Join host Kimberly King as she sits down with Dr. Rob Streisfeld to discuss CBD! Dr. Striesfeld is a doctor of naturopathic medicine as well as a passionate consumer advocate and educator. CBD is currently the hottest trend in the natural foods industry; tune in and learn the latest on this growing industry.

All Things CBD
All Things CBD
Join host Kimberly King as she sits down with Dr. Rob Streisfeld to discuss CBD! Dr. Striesfeld is a doctor of naturopathic medicine as well as a passionate consumer advocate and educator. CBD is currently the hottest trend in the natural foods industry; tune in and learn the latest on this growing industry.
All Things CBD
Join host Kimberly King as she sits down with Dr. Rob Streisfeld to discuss CBD! Dr. Striesfeld is a doctor of naturopathic medicine as well as a passionate consumer advocate and educator. CBD is currently the hottest trend in the natural foods industry; tune in and learn the latest on this growing industry.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market podcast, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, it's the hottest trend in the natural foods industry, and CDs are helping many people suffering from all kinds of elements find relief, no longer a fad, it's a movement, and we're on the cutting edge with the latest on this growing industry, plus later, we'll tell you what's going on around town? But first up, Dr. Rob story fell is a passionate consumer advocate and educator with over 15 years of natural health and natural products industry experience, a Doctor of naturopathic medicine and certified food chef dock raw provides an informed and innovative perspective to support branding, marketing, PR, and other business development needs with a focus on education and community over the past decade, dock Ram has helped to identify Antifa key health categories such as probiotics, enzymes, way protein, fermented foods and whole food supplements, and we welcome him to the mother's market podcast back around. How are you?
I'm doing great, good to see you guys are getting so good to see you.
Why don't you fill our audience in a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to today's show topic, you know, I've always just been a big advocate, I think part of it that I come in from a doctor's side of it. So the healer, the caregiver that take on takes care of others, so instead of just being a seller, I wanna give value in other ways, so I've always been an educator and a spokesperson, and now as a consultant with Beyond brands and advising and emerging categories, how to do it consciously had to really focus on quality and good practices of production and manufacturing and how to reach a good audience that needs good quality products, and so it's just something that I've done my whole career and enjoy doing, it's not really work when you love it, every day, I love it. That's great. Today, we're talking about the latest on CDs, and so Durban is new and cannabis... And everybody's talking about CBD.
Yeah, for me, thankfully, it's not new, I've been part of this space for quite a number of years, helping to help it grow and emerge, but this year it has hit full swing, you walked down the aisles at expos and we're inundated with Hunton CBD, which is not a bad thing, but it might hit a saturation point passion most have expected or desired, but people are talking about cannabis, people were talking about him, people are talking about on the different compounds and different uses, and it's great to see the plant being freed and accept it again, and not just from Canada, but the US market and the international market is really getting on fire, and you really did get here ahead of the time, you had an elevated view and now you really are seeing ahead of where we are now. Yeah, it's something that I've worked in the medical cannabis space for years, so I was aware of CBD from that perspective, and that was relatively new in that world, everyone had just been focusing on THC, and then I saw a CBD company come in to Expo East has five years ago, or were in said, What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be the natural Bradshaw you because... No, no, it's hemp derived. His is really the future. And I said, You know what, it really is. And so we started to working and new hope said one year, no, you can't be here, and now you can't have CBD here and a ban our products. And then fast forward a couple of years and they say, Tell me about over 170 booths with CBD and 1400 new products or some crazy numbers like that, and it's hiatus.
