Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Mark Sisson. Mark Sisson is an American fitness author and blogger, and a former distance runner, triathlete and Ironman competitor. Sisson finished 4th in the 1982 Ironman World Championship. Mark has authored several books and is the founder of the top rated fitness blog, Mark and Kim will talk about a number of topics including the Paleo diet and the Primal Blueprint in particular.
Paleo & The Primal Blueprint – Part I
Paleo & The Primal Blueprint - Part II
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Mark Sisson. Mark Sisson is an American fitness author and blogger, and a former distance runner, triathlete and Ironman competitor. Sisson finished 4th in the 1982 Ironman World Championship. Mark has authored several books and is the founder of the top rated fitness blog, Mark and Kim will talk about a number of topics including the Paleo diet and the Primal Blueprint in particular.
Paleo & The Primal Blueprint - Part II
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Mark Sisson. Mark Sisson is an American fitness author and blogger, and a former distance runner, triathlete and Ironman competitor. Sisson finished 4th in the 1982 Ironman World Championship. Mark has authored several books and is the founder of the top rated fitness blog, Mark and Kim will talk about a number of topics including the Paleo diet and the Primal Blueprint in particular.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Helen Kimberly King and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, it's time for part two of Marxian healthy eating and lifestyle, you are what you eat, and what you eat can actually help you burn fat and get healthier, listen close to part two and find out how us later... We'll tell you what's going on around town. And what's new at mother's market? But first step, Mark Isan is the owner of primal kitchen foods and the author of the number one best-selling health book on Amazon dot com, the Primal Blueprint, as well as the Primal Blueprint, Cooke and the top rated health and fitness blog. Mark daily apple dot com. He is also the founder of Primal nutrition incorporated, a company devoted to health education and designing a state-of-the-art supplements that address the challenges of living in the modern world. And we welcome him to the mother's market radio show. Mark, how are you?
I'm great, thanks for having me.
Great, it's great to have you here. Why don't you fill our audience a little bit on your mission and work before we get to the show's topic.
Well, my mission is to educate as many people as possible on the amazing powers that we have as humans to rebuild, regenerate, recreate, renew our bodies on a daily basis, based on decisions that we make, lifestyle decisions, including the types of food we eat, the amount of sleep we get the amount of sun exposure, the types of movement we choose to do, all of this has to do with how we literally turn on genes that build muscle, that burn fat, that improve the immune system, and turn off the genes, it might lead us down a path of illness or disease.
Excellent, I love that. Well, I'm excited to talk to you. And today we are talking about the Paleo diet, and I wanna hear all about it. So what is the Palo trowel?
The pando diet is a way of eating that's based on our ancestors way of living and way of eating, it's been around for 10 or 15 years in the jargon and lexicon in the community, but it's based on science that looks at how we evolve the food that we ate to get us to where we are today as hunter gatherers going back millions of years to hundreds of thousands of years ago, and then up until agriculture, which began about 10000 years ago, where agriculture began.
So we take the clues from this sort of anthropological evidence and we combine it with what we know to be true with the recent research into modern genetic science, how the genes turn on or off based on the foods we eat. And we've come up with this way of eating that identify certain foods that benefit us and certain foods that absolutely do not benefit us, so the panel diet looks at not just not recreating ancient history, but taking clues from ancient history and combining that with modern genetic science. To craft a strategy that allows you to build muscle, burn fat, and generally be strong, lean, Fit, happy, healthy, productive, all these things that we want, we know from our first show last time that the Paleo diet works well for athletes, who else can it help? Whatever works for an elite athlete also works for the average citizen, just saying, Look, I'm frustrated, I've been trying all these different programs, these different diet strategies, these different diet pills. The reason it hasn't been working is the only way you lose weight or the way you wanna lose weight is to burn off your stored body fat... Well, you can't burn off your stored body fat if every two or three hours you're eating another meal, because you were told, Well, humans are grazers and we have to consume carbohydrate all day long and to keep our blood sugar and to not go into these mood swings, all of this goes away when you learn how to burn what we call becoming a fat-burning base, so that's what I train in the primal endurance book that I just wrote in The Primal Blueprint, my first book, How do you become a fat-burning base? And you do it by reconfiguring your fuel partitioning, how much fat do I burned, how much carbohydrate to a burn, how much protein do I burn on a daily basis? And you do that largely through the diet, so the good news is you don't have to exercise to lose weight, that's really freeing for a lot of people... 'cause a lot of people assume when I gotta go to the gym, I have to get on the treadmill. If they've burned 400 calories every time I go to the gym, and then... But the brain goes, Hey, you just burn 400 calories. You better replace those calories, so there's this ongoing vicious cycle where you do a lot of work to sweat and burn off the calories, then you go home and the brain is telling you you gotta replace those calories all because you're burning sugar. You're burning carbohydrate, you're not burning fat, and the more you take in of carbohydrate, the your insulin levels go up and insulin causes the fat to stay in the fat to cells. So the reverse of that is you can lower insulin, you cut up the amount of carbs, now the fat comes out of the fat cells and goes to the muscles where it's burned as energy, so you lose the body that and you're more efficient at whatever movement you're doing because you're not so reliant on having to consume carbon... Yeah, it's just a beautiful thing. It's so empowering. Yeah, I... Right, and so when I say we have hundreds of thousands of user experiences on my site on Mark's daily Apple from people who've embarked on this eating strategy, and a lot of them say... It's like I lost two pounds a week. For weeks at a time. Some people lose 50 pounds in people, 10, some people only have 10 or 12 to lose. Some people say No, just the swelling and my body went down, or people say, I look healthier just because I'm not so puffy, a lot of that is because of the inflammation in the foods that they're eating and the inflammatory nature of the sugars, and some of these... High omega 6 industrial cells are consuming, so by eliminating, limiting those types of foods and by consuming the natural foods that were supposed to be consuming, you achieve that ideal body composition that you've side... Oh my gosh, I wanna talk to you about ketosis.
