Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Michael Schwartz from Michael’s Naturopathics. In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, Michael joins Kimberly King to talk about how to heal your body on every level.
Natural Healing
Natural Healing
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Michael Schwartz from Michael's Naturopathics. In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Michael joins Kimberly King to talk about how to heal your body on every level.
Natural Healing
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Michael Schwartz from Michael's Naturopathics. In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, Michael joins Kimberly King to talk about how to heal your body on every level.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, the human body is an amazing thing, and when you pay a little more attention to it, you can learn how we can heal itself, take some time today to listen today and you'll be sure to learn something, plus later we'll tell you what's going on around town, but first step, we are all about keeping a sharp mind and a healthy body, and on this show, and today we welcome the President of Michael's naturopathic programs. Michael has worked in the natural food industry since 1975 as a sales rep, a retailer, a teacher in a naturopathic counselor, and as a producer of nutritional supplements and other products. And welcome him to the mother's market radio show.
Mike, how are you? I'm doing wonderful, Kim, thank you so much for having me as a guest at a... Honored to be here today.
Well, it's a pleasure to have you here. Why don't you fill in our audience a little on your mission and your work before we get to the show's topic.
Okay, well, actually my interesting way to put it is to try to help people heal on every level, so that they have... Without them going broke, which is why my products are priced very affordable, because we wanna get people well from the neck down, figuring if their bodies are in good prime Health and they're taking care of themselves, then their mind will end up being in good prime Health and then based on having awareness and consciousness and the resources, 'cause you're not spending a fortune on drugs, you're not spending a fortune on overpriced supplements, that you're just really taking care of yourself, well, then you have the where with all the resources, the intelligence to get involved and help change, beginning with the community, and then it goes to the city and then the state and the country in our society as a whole, because we are a very sick nation on many different levels, and we need some light and clarity. You're a change maker, a hopefully a healthy change maker in Lily.
Thank you.
Well, today we're talking about healing the natural way, and so I wanna start out by asking, when did you start Michael's naturopathic programs? You know, actually today or this year's our 30th anniversary... Congratulations.
And started the company in February of 1984.
Owens, here we are, 30 years later.Cavers.
Thank you.
That's exciting, it is exciting.
Wow, what is your philosophy regarding healing... Well, basically, overall, is that the body is really the magic and the body is the hell, or you just have to be really clear about what the condition is, not only the primary condition, but also some of the secondary issues, so that... And that's how I formulate. I do it from different points of you, one, I try to think how would the body handled this... What would the body do? What would the body draw on, because your body does manufacture nutrients, not the minerals, but the B-vitamins and proteins, and your vitamins are what make your enzymes, so it's a matter of understanding what systems, glans organs or functions are affected by the condition or the symptom, and then provide the nutrients for that, that's why my products are so comprehensive, because they cover more than just one area, and so a little bit about a general view, overview of your products that you offer with... If you could tell me what kind of products do you offer, well, for instance, that will take the joints or blood pressure, blood pressure is regulated by what it's called a negative feedback system, actually, you have a few of them in your body, your thyroid works on one elimination works on another, and blood pressure is regulated by another, and how that works is that you have nerve endings and your arterial walls that sense when the pressure goes up or down, and that sends a message to your brain while your brain in turn sends electrical impulses down to tell the cells that make up the muscles and the cells that make up the heart to relax, to slow down. But what causes hypertension?
Okay, so now we get to the cause and the real cause of hypertension for 999% of the people of stress, and stress is the result of how you respond to what you see in here. So I always tell people, if you're a hypertensive, you get a blank piece of paper, write down what it is that stresses you out in the left-hand column and the right-hand column, why... So you have some insights that aside, what happens when you do get stress to compromises, calcium, when that happens, the body creates an imbalance between sodium and potassium, and now people are retaining fluid, which puts pressure on the arterial system.
So I use things like potassium and B-6 as the nutrients the body uses to balance out water, and then because we know that the minerals are compromised from the stress, I throw back in calcium and magnesium along with the potassium, we reconnect or rebuild the electrical communication system, now the cells can get the message from the mine to slow down or to relax, and now the body comes back into normal balance, so it's all a matter of nourishing the body.
I don't wanna say back to health, because I'm a Alito assume the body's in health, we just have a nutritional imbalance and by never sharing the body, it seeks balance and harmony.
