Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Mark Sisson. Mark Sisson is an American fitness author and blogger, and a former distance runner, triathlete and Ironman competitor. Sisson finished 4th in the 1982 Ironman World Championship. Mark has authored several books and is the founder of the top rated fitness blog, In part 2 of the series, Mark and Kim will cover everything you need to know about keto diets. This is one show you need to hear.
Keto Diet Insights (Part II)
Keto Diet Insights (Part II)
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Mark Sisson. Mark Sisson is an American fitness author and blogger, and a former distance runner, triathlete and Ironman competitor. Sisson finished 4th in the 1982 Ironman World Championship. Mark has authored several books and is the founder of the top rated fitness blog, In part 2 of the series, Mark and Kim will cover everything you need to know about keto diets. This is one show you need to hear.
Keto Diet Insights (Part II)
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Mark Sisson. Mark Sisson is an American fitness author and blogger, and a former distance runner, triathlete and Ironman competitor. Sisson finished 4th in the 1982 Ironman World Championship. Mark has authored several books and is the founder of the top rated fitness blog, In part 2 of the series, Mark and Kim will cover everything you need to know about keto diets. This is one show you need to hear.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, it's the latest diet that everybody's talking about, the ketogenic diet, and we're ready to dive into the second half of this two-part series, so listen up and prepared to learn the latest. Plus later. We'll tell you what's going on around town. But first up, Marc Isan is the founder of primal kitchen foods, and the author of the number one best selling health food took on Amazon dot com, the keto reset diet, as well as the Primal Blueprint cookbook, and the top rated health and fitness blog. Mark's daily apple dot com. And we welcome him to the mother's market radio show.
How are you?
I'm great, thanks for have today, why don't you fill our audience in a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to the show's topic.
Well, my mission is simply to change the way the world eats more specifically, I've been delving into the science of nutrition for 30 years, and have had some insights over those years into how we can use food to alter our health, how we can manipulate gene expression if you will to create strong, lean Fit, happy, healthy, productive bodies as opposed to decrepit declining, low energy depressed bodies.
So the mission has been one of educating first and foremost, so I have a website, Mark's daily apple, that's been around for over 11 years now, and on that website, I talk about all the things that I've discovered in the world of science into the research. These hidden genetics switches that we all have, that we can access through choices that we make behavioral choices, the types of food we eat, the amount of sleep we get, the amount of sun exposure we get, the amount of play that we allow ourselves to have, and all these things affect how our genes express themselves and how our genes basically rebuild... Recreate us on a day-to-day basis.
So in the last several years, as I've gotten more and more into the science of food, I realize that people wanna enjoy what they eat, they wanna have great tasting meals, and they wanna... Food is one of the great pleasures of life, and the idea that we would have to consider sacrificing and all this discipline and all this negative connotation and context it goes with dieting or trying to eat... Right, it just didn't sit well with me. And so I created a line of products, sauces, dressings, toppings and things like that, that you could put on otherwise healthy, but sometimes bland food to make it taste good.
Mark, what is your advice for someone wanting to try a keto day? Well, I think the reason I wrote the book The Key to reset diet is because I saw enough people who are interested in attempting eating keto, but we're failing because they didn't have the prior knowledge or the guidance that I felt I could offer now, for example, in the old days, there was the Atkins diet, and it was pretty popular at one time, but it's an assault on the human metabolism, and it's like you have to... With Adkins, you got down to 20 grams of protein a day pretty quickly, and so a lot of people got what we call the keto flu.
Now, when you understand the science of what's happening here, and you understand that you're taking a person who's spent their entire life eating lots of carbohydrates and depending on carbohydrates to create glucose, to fuel the muscles, to fuel the brain, to feel the blood, tells everything. And now all of a sudden you're withholding glucose because you wanna go keto, right.
So you withhold carbohydrates. You with whole glucose.