Wow, well, what are some of the exciting things you're seeing and what are doing in the emerging cannabis industry? Well, I think that in any time we have a citing ingredient like that we have opportunity and also challenges, so you still have some regulatory gray areas, you still have... You now have the 2018 Farm Bill that pass, which was huge, that freed industrial hemp, but then free CBD, so people don't understand that industrial hemp is now legal federally, but it's not free entirely, just moved from the DEA as far as control and oversight to the FDA, and USDA. So it's not completely... We want regulations to a degree, of course, half me once free the plan completely grow your own rights for personal use, but if you're gonna take and start producing and growing and manufacturing and reselling, we need some sops, we need some guidelines, we need some good manufacturing practices so we're seeing some of the early adopters of their product or people that come from the Canada's world, the farming world, that don't understand the natural products industry, some of them are struggling, some of them wrote in that learning curve, but now we're seeing the established brands, the ones that have been around the industry for 20, 30 years, they understand they have shelf space, they know what they need to be compliant with, and they're breaking in for the first time in all in every major brand you can imagine within this year... By next year, we'll have some sort of CBD ingredient in their product line, it seems inevitable.
Wow. Right now is the wild, wild west that's happening.
Like I said, they're still in a great area, but it's taken the world by storm, and the challenge will be is how long... And my flags of caution and not, people don't want to be hearing is that, well, I've seen trends over the years, probiotics, we've seen as Veritas, we've seen consensus Vitamin D, we see all these things that... And turmeric, moriscos, they come and they don't disappear, but there is a plateau, and I think that people don't understand that CBD spike is so rapid that it's already hit a saturation point that if you have 60% of the products on the show having some CBD, then how is a CBD company that's getting to the game today going to exist, and where does a retailer now pick and choose how to build that, we eventually see it in the stores, a CBD probably category or shelf space, but again, there's... Thousands of companies and some of them are on e-commerce only, and some of them are joined direct or there's a still a network marketing or was formally MLM models, and you have some that aren't hearing about regulations, so how do you put that next to the companies that, understand that.
And it costs maybe more to do the certain lab TAs to choose Erin Compliance things, so there's going to be a bit abate, but we've watched the pricing and also go down significantly.
So when I was on this years ago, I could tell you that there were company selling at 16, 18 cents per milligram, I can probably on average today three, four years later, we're talking 20 to 70 cents.
And so that's the model, that's the way things are going as more farmers are planting and more supplies coming on board... Yeah, there's more demand, it's not more demand right now, but where do we hit that point of Max saturation and the price drops down? And some great people in this industry. I clear Alina urban trials was out on the happiness summit on Tuesday that I was speaking at. And his desires to make it more affordable for everyone put in the NAS market, and so if there's people who operating in that good faith effort, how is that gonna work on people that have set up three to five year projections that they won't meet them based on the pricing.
Yeah, that's not the balance of... Wow, this is interesting, the passing of the... So you just touched on this, that 2018 Farm Bill has a lot of people excited about some years, so you did talk about your thoughts on this, it's the form everyone focused on CBD, but what I wanna always bring back is that that same movement during that same period of passing the Farm Bill, Hempel, hemp protein powder, hold him things that have been in our stores for years, was recognized by the FDA as grass or generally the garden as safe, that's a milestone that's historic, that's 20 years in the making of building this category and getting some kind of recognition of its safety and application as a super food, so a lot of people just forgot about that. I didn't even think about that. They're like, Oh, it's CBD, a CBD. And I'm like, Wait, there have been no true pioneers in this industry for many years, been working just to get this plant in general accepted. So don't pass on that, you saw an amazing report or announcement last week with the tire when the largest cannabis companies or marijuana companies out of Canada bought Manitoba harvest hemp, the largest have food company in the world.
So you're saying, well, 'cause they're gonna vertically integrate and differentiate their product lines, but they also see the value still, the hand parts that have seed oil, the hemp protein, they're not skipping all of that, this is a whole plant with so many parts that are useful in so many ways to use it industrially or agriculture, your nutritionally... And you said right when you sat down that you see... You have a plan, you do, you see the future. Whereas, again, a lot of these companies that are clearing their shelves and it's just a nothing recent recent brand, your team, beyond brands. And with the website, beyond brands org launched a mood 33, it's a cannabis-infused sparkling tonic. I... Can you talk a little bit about that?
