, but adding in stomach acid pill form is a great way to help us reflux and Harvard.
It's very interesting information. Hold on just a moment. Don't go away. We will be right back with Christian.
Welcome back to the mother's market podcast, and we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for podcast and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now, back to our interview with Holistic Nutritionist Christie Kuna, and we're talking about proper detoxification as it relates to gut health, and you know what we were just talking about this leaky gut, what the heck is like you got this term is getting passed around and everybody's talking about it.
And you know what? It's a real thing.
It is very real. It sounds awful. And it is, and a lot of times symptoms of leaky gut or autoimmune, they are skin problems, the psoriasis, the eczema, their Hashimoto's, which is a thyroid problem, there are a lot of autoimmune...
I can't think of the top head of some other autoimmune, but there's a lot of auto-immune diseases and a lot of them are stemming from gut, because there is a whole hormone gut connection, just like the brain debt connection. It's a hormone gut connection.
Now, leaky gut comes from poor digestive function, it happens when you don't have enough stomach acid, everything I've talked about in today's podcast leads to leaky gut not having enough stomach acid, not having enough enzymes, not having an intact intestinal system with our epithelial lining and mucosa lining, when a nice little Billy, they're like look like little fingers in the gut, the grab onto the nutrients, right, a lot of times those are laying flat when we want them nice and floating and grabbing our nutrients, all those things. poor liver function, when your liver and kidneys can't properly detoxify all the toxins within the cell and all that debris, it creates a lot of inflammation and a lot of problems, and then we come back to the viruses, we come back to the parasites, the yeast, the bacteria, and the whole gut microbiome, and when those are out of control, and like I said, behaving badly, latching on to those linings of the walls and the intestinal system and the liver and the entire system, and you start feeding them and you eat sugar and refined carbohydrates, Rilke a lot of wheat flower, a lot of breads, a lot of pastors, a lot of sugars, such as candies, pastries, fruits, many people think that I'm only talking about bad sugars, I'm talking about good sugars as well, when you have a gut microbiome that has bad East, you've got an overgrowth. And there's problems there, you gotta really watch your fruit too, I've seen many fruition, so you gotta really watch the sugars coming from anywhere, and that's a really good point because really we think we always hear fruit and vegetables in the same vein, so... Exactly, and that's a good thing that you separated that, what about if I were to do or we were to do a three-day cleanse, that does that mean we just start over with this lake clean and were renewed again? That's a great question because that's very popular right now, there's a ritual, there's press juicer, there's a lot of places that sell juices, I will tell you, I don't recommend a juice cleanse one bit. That's my... That I don't recommend that by the time you're done... In the three-day Jews clients, it's about 100 grams of sugar a day. So you need to be eating foods that actually you need to start chewing, because when you doing that's where digestion starts in the mouth, you need the salivary glands producing those enzymes, you need the whole action to happen.
So by eating the broccoli, by eating the CALIF, by eating the Brussels sprouts, by eating the green leaf Romain, by eating these foods, it starts activating the stomach assets to start producing the enzymes to start making, and the gut to get ready to start digesting. Then you've got these foods, they start liquefy-ing, we've got good... Let's pretend we have good stomach acid, a gallbladder function, and then it makes it down into the intestinal system and the large intestine were you're about to prove out, it's able to scrape the linings of the walls, these foods have these enzymes and these components to them that scrapes the linings of the walls to rid the yeast, the parasites and the viruses and bacteria that are causing holes in the gut, so that is a really good point because nobody really has touched on that, about the chewing functions and then that whole digestive track.
Yeah, we get... We're busy, right?
You... You really explain that it needs to go through every bit of that function... Awesome, and so when you're talking about also the crises and why those are so important and just that whole cleansing part of it, yeah, they're very software-containing veggies and that can really help the liver to detox properly. Yeah, so what about anything else that you can talk to that goes for not just juice cleanses, but any kind of cleanses, are those intermittent because that's also a really popular right now, those intermittent cleansing, like fast investing, maybe that's what that fasting can be a good thing I'm not against fasting.
I'm only against fasting if your blood sugar and your body is not in a space for that yet, when you do work up to getting there, just like in cleansing, people will come in on their initial consultation and they're like, I need to do a cleanse, and I'm looking at their symptoms, I'm doing my evaluation, I've done the brain span, the muscle testing, if they brought in blood work, I've looked at it and I'm like, No way, you are not in a position to do a cleanse, your body is too weak and you're not strong enough, so we need to start prepping the body to get strong to be able to handle a cleanse, so a claims with me would consist of a protein powder with cleansing components in it, and that's my famous 28-day detox. I love that one. It's one of my favorites because you can eat a lot, you're able to eat some animal protein, you can eat eggs, chicken, beef, fish, you could... You can also have... You're gonna have some grains, I'm really not a big grain advocate because of the way they're hybridized, the way that they are cross-bred and grown today, it does not do well in our guts, so I'm really not a big grain person, but if you wanna do a little bit of keyhole, you're able to do that on the clean, you can do a little bit of fruits... I am a total Fruit terminator in like a sugar Terminator, so I'm like, If you're gonna do fruit half a cup daily, that's it, and we're gonna make it varies, so I really keep the sugar down 'cause most people that are coming in are ill, and when I say ill, it doesn't mean that you can't get out of bed. It just means they've got headaches, they've got bloating, they've got farting, they've got Acme, that you've got hormone problems, so... Walker, a great meal plan.