What is ketosis?
Well, ketosis is a state that the body enters in where you've cut the carbs and your body is looking to burn fat, and now your body is becoming good at burning fat, and one of the by-products of fat metabolism is that the liver produces these... What we call a fourth fuel, it's called ketones, ketone bodies, and so these ketones go into circulation.
Now, if you're a carbohydrate-dependent sugar burner, as we say, and you skip two meals, your body will make... It'll go into ketosis, you'll make ketones, but because you haven't built the metabolic machinery to burn those ketones, you expel those ketones in the bread, so people have kind of funky breath if they've skipped a couple of meals. That's sort of an effective ketosis.
Now, when you become good at Burning these ketones, when you've built the metabolic machinery to burn ketones, and that's that up-regulating of the genes that we talked about, so over time, when you restrict the carbs, when you increase the amount of healthy father take in, you produce these ketones and the ketones then are burned by brain cells by nerses, by cardiac muscle, by skeletal muscle, a lot of the parts of the body actually prefer to burn ketones over maybe glucose, so you un-burden... You further on burden your body of having to take in carbohydrate on a daily basis, so a lot of people live in a perpetual state of ketosis, they're proud of it, it's very healthy, but to do that, you have to really cut the carbs way back... I mean, under say, 30 grams a day in some cases, and in my case, I go into ketosis every once in a while for a couple of days, it's a good part of my training, but I like to eat so much and not so much quantities, but I just, I like to eat great tasting food, so I don't wanna exclude some of these other types of foods from my diet, I fruits and vegetables and other sort of carbohydrate sources and some rice and some sweet potato and things like that, but people who are really into ketosis are having tremendous benefits as well, so give me an example of what does Mark a in a difficult day? Well, so I'm so good at burning fat, I'm not bragging, I'm just get... Stating a fact that I wake up in the morning and I'm not hungry, so I have a cup of coffee. Nice rich, dark coffee, and I might go till noon or 0 o'clock before I eat anything, and that includes going to the gym at 10 or 10-30 and doing a hard workout.
One of my first rules of thumb about Living an Awesome Life is if you're not hungry, you don't have to eat it, you don't have to eat because somebody said it was time to eat, it was 8 o'clock and it was breakfast time, if you're hungry, for sure. Eat, but one of the things that happens as a result of adapting to becoming a fat-burning beast is hunger dissipates or it self-regulate, so you don't get ravenous, you don't get cravings. When you're hungry, you're hungry, you eat enough to take care of the immediate needs, you don't tend to overeat, you can push a plate of food away and say, You know what, I've had enough, so I go from... Again, from the time I wake up until maybe noon or 1 o'clock and then I have a salad, a big giant salad with lots of dressing on it, some form of protein on it might be some tuna, might be left over chicken from the night before or something like that, then in the afternoon, I might have a handful of macadamia nuts as a snack, and then I eat a reasonable dinner again, because I... Like me, I might have a piece of steak or I might have some chicken or something like that for dinner with some grilled vegetables, occasionally a glass of red wine with that, and I love my life and I love the way he... And I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything because I didn't eat a giant basket of bread rolls, or that I didn't order a side pasta or something like that. I eat what I wanna eat and I enjoy everybody.
And that's great. And again, yeah, you have fashioned after everything, so you know what's in there with your salad dressings too, and with your avocado oil. So I make all these problems I make for me. I let everybody else, I let all my friends have them, but I made him originally for me just 'cause they didn't exist in the marketplace, and I wanted to satisfy that requirement.