Definitely, so this is one of the first projects and the most dear projects to our payer, Michael Christopher was originally in New York working to watch a CBD beverage and couldn't do it because of the regulatory framework and picked up everything and moved to California, and we worked with him and said, Well, for in California and it's adult use, we can have the access to THC CBD, and more and more research shows that, although CBD is amazing, it seems to work better when there's a little bit of THC with it.
So he came out with this concept of a beverage line called move 33, but unlike many, it's not a more is better model. So in California and these cannabis legal states, they were providing a 12-ounce bar bottle of beverage or the 100 milligrams of THC, and for the unknowing consumer, it's still an early industry and a lot of people don't understand how it'll affect them. Take a big couple of cups of that drink and you're in for a ride. So the idea that Michael, Chris Ford and the 33 team and what we were done was a lifestyle friendly, so each product, a bottle will have maybe total of 10 no grams or 5 milligrams of CBD and 5 Milgram or THC, and he complemented with some other extracts and really, really nice ingredients, so it's more of the adult responsible consumer who wants to go out and have a glass of wine or a bottle of beer to or drink or cocktail now can choose a mod 33 beverage and have that same kind of benefit without being intoxicated or overwhelmed, and I see that being a large trend of... Yeah, it's a lot of fun at first and was like, Oh, let's see how it feels and get crazy, but as we become more familiar with these compounds in this plan, the conscious consumer, which I've always promoted is, Let's start making responsible choices and you know something that gets into my lifestyle. And you're always gonna have a... See a lot of young kids getting into cannabis, although research has been showing that those legal tastes have legalized cannabis, teen use and abuses going down, so it's a... No, that we've always been what we can have attracted to, it's our human nature, so as we make it more available and we educate more people about it, we're seeing less abuse and misuse, but I am still seeing young people, You misusing THC and high concentrated doses.
So what I'm looking at in the trend is respect to the plan, I use an analogy of tobacco Evernote back as a plant is not bad, and the Rob believes and the juice can use topically, even treat bassein MAs and it's use of the back ingredients and toothpaste in India, so it's not bad, it's when the industry got involved and started to not only legally, but commercialize it and industrialize it and have to produce so much to be cost-effective and native ingredients, and so now you're manipulating it from a plan. And that's what concerns me, and that's what I'm advocating for is that on a couple of things, one is, it's not the plant that is the problem, it's how we handle and manage and utilize the plan, so we have to be responsible of that. And the other side is that I told this to the industry and I spoke on the happiness, which by the way, was a 1000 people, Mather had to put extra rooms with screens just to live treatment in. Because it was standing room only in every space you can find is that attractive, but I said, Please don't let our natural products industry degraded and push down PhDs benefits. Now you use embassies TC for the sake of selling CBD, because in a few years, hopefully the federal government wakes up as well, and they'll decriminalize cannabis as a whole, and maybe they'll still regulate to a certain amount per product that you can consume, but we'll want THC even in small amounts in somebody's formulas, somebody supplement in some of those products, and if we put a standard as good or bad, one is good, one is bad, what happened in a couple of years when we want the other one, well, you told us it was bad, so we don't wanna perpetuate that conversation, and there's a lot of these language issues that I keep promoting, which is, Don't you psychoactive as bad, 'cause psychoactive is not bad, selective is a term that describes an effect... Never, not used. Medically negative or positive way.
So Chocolate, caffeine, these are all psychoactive, so it does not mean it's bad, it has an effect. So let's talk about it and how... What kind of effect are we desiring?
But that's marketing, right?
And that's great.
Education, branding, that's what I've always done is more about education, so that's marketing well, if you teach, you don't really have to sell, Oh, people make better choices on their own, and that's what I do, and I love doing that. Beyond brand is very focused on that conscious consumer, a better quality product, clean product, and we like to do a lot of good education and good branding around it.