Oh, okay, okay. Like a daily meal plan for somebody, after the cleanse, after you've looked at all of the blood work and everything else, and you say, Okay, and I think you've talked about maybe you have recipes or you may have some of the assets. So what does that look like? You've talked about eliminating sugar and fruit, what is... And don't be afraid of me, not with eliminating all those because I'm not boot camp, and it's not boot camp where you're eliminating everything and eradicating it day one, it's a little by little.
Right. So what does it look like? It looks like keeping your fruit low, I always suggest I wouldn't do any more than half a cup of day and actually that's pretty lenient, I'm usually like quarter cup, so protein shakes are fine as long as I know the ingredients of it, I use standard process, so I use their SP complete. I love their way, which is in... I have their way protein and their SP complete, every time you drink that, it's a gentle detox to the liver and kidneys and gut system, and their way has inline and colostrum in it, colostrum is from mother's milk, so that's there to improve the immune system, which 80% of your immunity is in your gut, so just with those protein patterns, I really love those, so if someone likes the protein Jake, I give them recipes for that, so a protein shake will be fine eating in the morning or any meal or... And or as a snack, eggs, bacon, using butter to cook your eggs in, using the bacon grease Lord, that would be a great thing to cook your food in large as one of the best places you can get vitamin D, it's one of the best sources really for vitamin D?
Yes, ironically, in Sunnyvale, California, we are very vitamin D deficient.
It's pretty ridiculous actually.
I didn't know that, but... So save the grease that you made to make your not backing in and you can put into a glass jar, put into like an old pickle jar or... Any glass jar with a lid. I came being out on the counter, some will put it in the fridge and then it solidifies, so I keep it out on the counter and we're just constantly pouring it in and then you can use a little grease, the pan, and you can try things in it like a sweet potato, I say You wanna make French rise, cut up your sweet potato in fry shape and put it in the pan with some... A little bit of salt, a little bit of bacon grace. It's great down. Good.
Yeah, so you have these recipes that are available for people to see in my office, I don't have anything on the website yet, I don't believe Kailash positive. I don't, but yet in my office, yes.
Okay, but that gives us an idea of what are the things, so... And then some of the... Obviously, the veggies to... Are a big thing.
Yes, yeah, vegetables are great. Fruits are fine, just keeping them in low amounts, animal protein, chicken was skin on it, I'm a huge advocate. Your brain is mostly fat, so it's really important to eat a lot of fat, olive oil, olives, avocados, large skin, chicken skin. There's a lot of good fats. Okay, that's good. Okay, next question, and it has to do with anxiety and CBD oil is very popular right now, can that get rid of anxiety? Cobb oil can be very helpful. In my office, I use something called hemp oil, and our hemp oil has a blend of true rock, which comes from broccoli Kalahari oil, which is a very high in DHA and omega 3 oil, and then there's the hump aspect, so with that combination, it's a great anti-inflammatory and works on pain.
Now, CBD is not sold internationally, so that's why Center process made a hemp oil, but your question was about CBD, but I just wanted to say, that's what I work with, but CBD is actually fantastic. It's a great thing. Hanoi is a great thing as well.
It can really work on the anxiety, it can help mellow you out, but I always find that it's really important while taking something to help relieve anxiety, Let's uncover what's causing the anxiety. Now, I know everybody has problems, there's always something coming at us, whether our boss or partner or kids, somebody's yanking on the ankle in something, causing anxiety with deadlines or whatever, so having some CBD oil can help reduce inflammation and can really mellow down the anxiety, so you can get better clarity and focus, but the anxiety can come from poor adrenal thyroid, hypothalamus pituitary function... That's that HP at access again.
I was gonna say in on say that again, like three times a get's the HP at access, and don't forget I am in the pancreas because the blood sugars regulate all those... Okay, it's part of it. And that is what you're saying, that that could be where that anxiety is coming to you to eat... Handle that stress or that.
Absolutely, there's many... We're all going through stress... Right. Nobody's unique, right? Whenever I hear, I've got this going on. It's like, okay, you're not unique, but I empathize with what you're going through it, but what's happening is, is that you have not enough protein, good protein in the mix of your daily regimen, you're waiting way too long to each... You eat your meals, right, so you're going four or five hours in between meals, and then you're thrown a workout after work when you're already stressing, you wanna rest, there's not enough breast time and downtime to reenter, recharge your batteries, and you're on the constant goal.
So it really has to do with diet lifestyle. It really, really does. So what I do is we look at some of the blood tests that we had talked about before, as well as doing the muscle testing, look at the adrenal function and we support it through whole food supplementation to support those hormone glands to really help alleviate... Wow. And that's good. I like that you really work people through the full picture because it is so we all have our forms of stress and everything, but it's really working with people, educating, communicating and making sure that it is the right personal... Whatever it is, supplement mineral, whatever it is for them.
Exactly, you hit it.
Great, well, thank you so much for your time and for the great advice, it's... Your knowledge is amazing. So that you're doing what you're doing, you're following your passion for more information on Christie, the website is H-Newport dot com, and we look forward for your next visit.
Thank you so much. The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition E-