Well, I like that though. I like how you described, so if I was really stressed out at work or with my family or something was going on, but if I were to go seek your guidance, and I like that you have your patients write down and you see... You can actually see what's going on there, and then with the supplement, you back up... Absolutely, because insights can lead to understandings, and understandings can lead to mastery or they lead to control, and then from control you can actually master a situation and you lead them through that... Yes, and then talking them through. And then you visibly and mentally say, here's your path, now go get him, and then I try to bring in the... Let's have ice to see and ears to hear.
And so they can begin to really look at their own lives and begin to see patterns of behavior that create the stress, because in some levels, people create their own stress, part of it's tied into the belief system, and some of it... Some people, it's like when I worked retail, and I know the clerks that mother see this all the time. There are people that come in that just wanna complain about their diseases or conditions, and they're not even willing, they talk about being willing or wanting to give it up, and the reality is, and they may actually even buy proxy, you need to drink three of these... Okay, I'll drink three of those, and now I feel better in two weeks later, well, this is not really a comfortable feeling, you know, I miss my pain, I missed my aggravation, and I have no one to complain too, so... Yeah, so I'm gonna let me change my diet back... Yeah, so yeah, so there's that they want to plan to somebody... Yes, so I try to get them to understand that it's a pattern of behavior, and here's where you need to look, and here's how to look...
I think that's fascinating that again, and you change the prism a bit in that... Yes. Everything is a matter of perception.
This is interesting information. We're gonna need to take a quick break, but in a minute, we'll be right back and we're gonna talk more about healing and how we can keep a sharp mind and a healthy body.
Welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com.
And now back to our interview with Michael's naturopathic programs, President Michael shorts, and we're talking about healing the natural way.
So Michael, how did you begin?
Well, actually, I started doing classes on sun nutrition, just how to get well, and then decided that since the calling seemed to be so dominant in the area that I was in, I decided to set up a practice, so I started creating programs for clients based on their conditions, their symptoms, whatever the case may be, and that was how I began literally the company, and at first, all I did were slabs and lotions, because I had some clients come in with psoriasis, I had one guy from Vietnam come in with the growth on his nose that nobody could get rid of, and so I had just finished reading an ear book about peppermint oil and lemon grass oil, how they killed viruses. So if you will, it's worth a shot, so I mixed up, I made a save for him, gave him the Seven, it took two months, but I completely got rid of the growth on his face that none of the dermatologists could remove, so I knew I had something there... And then when I decided to do my supplements, I just took because I kept notes on my clients, and I kept notes about what I did for each disease condition, and then I went back to those and actually the very first product I ever created was called Cold tabs, which obviously I got busted from the FDA for 'cause you can't make a claim, but I was young and inexperienced, and actually, today it's called a quick immune formula, and it's what I gave my children when they would get sick, I gave in a separate vitamin A the vitamin C. And so when I knew that I had these programs that worked, I had them homogenized, I found a manufacturer, I was like, taking your herbs and your vitamins, your minus, your minerals, throwing them into a blender, wooing it into a powder and then putting it back into a tablet, and that's how I started the company.
Oh my gosh, what is special or unique about your programs?
I think that the answer to that is that because on some levels, I'm not gonna say that I know everything, but on some levels, I understand how the body works, and because I've done the research to understand what nutrients are essential for the proper functioning of a particular system gland, organ or function, that was the basis of my formulations, and I do things that are rather unique that other companies don't do, for instance, in any fiber formula, there should always be some dandy lion route. And for the simple reason that dandy lion root will stimulate the liver, and when you stimulate the liver, deliver actually secretes chemicals that actually will keep your intestinal track in a good state of health. So that's a consideration.
Another unique thing is that when it comes to minerals, there should always be some, maybe pentatonic acid or retain hydrochloride present because it takes pentatonic acid becomes retain hydrochloride and to get calcium ions into the bone matrix, he detain her to... Chloride is kind of like a truck that carries a truck load of calcium ions up to the bone matrix so that the bones can utilize them, so I do different things like that, that you're secret to your special... That makes you special.
To some degree, one of the many... Are there other special things that you do that others do not...