Yeah, for you, what or products or categories do you see gaining in popularity right now, what have some challenges been when consulting and advising clients related to cannabis? You have a big audience and you have a lot of people listening to you, there's a lot of opportunity, but there's also a lot of challenges, like I said earlier, that you have a lot of people coming from outside the industry, you have cannabis people, people have growing for 30, 20 years in behind the scenes, and now they're trying to bring their hard work in labor of love to a marketplace that they're starting to see corporate influence and all these other things, and a lot of money grabs, and they're going, but we're still the farmers were still the people were still the ground roots of this industry, and so I still like to push that forward and say, Don't forget how we got here. Don't forget, like I said, Manitoba and the people that have fought. The people like the other founders and things of that, that I've fought to get this even on the table of a conversation point, as a consultant, I've found for the most part, two major groups, one is the amazing entrepreneur, passionate, create, innovator, has wonderful ideas, doesn't have money, it happens.
The other side is the groups that got funded and are making money because it's such a demand right now, but aren't really knowledgeable and set up for long-term success, in my opinion, or they think because they're being successful today, they know how to do it. In this industry long term, and they don't wanna take advice or consult from people that I have a lot of experience and a lot of familiar area, this is not new, it's a little different, but not new to this industry, that we have a hot ingredient that we have regulatory challenges, this is nothing that we have compliance and GMP practices, these things, GMP rules and effect.
So that's been some of the challenges, is just saying, Look, some of us understand the path forward and yeah, you might wanna push the limits a little bit, but there's a path that's been laid out for us, and those that don't wanna listen... This is what I've been challenged with is, I don't book clients or I don't look to take money... Our job as consultants is a part of our business, but I'm not looking to take it from people who I know will fail. I can't do that, it's not how I work, and that's not saying everyone does that, but if I look at a company and say, you're set up to fail, so yeah, I can take your money now, but you won't be in business in two years, I don't do that ethically, so I can give them tips on what they might wanna do, they don't listen, I'm like, Okay, well, maybe you need to find someone else said to do that... Right, and yeah, and you have a big platform, a big enough platform to get that out there, and then I Otsego to be selective, but I think that's patient strategic and selective.
Great information. We have to take a quick break, so don't go away more from Dr. Rob, in just a moment. We'll be right back.
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And now, back to our interview with Dr. Rob servile, and we're talking about the latest in cannabis and Rob... Let's go straight into... You're talking a little bit about the CBD, the isolate and... Full spectrum, broad spectrum. Can you talk about that? Yeah, it's a big nudum, I'll use that term because it's my book title as well, but we have this plant and the way the plant grows, it has naturally occurring cannabinoids, different levels of it, because we have find value in them, we are growing them differently, we're elevating the percentages of different compounds and trying to reduce... The percentage of compounds that we're trying in some areas are increasing CBD percentage and trying to reduce eliminate or what we're TAC percentage and certain cultivars are genetic strains, but when it comes to processing, taking to the next level, then they're looking at, Well, what's the extractor? What's in the bottle and isolate is when they take it to the 99 plus percent pure, just CBD. And while that for many is easier to formulate with because it's more of a pure milligram premier dosing, a couple of problems, one is in science and research is showing it doesn't work as well, it's like taking the vitamin C, separating that out. But we know now in our industry that when you add biobus and rose hips and other herbs, it works better, so we don't wanna take an isolate that compound away and it seems to be more of a pharmaceutical derivative of the plan, if the drug companies are gonna make a product with CBD, they're gonna look at a 99 plus percent pure compound, and that's more for that range, and it's gonna be used in medicine and drug making, and the problem is that some companies were taking a very cheap product and spiking it by just adding an extra CBD to boost up the percentage and the FDA and everyone does not like that, and so I've never been an advocate for ice, let now... Okay. Or in the medical community and disease treatment, yes, there's gonna be some role for that, but on the everyday health and wellness person, I don't really feel that if you... You should not be looking for when you look for a product that's more derived CBD, that I would prefer to recommend, stay away from those that are using isolated, I tell that to the manufacturers as well as to the consumers and the retailers.