Let me ask you a quick question about intermittent fasting. Yeah, what about that? Well, it's... Look, humans for millions of years did not eat three square meals a day, there were times when humans would go a day, two days, sometimes a week without eating much food, if at all, the body had to have a way to not just survive, but preserve and thrive on sewer, thrive in to that problem, to thrive over that period of time, and so we have these mechanisms, and ketosis, by the way, is one of mechanisms where when there's no external calories coming in, the body is able to use its stored body fat is to be able to produce ketones instead of relying on carbohydrate sources, and one of the things that happens is it's just so cool, it's so elegant, but the body tends to repair itself in those situations, so... Whereas the body, if you have two sales or seats sitting around going, Hey, plenty of food is plenty of glucose, there's resources for everyone. I'm gonna divide, I'm gonna make two of me, and so you tend to... The calls tend to divide, well, we have so many cell divisions in a lifetime, so you actually don't want yourselves to divide that frequently if you restrict calories. And this is the theory behind inter-man fasting, the cell goes, Oh, there's not enough for even me, let alone two of us, so I'm not gonna divide... What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start to consume some of the damaged proteins and bad fats in me, I'm gonna use those as fuel, I'm gonna repair some of the DNA, so intermittent fasting is kind of an anti-aging strategy for a lot of people, and what it means is going 24 to 36 hours without eating it all, but it really only works if become good at burning fat, if you haven't become very good at burning fat, it's agonizing because you got that hunger going because you've trained your brain to depend on a fresh supply of carbohydrate every couple of hours all day long, conversely, if you've become good at burning fat, you so easy, I'll go, just go from breakfast one day till lunch the next day without eating maybe... And you don't do it every day? For sure. You might do it once a week, once every two weeks, something like that. The other alternative is what I do, so what I do, because I don't eat until noon or 1 o'clock, and then my last meal was around 70 or 73, what we call a compressed eating window, so I do have 18-hour fast every day.
Oh wow, wow. This is fascinating information. We need to take a quick break, but we'll be back with more... Don't go way.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you've missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. Is it hard for people to start on your diet or on your plans?
Very easy, the best way is to go to Mark's daily, apple dot com, and we've got some free information download there, there's all sorts of Primal Blueprint 101 how to get started.
These are just about making choices in a commitment, and it's really about eliminating certain foods, but look at all the things you're gonna have to eliminate and maybe... Don't get so upset about that. be overjoyed by the amount of food you Kenny and then incorporate those in your diet.
Point number one, Never allow yourself to go hungry, this is about sustainability, so do not allow yourself to go hungry, and we have little strategies on how to make that happen, and I like that you're so positive. Why did you launch primal kitchen?
Well, I launched primal kitchen because I didn't find there were any of the foods that I wanted in the marketplace, I'd go look for soldering to what fit my requirements. And they didn't exist. Our first project was a man as an avocation, as maintain... That's sort of the Holy Grail of the Paleo diet. So there were no good man ass that fit the Paleo program, so we couldn't eat potato salad, could need chicken salad to nasal adal saw unless you were willing to make your own mandate, first product was this amazing avocado will-based Manatee, like the main... Is you want to taste like... And it's so healthy, the more you put on your food, the better that mallee for you.
Oh, I love that, that's great.
And then, so you talked about the manna and the salad dressings. What other kind of products? Does primal kitchen sell?
So now, recently we created a grass-fed College and bar, so colleges, the new big protein source, skin hair and nails and joint repair, and got repaired, gut health, and there were no real good college. And bars out there, the sources of college Dar typically been bone broth or skin hair nails, supplements that you buy in the store that have 750 milligrams of college, and so our bars have nine grams of college in them, so that's more than a cup of bone broth and these bars taste fantastic, people are really loving the way they taste it, the first part we have is a dark chocolate almond bark... I was a, I was gonna ask you what flavors they were so... Dark chocolate.
Good, yeah, College in is really making a big thing right now, so that's also anti-aging to... They have all kinds of... You check off every box without a... You can say, What about How can we get our kid started on this?
So I say lead by example. We have a lot of Paleo parents and primal parents in the community who are just so into the food movement, they're willing to prepare great tasting, healthy nourishing meals for their kids. I mean, there's not much you can do when the kids go off to school and a trade their lunch for a bag of Skittles, but I think if you lead by example, that's the best thing that any parent can do, and don't be so overbearing as a parent, allow the kids to be kids, but again, just don't keep the bad stuff in the house, just kinda get rid of it, and so when they sit down to eat, they're eating the food that you prepared and you're reading and... I have two kids, are 25 and 22. they've lived this way since I started writing about this 15 years ago, and they were in and out. They were sort of rebellious at times and came back, but both of them right now are they're hoodies, one of them running a cookbook on how to do this, so they... All the kids always come around, they really do, I think... Yeah, they do. You are the Bible, really for them. They do kinda come around, what's your best advice for healthy living?