I think in the beginning of the company, absolutely. Now, there are things that I've done that we've been copied across the board, some of the concepts from a current point of view, I think the fact that I do use high potency because there's been a move towards low potency in our industry based on the concept of food bound or food grown, which philosophically is wonderful, and I subscribe to it in theory, however, being a practitioner, and my rule of thumb, in fact, when people would come to see me, my rule of thumb was, you'll feel better in three days, or you can get your consultation feedback, either you know what you're doing or you don't. There's no bluffing, there's no... You know, and with my products, my rule of thumb is you'll feel better in two to three weeks, you'll either have an effect or a result for whatever your health concern may be, or you can get your money back.
To me, life is simple, the body is the healer, give it what it needs and give it in meaningful amounts, to me, that's the secret for the simple reason that... And I've had people say, Well, I eat a great diet, I organic everything. And I say, That's fine. Do you listen to the news?
Are your eyes open when you get in your car and go to work, immediately you're dealing with stress, and as long as you've got stressed, then you have nutrients that are being compromised, you don't bring enough... Eventually over time, there will be a breakdown that's that ability to just relax in between I am... Yeah, and that's so hard for people to do. And because of the cell phone, you're constantly in communication, you wish you could turn to during things off, but you're afraid you... But a calories.
You got more stressed now you got more compromises, right.
Oh yeah, we were something about that during the break and it is... It's constant constant.
Yeah, what are some of your top products and what are your favorite ones?
I just wanna ask is, what are your favorite?
Well, my favorite ones are the ones I did for my family... Yeah.
It's like water balance. I did for my mom the LNG lung factors, I did for my dad, the skin factor, as I did for my daughter. The adrenal extra, I actually did for me recently, yeah, there is a small store in Sapporo LA Homa that does phenomenal numbers with our products, and I figured that they're shipping overseas to do that much. And I said, I had to go see what was going on.
So I go to the store and it turns out it's a Native American woman, and she does eroding. So the whole time I'm talking to... She's looking in my eyes and writing down notes and staring at me and I'm... You know, Okay, so I walked out of there with 400 worth of Mandela products.
Well, 'cause she thought I had stress, I can't imagine, but go fight back. fired on.
Yeah, you know, having on mellow, I don't ever... And because I do a vegetarian lifestyle, I'm not going to do wrong, Angular plus, whenever you do a row glandular, no matter how much you defecate or deficit, there still residual amounts of the hormone in there, and when you bring hormones into your body, you train your body to be lazy.
So that was the second, so I decided I'll make... Based on what she says, if I really have stressed with it, let me take care of it, and so I made a renal extra that... So there... Some of my favorite products are our top selling products, our blood pressure factors is number one, our ultimate and Detox and Cleanse is number two because it is such a convenient program for people, there's no measuring, there's no scooping, there's no mixing, it's four tablets in a glass in baggy, and we take care of the blood, the intestinal tract, the liver, the limp system, and what most people don't go after is where all the toxins are stored in the body, and that's the fat. So I have a component that goes after the fat as well... Wow.
And Ultimate detox and cleanse it.
And what else is interesting is that people think detoxing and cleansing are one and the same, and they're not... Detoxification is a biochemical transaction, cleansing is a muscular transaction, really? I had no... See, I didn't know that. I yelled, if you're not involved, it doesn't occur to you to question it, so to speak, and plus people always say Detox and Cleanse in the same manner, so they think, Oh, that's the same thing.
Yes, but... Oh, that's good. You mentioned earlier about the emotional component, I really want you to talk about that, can you expand on the... Well, yeah, I'll give you some examples, and I'll use myself as a primary... The first time I had ever had to do a lecture was at Drexel University in Philadelphia, and these are... Not feeling adequate.
So what did I do? I ended up with running a 104 fever and a sore throat, 'cause I couldn't talk, I could not express myself, so that led me to... And I understood what the problem was. The problem was, I didn't feel I had to write the authority, the education to go and teach what I was about to teach, how... Interesting, okay, so sometimes we see this with kids, all of a sudden they have a stomach ache where they catch a cold or something, why... 'cause there's a test, do Friday, I didn't study and... So it gets me out.
So my point of view is that every condition, no matter what it is, is caused by an emotional issue, when one level, part of the emotional aspect is we're following the family tradition, and the more ethnic and cultural the diet is, the harder it is to get away from the family ailments, 'cause you're going, not only are you going to eat your way to the disease just like mom and dad did, but you're also absorbing all the same concepts, this is why the teaching... The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree is because where our moms and our dads and his parents, and if you're a parent, you said earlier, you have two children, maybe every now and then you heard your mom come out of your mouth... Same, same phraseology, same tone.