Now we have the next stage, which is full and broad spectrum, so you have an extract from the plant, they'll have a full gamut, we call entourage effect of all the different cannabinoids, different flavonoid, terpenes, lignin, all these different compounds of common plans. So the difference between full spectrum and broad spectrum for me is that FOS everything and in the Cannabis plant will have a small amount of THC, hemp is defined as having lushan percent THC, and that makes it legal according to the Farm Bill, but broad spectrum are for those people that are looking for the hemp and the CBD, but they don't want any PhD. And right now, the only son why that I think is happening is because of fear of drug tests or the consequence is not because they really are scared of it, because that small amount is not gonna get them high or imbalance them or make them disoriented, it's very minute, but still from a legal standpoint, they don't want to take the risk, that's pretty popular with military, a flight attendants and other things of that nature, that... Pilots, things that are much more specific. Drug testing, some athletes, but again, that... Hope we will change.
And that's just that the... For the broad section, you're explaining and that's just for the medical part.
No, the... Well, the prospector is now in the supplements and things of that nature, but they're purposely trying to keep PhD out of it, and the full spectrum would have all of it, including a small amount of the bits from him, and I think that in Sedera, the research shows that that small amount of these teams that make everything work better in the body, it's part of our endocannabinoid system, we have receptors for it. So it makes sense, but I were still in that gray area of regulatory space, so... Okay, thank you for explaining that.
And so recently, we've been talking about this as well. You published a book that... The cannabis conundrum, I like it. It's hard to say if you say a pass, if we have five times or... Let's talk about that. Yes, so people always are asking me questions and I have my opinions, of course, and I hope they're sound and then shared it and appreciated, but again, their opinions, and I think that it's a good time in this industry to always hear different perspectives and learn that this industry is so huge, or people out there looking at turning him into biofuels and people making hemp Creek to build homes and plastics, I've got the awesome mastic sun glass company coming out and it says all this cool stuff, so you gotta look at as much... Everyone's got different aspects and different interests, we have... The announced with the Farm Bill was that the FDA recognized hems Eminem proteins as grass and safe, well, that's a whole different perspective in an industry that's different than just the CBD people that are just selling CBD right now, 'cause it's popular.
So we look at this from a very wide perspective, and I was able to take a bunch of different industry experts and influencers and insiders and have them... He tried a chapter, so it wasn't just me, I have a nice chap in the front, which really share some of my background and why I had this perspective, setting the table for this ongoing conversation... We're just in the infant stages.
So that book is out on Amazon, the e-book is 99 cents, is Ruben to be educational and informative and to continue the conversation, which were... Hopefully, if you go to the Cannabis conundrum dot com, you'll see is already a couple of others in the series of being developed to bring in the doctors and researchers and scientists perspective is a whole different conversation from leaving the patients, the caregivers and the loved ones that are affected by sickness and the ones they're seeing their... Well, lines get better. And then, of course, in any industry, women in the industry are amazing today, I think National National instead, I love it, beyond brands were majority women owned and run, the women that are taking charge in the cannabis industry are amazing, there's cannabis nurses and the cannabis monster kids it's so cool to see this being a community effort, and that's really what I love about this, is that there's a huge community coming together, sharing information, of course, he's always gonna be little competition, but for the most part, people wanna see this plan freed and accessible and a safer and natural option and some of the other pharmaceutical or synthetic options out there, and with that in mind, we're seeing big Ag getting involved and you're getting other pharmaceutical industries getting involved, and they just produce certain cannabinoids off of East cultures, and there's other testicular development and synthetic cannabinoids, so we're not anywhere near the end here, this is just the beginning, and it's gonna be challenging for some consumers to navigate and so that's all I look to do. I have a radio show on cannabis radio or on I Heart called concierge for Better Living, which I just try to bring on different guests and of course, use that as a way to share different perspectives and just like this. So it was great, and that's what we gotta do, East, keeping the message out there and always welcome for feedback, that's the biggest thing is be open for criticism, a... Be open for feedback and to learn something new, I love this plan, I know a lot about it, but I'm always excited to go to conferences and learn from other experts, and I think that's part of where we're at now. We have so much more to go and you can see your passion, and I think what we were talking about too about your book is that it's nice that you welcomed in other voices. And again, I have shared a lot of different perspectives, so I host the big 42 Conference in Michigan and I... Do you wanna speak? I'm like, No, I want a MC, I wanna help navigate and help fill gaps and answer questions in between the speakers and bring the stories, and that to me is really the passion I have is we kinda fill in the blanks and how people get up and down noting understand now, and this is not new, as I said, this is something in 15, 16 years ago when I was traveling, talking about probiotics, you see a room of blank stairs in the room, 50-00 people going pooled now, fast-forward a... Not fast, but it's been time and they're everywhere, people understand them now and they use them, they appreciate them, and this is part of the journey that any really amazing compound or natural product or even something just natural and plant. And we need to do, we need to spend the time to educate. But of course, I'd love to see this plant growing in their homes backyard and as a vegetable and another minister heart. So that's the trend I'm hoping to see is that the first interest is that a lot of it is for concentrating and manufacturing and processing, but I'm hoping that as we learn more, we'll go backwards a whole plant and unadulterated and just struck to use this as another just medicinal herb or vegetable or food, it's just amazing to have cannabis back on the table.
We talked a little bit about why you wrote this book, but also the collaborative effect with a multiple author approach, but it's because really you wanted to bring in everybody else's voices, they're here so that... There are people that have been doing this a long time.
That's why I'm saying, I don't wanna just start dropping names, but it just such... There's so many great hamsters and cannabis people that have been fighting the good fight, all these organizations you have up, American overproduction Association, we have a cannabis committee that meets and helps the FDA figure this out, you have HIA, you have... Now, the newest one is US and brown table, and they're trying to build a third-party certification stamp so that you can vet out these manufacturers to consumers can have some sort of Consumer Report type of guidance as to quality, so the heaviest evolving and as a regulatory framework with the FDA comes to bear in the next couple of months to years, we don't know how fast they're gonna act, we're gonna see a lot of changes, and I'm afraid that some companies may be pushed out of business because they're just not compliant. You're gonna see new ones come in that the opportunity, it's really kind of fun, and I like... Again, obviously your research, you know what you're talking about, you talk about compliance a lot, so there's... Where can people get your book... My book, again, Amazon Barnes and Noble online, right now. I said that the e-book is a special 99 cents. We're not trying to gouge people, it's not about a money maker, it's really just keep the stories go and share the information. I mean, there was a hemp Road ship and this guy, ricordi went around in a little... In a boss, a little bit, all around the country to different capitals, and talk to government officials, talk to consumers and kinda educate on the grass-root level, and I have made a chapter, and then my friend Heidi runs my compassion and a fat13 no profit on the first federally recognized cannabis non-profits, and they're like, Well, in-profits are making a lot of money. I'm like, No, it's hard to work. But she goes out there and she tells stories about, this is 10 years they've been doing this, and the same officials and government people who are pushing around the office and not listening to her 10 years ago, and now coming in and saying, How can we work together and so to see this evolution is where there's people have been doing this behind the scenes a long time, you have the people from normal and all these different groups and Mercator safe actors, Dr. broner, David Run, if any, as a fighter for the freezing in the plan, and of course, these are people that are now starting to see the food of their labor, and that's what I love to see also, this is a fight and a passion that many people have not just me, I wanna bring more of that to the table, and so once again, it's called the cannabis conundrum... Correct. dot com. What about Big Tobacco? Big Pharma, big alcohol.
How do you think they'll affect the industry?
They are coming, and I mean that in... Not all negative, but they are... Is this big business and alcohol industry is seeing a drop in sales, you're seeing tobacco trying to save themselves, and a lot of the big tobacco farmers and tobacco facilities in Kentucky in the Southeast are being converted to hemp facilities, which is nice.