Now the brain goes, Hey, dude, where's my glucose? I've been depending on a regular supply glucose to be cognizant and productive and clear thinking for the last several decades, and all of a sudden... You're withholding this from me. What's going on? Well, in the first couple of days, the body hasn't gotten... Hasn't had a chance to start to build the metabolic machinery to burn ketones or to burn fat more efficiently, it takes a couple of days of doing this, it takes a couple of weeks of doing this, and so when those first couple of days you had... You're groggy because you have literally literally low blood sugar, you don't have enough glucose in your bloodstream, but you haven't yet built a metabolic machinery, even though your body is making ketones, your liver gets the signal and it says We better start making ketones, so we can use this alternative fuel, but because you haven't built the metabolic machinery to burn the ketones, you pee them out, and so people report ketone breath at first that you probably smelled it on people, it smells like the oysters, rotten apples or whatever you wanna call it. ketone breath, this is a sugar burner who hasn't eaten for a couple of meals, then they don't have the metabolic machinery to burn the ketones, so they spill them out in their urine or in their sweat or in their breath. Now that's in the context of evolution. That's very wasteful. But in the context of wanting to lose weight, you're getting rid of calories that way, so I guess there's some element of that, but the problem and the point was that it's so uncomfortable for a lot of people to feel that way for a couple of days, they give up. Okay, so with the keto reset diet, my first thing was, Okay, how can I make this process of adapting to becoming good at burning fat, making ketones and using those ketones for fuel, how can I make that process... Pleasurable, enjoyable, certainly not painful. And so we have a way of stair-stepping people for the first three weeks, the first three weeks is really just about eliminating the crap in your diet, eliminating the processed grains, the sugars, the candies, the suits, the cake, a pistachio, all of that stuff, certainly getting rid of the Industrial seed oils, so no soy bean oil, corn oil, canola oil, any of those nasty oils and replacing them with healthy fats and things like that.
At the end of three weeks, we have a mid-term exam in the book, and it's basically how do you feel when you wake up in the morning, you have enough energy that you can go a couple of hours without eating breakfast... That's great, that means you're starting to burn fat, can you go to the gym and do a workout without having to eat before or after, that's great, that means you're starting to burn fat, if you can't do it yet, then you're not ready because you're not in a fat-burning capacity quite yet, you haven't built that metabolic machinery, some people, it's gonna take more than three weeks, some people do it in a week or two, but we want it to be to the point where you understand the science behind what's happening, so you don't just go, Well, I tried it and I felt like crap. And so I bailed, right?
So we want people to understand that you are giving... By withholding carbohydrates strategically, you're sending signals to your genes to make more mitochondria, you're sending signals to your genes to up-regulate enzyme systems to take that out of storage and sent to the mitochondria, and this is a signaling thing, and it takes place... Not instantly, it takes place over a period of days or weeks, so if you can get through the first two or three weeks... Virtually, everyone goes, Wow, at the other end of that, I had more mental clarity, more energy, I was never hungry or ravenous, I felt like I needed to eat every once in a while, but I didn't have that ravenous appetite, and so... That's the best way, I think, to get into keto is to get my book, The Keto reset diet, and then start... You make it sound so easy.
Okay, so let's dive into this. And what are some of your favorite meal so... Well, what's really interesting, my favorite meal is what I call a big ass salad.
Alright, it's a giant sale that I have pretty much every day in my life now that souths let us mixed greens, cucumber, radish, celery, whatever, peppers, whatever's in the house that I feel would make a nice crunchy micronutrient value meal.
On that sale, I put some... A former protein, so I might put a piece of salmon, some tuna, so I'm left over chicken from the night before, maybe left over state from that it before, but typically have 25 to 30 grams of protein on that sound, and then I put on one of my primal kitchen dressings, which are made with avocado oil, which is the healthiest of all the oils, and some functional ingredients to the Greek dressing, for instance, has a regular oil in Oregon, and I doubt that salad with it intentionally, and that becomes my favorite meal of the day and one of the things about salads is, I think most people, their whole lives, they've looked at salads as kind of this in hang me aware I've got all these wonderful ingredients, but I can't put the stuff on it that makes it taste good. I have to be very careful and use the dressing sparingly 'cause theoretically dressing is bad for me, so I'm in addressing... It's good for you. I'm at a dressing. For me, I made it... For me, I'm letting everybody else use it, but I made addressing that the more you put on the salad, a, the better it tastes up to a point, I don't make let us soup out of it, but the better it tastes up to a point... And the more functionality the meal is getting, it's getting healthy fats in the form of the model and Ceuta from the avocado. Well, I see nenets of the herbs and the spices and the flavorings that are in the dressing, and I have currently 11 different flavors of dressing, so I can have that salad change its texture and its flavor and its mouth field every single day and still get myself without it being boring, it's like I still look forward to having a soul is my favorite meal of the day, every day.