Well, get rid of the sugar, I think is the number one piece of advice, I think people have way too much sugar in their lives, I think the less sugar you burn in a lifetime... The better your life will be.
Number two, don't overlook sleep, sleep is one of the great rejuvenation experiences, I try to get eight hours a night, I kind of cringe when people brag about getting by on five or six hours a night, just... I don't think it's possible, and it might be possible to survive, but again, not thrive and ultimately find ways to move. We're bipedal, we have two feet.
We're like an upright segue, how do we not fall over, we cut these two feet, how do we not... How can we balance this? Well, we have to learn how to balance, we have to move around a lot, and we have to move our body through planes of motion and ranges of motion to experience not just life, but to stay healthy and fit and limber and mobile, and to maintain that balance. So yeah, so cut out the sugars, get more sleep and move, and who do you consider was a mentor to you when you do well, you know, that's interesting because it was certainly Jack a lane.
I was gonna say, You remind me of the new act that... Well, no, I mean, I remember being a teenager and watching him on TV and doing the side bends and hands on his hips and everything, and doing the Junta... All the stuff.
This is long before you were born, and I remember them.
But yeah, Landis, who wrote a lot of health books in the 60s and 70s, I liked the fact that whether or not her information on over time borough to be true, she was always investigating, I was looking and I was wanting to communicate to a wide range of people, how they could get healthy... Yeah, and ahead of her time. And really, if you can affect one person and really communicate to being awesome, yeah, no, this is really primal and Paleo are absolutely grassroots type movements. You can't take this sort of information and say, Hey, Dr, to burn off your stored body fat, you gotta eat more fat and you gotta move maybe a little bit less, people don't understand that until you can educate... Which is what I do.
There's a resistance to it.
So this becomes such a grassroot movement, why I go, Oh, Kimberly, you look great what you've been doing, and then you tell me, and then I say, Well, I'm gonna try that, and then now we're two people in the movement... Right, yeah. You tell one person and then the next, but, well, your story is really fascinating, and again, it really kind of takes having you go through what you went through as an athlete, and then really turning your life around.
How much does it cost?
Well, so it doesn't have to cost that much at all, if you cut out some of those processed foods that you're over paying for in the center aisles of the grocery store, and you take a look at some of the local suppliers and farmers markets and the places where you might be able to source wholesome natural foods, if you look at your total intake of calories and say, I maybe don't need that much once I've trained my body to burn fat, I personally find I need 30% fewer calories now than when I was consuming lots and lots of complex carbohydrates, so we end up being a very affordable eating style, certainly doesn't have to cost a lot more than the old way, can cost as much as the old way, in some cases, less... A lot of people are... Not that I'm suggesting everyone do that, but a lot people are growing their own vegetables 'cause now they're into that whole concept of Farm Table sorts of moments. A lot of people join co-ops or CSAS, and we have a thing called a cow pooling, where people will buy a local cow and families will go in and share it and get a quarter each or something like that.
Yeah, so there's lots of ways to make us very affordable.
Oh, that's amazing. Well, this has been a great show, I've learned so much and I hope and thank you for what you're doing, we really appreciate that your time and some great advice, and I appreciate the knowledge that beforehand, you as a gay, you can get more information on Mark and his website, it's Mark's daily Apple, it's Mark with a cave, by the way, in the area. Daily apple dot com, and you can learn more. So pick up the book. We look forward to you next visit.
Thank you.
If you've ever enjoyed the delicious food inside our kitchen, you may have tried this tasty dish, now you can make it yourself. This recipe is for non-dairy rice putting, it's a mother's market and kitchen recipe, great for people who are not having dairy but still want to enjoy that luscious race, putting one half pound organic brown rice cooked, one half cup organic currents, one half pound organic firm tofu two cups. organic soy milk, one tablespoon, orange zest. One tablespoon lemon zest, one half teaspoon, not make one half teaspoon cinnamon. One quarter cup organic honey, two tablespoons egg replace two table spoons. Island granulated tapioca.
First, you wanna pre-heat your oven to 275 degrees and grace the bottom of an 8 X 8 baking pan, you place your cooked rice and currents in the bottom of the pan, and you wanna firmly pat it down to make an even layer next place your remaining ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth for the liquid mixture over the rice and current layer and lightly smooth to make it even bake for one hour and 20 minutes after cooking, place it in the refrigerator for one hour before cutting into squares, enjoy non-dairy rice pudding.
Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show, and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,