Until you ever went down and I toured in Kentucky, so the old tobacco facilities, the size of these machines, the size is... You can see the scalability of the industry, how big it became, and they see this happening with him hates going to be on top three crops in this country, corn, so I am... This was the number one crop back in the day, he was a US crop, and we need to bring that back to the forefront and it's happening all of the world, so yeah, it's kind of an interesting dynamic that... Is interesting that you point that out. Really, you just brought that in. A realistic view, you don't really... You don't think about that. Is there a change in the public's perception or is there still a lot of work to do, there's definitely an increased acceptance, you see more and more states to give it 33 states or more... Right now, it could be wrong, probably more is probably 38, I think that have some sort of medical cannabis or cannabis or hemp or bills in the works, there's a lot of federal bills now that are talking about decriminalization and different changes, so when you see that, that owning, it happens when the public perception is more accepting and you're seeing that the numbers keep increasing, that... That this is changing the way we feel. And you have the major demographic typically is your baby boomers that are starting to say, Look, I don't wanna be on all these pharmaceuticals, they don't make me feel good, and let me try this, and they're seeing CBD, summer triangle, THC or seeing other drivers. There's not just CBD, THC, there's over 500 compounds in the plant, they say over 100 plus cannabinoids. We were talk about TV for wage loss and CBN for sleep and insomnia. And so this is just the tip of the iceberg in catechetical and cannabis-based Therapeutics.
So really it's about the education, about getting behind it, and again, the way it's... You talk about a brand about marketing, but getting it out there to education. Yeah, it's definitely... And so where there's so many new companies and new products where I'm going into and what I've always... I'm setting up an actual cannabis Research and Education Center in New York. And they're like, Why? I'm like, Well, because we need to be working on what's next, we need to be pretty more sound scientific validation to what we already know and that part... And then so I'd like to have this where people can come in and learn about how we grow and how the different uses of the plant, and is a lot of those opportunities that I think education drives sound information creates more conscious consumers, who make better choices. It's not a hype, and again, there are people that are hyping it up, and there are people that are selling product that is in quality, and there's been reports on Amazon and other things of that nature where their product is tested and there's nothing in there, but that will hopefully shake out and they'll become a more legitimate category in our industry and available over the place, really Conny... And are you looking at the international market... Oh, big time. Of course, China has been growing him and textiles for a long time, China is gonna be a big grower and a big player, of course, to our north weak Canada who was already well established in the market, and for many years, they specifically did not grow with the intention for CBD, and now they are... And so that's a whole another supply chain, another opportunity, and I... I say We, Tera, large Canadian cannabis company buying Manitoba harvest, the largest hemp food company in the world. They are also positioned themselves to integrate across the spectrum of ham products, not just CBD, but they see a lot of different ingredients and dollar, different products that they can put it into. We have pet products, we have topical, we have beverage, the veteran's gonna be a huge category in part because people are familiar with it, but also big beverage, you got beer companies, you've got cocoa and Pepsi and those guys looking at different things, they talk about... Campus been arranged, we're not gonna boast like plus plus, it just makes everything we already know is good, that much better, so it's definitely gonna hit every category, every aspect of the industry, and there are some big, big players with lots of capital coming into the space and that's why I say there's going to be a market for high quality craft or artisan small growers with a story with innovation, but there's going to be a big mass market... Big players in space.
Yeah, you have South America, you have... You have everyone coming on board, right there on and you're all ended to win it, I guess, right here. Well, this has been fascinating, and thank you for all of your research then for getting the word out there and for your education and your passion.
Your book again is the cannabis conundrum dot com, you can check it out, but thank you so much for your time, doc rub, and your great advice. That's the only website to check it out, 'cause right now I go to drop dot com, that's my main website right now that's always defined me, and then connect out to social media. We're on Instagram and Twitter, and all that fun stuff. All that social media good stuff that's out there, and again, I welcome people sending me messages, not just liking my pages, but using that as a resource, I'm here to help, and I do that on my show as well and say, Please send questions. Send me, I got guys setting me new studies, it was a new research study on CD came out to... They might be bad, but then if you look at it closely, it's not a legitimate study, it's also some sort of weird mouse that's not even relevant, we have to be diligent here, but... The potential is amazing, right?
And you can find all of that information you can detect so... Great, well, thank you so much for being here. great was the pleasure. Thank you guys, in which everyone all the best in health and happiness.
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