And then the other avenue that can create ailments is where you wanna be other than what the family tradition is and what the family thinks you should be, and you wanna be something different, like your parents want you to go to law school or become an accountant or an Indian Chief and all you wanna be as a musician, so there's conflict. Well, that conflict will end up creating a disharmony that will ultimately manifest in the body, this is fascinating, and I think we could do a whole show on this, you know what it is, so it's that food connection that you've made with the emotional connection, and then again, into your family line. I think that's brilliant. And you found a very interesting connection there and you...
Well, you know, when you work with people and doing counseling for as long as I did, and not being afraid to ask questions when some levels are truly funny, I don't ask a lot of questions about if I need to understand something that I'm going to pursue it. And dealing with people, when you're a practitioner, I think it's your responsibility to get to the root cause of something, I'm not about addressing symptoms and alleviating symptoms, I'm about let's understand what the root causes and let's approach it from that point of view, so you really can get well, you're not co-dependent on a supplement for the rest of your life, because I tell people if they have to stay on my products forever, I did not do my job, and my job is to get you up and running, that's healthy and that's fair and you said that in the very beginning. Something similar to that, so that's... I like that. Your style.
Thank you.
How can people know what their cause... What's the cause of their situation... Now, this goes back to the teaching of having eyes to see and ears to hear, and I thought about that for a long time, because you gotta say, Well, what was everybody blind and deaf back then, so there has to be a deeper meaning, in fact, somewhere in Matthew, Jesus says He opened up the disciples understanding for the hidden meanings and the scriptures, well, before anything has ever made manifest, it starts as a thought, in my mind having ice to see and ears to hear, is to see the thought behind whatever the manifestation is. And having once develop that type of perception, then I start looking at diseases and conditions from that point of view, we all know that everything starts his energy, and we know energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
So for one point of view, I would think that God is a form of energy.
So having said that, and everything beginning with that source, so if you can understand the energy or the thought behind whatever you're looking at, that gives you insight to what's going on, and so there are techniques you could use, sometimes you may have a vision, you'll see something, and it'll stop you and start you... And it's not there. Well, that really is your mind's way of communicating with you, that's one way that your mind talks to you another way is through dreams, dreams are a fabulous source of guidance, in fact, I can remember once my son telling me that he had a dream that he was swimming in milk.
And I figured out that he needed calcium... Okay, 'cause he was going through a growth spurt, and milk... From a different point of view, I looked at it from the material point of view, but from another point of view, there was a need for sustenance, there was a need for comfort, mother's milk. We make that association.
So dreams are a fabulous tool, certainly when you learn the language of dreams or the language of your mind, because your mind is always talking to you, and it uses a language that is only personal to you, and what I mean by that is an example of... As a kid, I was attacked by a black cocker spaniel.
So whenever I see a black cocker spaniel, I know that fear is operating in my life, okay, now for somebody else, if black hacker Spanos companionship, it's love. It's protection, so that way, here's the same symbol, but seen from two different perspectives, and the personal emotional association is always the most important thing. wwe's fascinating, and I love the broad spectrum of that, where can people get your programs in your book?
Well, the programs are easy enough, they can be found at mother's market. Obviously, the name of my company is Michael's naturopathic programs, and it's not that I'm an egotistical maniac is just the egotistical making... When I started the company in 84, it was during that period of time that there was designers this designed or that designer, Jens design. So I decided, well, these are my designs, so to speak. And so that was the birth of the company. And my books can be had 'cause I do... Right, I have a book called disease symbology Handbook, which deals with all of the emotional aspects of all the as many diseases and conditions I could think of, which probably were about 80, and I also get into the symbology of the nutrients and why the nutrients work for the condition or the symptom based on how the nutrient works in the body and the symbology of it... The disease symbology handbook.
Wow, well, fascinating.
We could talk to you all day.
Thank you so much for your time, Michael, and some great advice, and we really appreciate you stop by your knowledge and research has been really fascinating, we look for we to who? I'm having you on again.
Thank you in the meantime, you can get more information on Michael and your website is Michael's health dot com.
That's correct, thank you.
Learn more about your approach and perhaps pick up a few of the products right there. We look forward to your next visit.
Thank you, Kim. I look forward to working with you again, thanks.
Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show, and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,