So that's my favorite meal, but then some of my other favorite meals are like I love lamb chops, whenever I go to a out for dinner, I'll probably order landscapes half the time just because it's one of my... One of my favorite meals, I love brussels sprouts, I love broccoli. That's been drilled in avocado oil. I have a number of chicken recipes in the cookbook that I love, pecan, trusted my... I've got... The thing about keto meals is that they are high in fat, moderate and protein, and low and carb, and if you come from a world where you were fat-phobic your whole life, and you said, Well, I can't eat it because that's too much fat. We come over to art, welcome to our team, where pretty much everything tastes great because of the healthy fats, because of the protein, because of the herbs and the spices, so you could have it happen all the time where I'll have a dinner party and I have somebody come over who isn't keto or he's in Paleo, and we'll make a Paleo meal or a keto meal. And they go, Oh my God, this is the best meal I've ever had. And then, of course, my comment is, Oh, by the way, it's very healthy for you, it's very good for you, and you could eat this way all the time if you ate like me... Those are a couple of my favorite foods, but my main rule is I never put a bite of anything into my mouth, it doesn't taste awesome, so I don't eat health food, just 'cause somebody said, Well, it's healthy, you should try this dry kale salad or this... Whatever. No, it's not interested. It's gotta be, it's gotta be crunchy, salty, fatty, whatever, it's got a taste grade, it's gotta have that mouth feel, it's gonna have that appeal, it's gonna have it Satiety. And every bite of food I eat, I enjoy. The other side of that equation is, I know when to stop eating, so because of the that the keto has given me, and because of my being in touch with not just my taste buds and my satiety, but being in touch with my emotions. I'm not an emotional leader, I don't overeat just to dull some pain, I eat to enjoy it, it's a hedonistic pleasure for me, and I know when to stop because I know there's gonna be food, whenever I want another by to food.
I totally hear you.
So Mark, what do you think about the trend of making comfort food healthy again, I'm all for people having comfort foods that are healthy, but the definition of healthy now straddles quite a vast chasm of concepts, for instance...
I'm in the Paleo world a lot, I see people offering up paleo desserts, well, these are deserts that are Paleo by definition, because perhaps they don't have gluten in them or they don't have dairy in them, or they don't have processed sucrose or table sugar in them, but they still have certain types of refined flowers, they still have, which are fine, they still have certain types of date, DeMent of date sugar, which is sort of an approved sweeter, but you look at the nutrition facts panel and there's like 50 grams of carbs in this otherwise theoretically healthy part of your meal... And by the way, dessert is just... I never got dessert actually, because it's like the meal you have after you just need a meal, there's so much of dessert is just extra calories and sugar, it's like, okay, you just sort of ruined your best efforts in eating well by having dessert.
So I see a lot of these gluten-free, this and that, and low low sugar, now, lots of things are being made with sugar alcohols, and these manufacturers are giving their best efforts to try and create healthier alternatives, but if you're cutting the sugar, then you have to really be cognizant of the labels and read the labels and see how much sugar is actually in what your consumers... How much in the way of carbohydrate is in there... 'cause if you're trying to cut carbs and you're trying to do it with gluten-free pizza, for instance, well, you've cut the gluten but you haven't cut the carbs really... In many cases, that's a good point.
How do you find a balanced diet with keto...
Oh, well, I think that question assumes that there's some inherent imbalance in a keto diet, and when I talked to you earlier about eating a salad with every day pretty much... Most people who have heard about keto would say, Well, wait a minute, salad can't be keto, 'cause there's... To me, carbs and all the vegetables here, but if you look at a giant Bolsa that I have, there might be 17, 18 total grams of carbs, what we call net carbs in that entire salad, and most of those are... They're in a low glycemic, they're locked in a fibrous matrix with the vegetable that's containing that car I have...
I probably eat more broccoli than most vegetarians as a keto guy, but three servings a broccoli might have eight grams of carbs in it, so as long as I don't eat breads and pastas and cereals and all that other high-carb stuff throughout the day, I can have literally all the vegetables I want on my keto eating strategy and not interfere with my fat-burning at the same time in eating those vegetables, I'm getting the micronutrients that a lot of people who attempt keto and only think that keto is meat and cheese, and fats. They're not getting those micro-ness, I'm aware that I wanna get the Micronesian that you get from vegetables from plant sources, so that's the major element of the Micronutrient, the other aspect of the vegetables is that they provide a source of fiber... Fiber is important. If I'm keto, I still want my gut biome, I want those healthy bacteria in my gut to have a substrate that they can use to thrive and create short chain fatty acids and neurotransmitter precursors and all the things that these 3500 strains of bacteria in my gut Do I wanna nourish them as well, and you can't do that as well if you don't have some form of vegetable fiber in your gut, because the other... Historically, the source of fiber people have looked to as like brand fiber and things like that, well, now we're talking about refined grains again, so you don't wanna be... You don't wanna be engaged in that in that debate about how much brand Fireside you should be having... Well, this is all great, very interesting information. And right now, we need to take a quick break. More in just a moment with Mark, I don't go away, we'll be right back.
And welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And we wanna remind you that if you've missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click the link for radio and listen to the past shows. Plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com. And now back to our interview with Primal kitchens, Martin, and we're talking about the Keto diet, a lot of buzz about this, and so Mark, in 2015, you launched primal kitchen, which makes a line of condiments with avocado oil, how do your products fit into the keto and the low carb lifestyle. They fit perfectly. This is, I think it's a happy coincidence that while I was launching the condiment line in the salad dressing line, with the intent of making healthy sauces, dressings and toppings and things that people could put on food to enhance the flavor and the functionality of otherwise otherwise healthy but sometimes bland foods. It was right about the time that I was really deep diving into this keto, and it turns out that virtually all the products that I make are perfect for a keto diet, so this big sale that I have every day, which I date with one of my dressings the dressings, I literally designed them to be keto, now you don't have to be keto to use the dressings, these are great tasting Aldrin a across the board, everyone who tries and loves them, and they're healthy. I make a man as it's made with avocado oil and organic eggs and organic vinegar from non-GMO beats and a little bit of sisal and some rosemary extract, it's a great tasting man as it's very healthy.
I made it so that you could put it on burgers and you could put it... Now you can make chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad with a healthy man as that you couldn't otherwise before you couldn't do it because the typical store varieties of man as up to now have been pretty substandard in my estimation. And so a lot of people who are really interested in cutting out the canal of the soy bean and not making their own Mana, by the way, just stopped making chicken sold... Stopped making Tunstall COLA.
So now that we've re-introduced these or introduced this whole new way of using Manas as a flavor and answer, now again, the variety, the option is available to people who wanna be keto have become, I would say almost infinite the mark as a former endurance athlete, How do you stay competitive? Or what do you do now for fitness. to de-stress?
Yeah, well, I work on it in the gym a little bit, not as much as some people would maybe think, because I try to play as much as I can, so I do a lot of stand-up paddling, and I think that's the best workout I've ever encountered. So I'll go for an hour, hour and a half sometimes. I try to go along 'cause it's also a meditative time for me, but stand up, paving work, shoulders core, lower back, mid back, even legs to a certain extent. I do some snowboarding when I get a chance, although now that I moved to Miami, it's tough to find them out nearby, and I play ultimate frisbee and Ultimate, one of the greatest games ever invented, so I try to play at least once a week with a much younger crowd, and try to keep up with months long sprint to the end zone, so between all of those various events, I get a wide range of activities and wide range of motion, and then two days a week I'll be in the gym and I'll just lift more. To prevent injuries than to body build ring like that, I do a lot of body weight exercises, so I do push ups, pull-ups, dips, lunches, squats, things like that.
Have some good stuff.
So why is it important for us to do different exercises to trick our body... Well, I wanna do a wide range of motion as much as possible, so I don't do bicep curls, I do... I grip pull-ups because that uses a much broader range of muscles and is more functional than an isolated machine, for instance, I try to do... I might do squats or hex bar dead lifts once every 10 days, just 'cause I wanna get some of that core work and that big muscles of my lower body involved, so I mix up my workouts and sometimes show up at the gym with no plan at all, just, okay, what do I feel like doing today? Okay, here's what I'll do.
I also leave the gym long before most people would leave the gym, I'm usually done in 35 minutes, and that includes some chicha too, a lot of people go to the gym, they're out for two hours and they got this... They'll do three sets of 25 different things. That's not me, I'm trying to get out of the gym as quickly as possible and get out to outside and play the height swim to stand a paddle, to throw a frisbee, to do whatever that is.
So Mark, what's on the horizon, what's next for your next book or health advice for the health and wellness community?
Well, so the next book, my wife and I are noodling around the idea of doing a couples anti-aging book, she's 62, she won't... My and I saying that, and I'm 65. and I think we're a good example of what's possible if you make some of the right choices in terms of the product horizon, continually increasing the number of offerings that we have with Primal kitchen foods, so are up to 11 sold dressings. Now, we've got garlic, a LeMay, in addition to our triple line Mao, in addition to our regular mayo, we've got an egg-free Mao that's just come out recently. We've got some more flavors of bars, College, and we could do a whole show on college and supplementation of a big fan of college. And so we have a number of college and powders, and college and bars to support the structure and function of healthy tendons and ligaments and connective tissue and all the stuff that can go wrong with an old guy. So I'm very aware of supplementing my diet with college, and so we've got a lot of that going on, and I just... Again, as I said in the first show, my goal is to change the way the world eats... Well, that is a good goal to have.
So if you could give one piece of advice to our listeners, what would that be? I think you eat too much, and I think you should try maybe cutting back on sugar as your first is the first stage and cutting back on all the calories that you take in and get your broken started.
Get my book.
For sure, yeah, yeah.
And I'm not accusing anybody of anything. But I've just found over time that we try to get away with eating a lot more than we probably should, something... Well, that is a great advice and I need to be the first one in line to take your advice, so thank you so very much for your time, Mark, and some great advice. And again, we really appreciate your knowledge, and we look forward to having you on again in the meantime, get more information on Mark, and the website is primal kitchen dot com, learn more and maybe pick up that book, we look forward your next visit.
Thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show and for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition,