Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Eva Miranda. In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, guest Eva Miranda will talk about digestion. The holidays bring some delicious food choices and how that food gets digested can affect how we feel. Enjoy a happier holiday season and the food you eat with some easy tips from our guest.
Digestion and the Holidays
Digestion and the Holidays
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Eva Miranda. In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, guest Eva Miranda will talk about digestion. The holidays bring some delicious food choices and how that food gets digested can affect how we feel. Enjoy a happier holiday season and the food you eat with some easy tips from our guest.
Digestion and the Holidays
Hosted by Kimberly King with guest, Eva Miranda. In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, guest Eva Miranda will talk about digestion. The holidays bring some delicious food choices and how that food gets digested can affect how we feel. Enjoy a happier holiday season and the food you eat with some easy tips from our guest.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I'm Kimberly King, and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, the holidays bring some delicious food choices and how that food gets digesting can affect how we feel, enjoy a happy your holiday season and enjoy the food you eat with some easy tips from our guest, plus later we'll find out what's happening around town, first after pleased to welcome license Coote rapist, have Miranda to the show.
If it is a passionate educator and speaker with an extensive background in maintaining digestive health problems, the natural light, as well as an educator for Renew Life, and welcome her to the mother's market radio. So, thank you, Kim.
Why don't you fill our audience in a little bit on your mission and your work before we get to the show's topic, my mission basically is to get people to prevent digestive problems from happening so that they never end up on a colostomy back... Let's say they don't end up having to eliminate out of a bag for the rest of their life, this is something that is dear to me because I have family members that, that has happened to and friends, friends that were very young in their 30s getting colostomy bags and before I even knew that that was happening, that would happen to a friend of mine and a family member, I was a proponent for, Let's get the coal under control, let's get the whole digestive system in working order, because doctors from a long time ago, Dr. Bernard Jensen, he said things like, Death begins in the colon, and 80% of your immune system is your colon, your intestinal tract.
So if you don't pay attention to it, that is a big problem because that's where a lot of root illness starts, and it really does, it takes it happening, somebody in your family or a really close friend of yours or something... Exactly.
A personal doesn't it.
Well, today we are talking about our digestive system, and Eva teaches a program called Hope, that's H-O-P-E, And that's an acronym, we go and you're gonna talk all about it. So let's get right to it.
What does... Hope the acronym stand for... The acronym is a great tool to use, it stands for high fiber, so is high fiber oils like fish oils, P would be probiotics and E would be enzymes, and that is the best thing that you could do for your digestive health. Basically, it's the one thing that you can always look at if you're constipated, look at that acronym and say, Okay, what am I missing out of my diet? Am I missing fiber? Am I missing probiotics? Should I be taking fish oils? Or do I need some enzymes?
Okay, so I'm gonna even break that down even more because now that is the acronym, but for everybody, does that change or is there just a general amount... So the high fiber and then the probiotics, and maybe even some people don't know what is poitou programs. What does that mean? Pro means for life. And biotic or pro means for... And biotic means life, and anti is against biotic being life.
So you wanna do probiotics would be good bacteria, and a lot of people say, Well, I eat yogurt, I am meeting that great Greek yogurt that you get at the grocery store. Well, yogurts pastored, so the good bacteria can be taken out of the yogurt unless a great company decides to put it back in, and you've seen commercials on TV where there are companies that do that, but we really would have to be eating about 18 cups of yogurt to equal the billion count that we need on a daily basis, and it is a problem with people, because if you're like me, someone who is abused antibiotics in the past where you took them and then you stopped him, then you took the antibiotic, stopped him when you started feeling better. You can set yourself up for a bacterial imbalance, and a lot of us have taken antibiotics and that really affects our digestive system when you don't have enough good bacteria competing against the harmful bacteria, and it takes about a million bacteria cells to keep one Candida sell under control, so what tends to happen when people take antibiotics, they can grow their Candida can proliferate, everybody has east in their system, but when it becomes... When it becomes mutates into a Candida fungal form, a mycelia fungal form, it becomes a problem in the body, and that's a really... But you really stated that so clearly, I do wanna stretch out on that first question again and say You have a... Not a report card, but just a general... You wanna give everybody... So from the dad to the mom, to the two kids in the family and saying, Okay, here is the amount from the probiotics to the high fiber, what amounts do we give each in the family, from the high fiber to the probiotics, to the fish oil, does it differ for each person in the family.
Well, with adults, let's say every adult should with fiber... Should ingest about 35 grams of fiber a day. No, and mom and dad and kids, you take their age and you add five to it, it's the age plus five rules, so whatever age they are, you add five and that's how many grams a child should have with fiber, then when it becomes a fish oil with adults, we recommend 2000 to 3000 milligrams. children could have 500 milligrams, depending on their age, they could have 500 or more, depending... We recommend that minor amount, the baseline amount would be 203000 milligrams, and that is not really a therapeutic dose, if somebody had joint problems or heart issues, they could go higher in milligram dosage with the fish oils.
Okay, okay, there. That's a fair.
Who's the founder in the formulation of Renew Life.
Renew Life is a company that is a digestive care company, and my Brenda Watson is the founder and formulate of Renew Life, and you might see her in the future on PBS. She's already been on PBS. She has had a program called Road to perfect health, and that went over all probiotics and what they mean and how they work in our bodies in the fall or winter of next year, she'll be on PBS again, talking about heart health and how the gut affects heart health, okay, so she knows obviously what she's talking about and she's really made a mark in this own digestive and to heart, and again, they go hand in hand out then, yes, the digestive system and toxicity is the root cause of all illness, so if you really focus on your gut, that is where you wanna start, when you notice some things in your health, if something's not working out with your health, look to your gut, how am I eliminating... What kind of foods am I putting into my body? All of these things affect our general well-being, and we really wanna look at food, that's where I like to start, I like to watch certain documentaries that teach people about why they should change their diet, things like food, Food Matters Forks Over Knives. Those are some of my favorite documentaries right now, mainly eating lean protein, about the size of the palm of your hand is how much protein you should have on a daily basis, if you're a protein eater, an animal protein Eder should never be bigger than the size of the palm of your hand. Welland, also, I'm kind of thinking back, when you say it all starts with your guts, I'm thinking back, you have a gut feeling to it really kinda goes back to all of that, but I like that too, and sometimes we do our protein leaders, but we don't have to go overboard with that, some men may think differently, it 1818 OnStar and go to Texas, and it's a different thing to... Okay, so let's talk about it in forms of grams, grams of fiber... What does that intake daily, 35 grams of fiber is ideal, baseline, and the way you would build up to that, think about breakfast, for breakfast, I think about something that might be higher in fiber, I personally like gluten-free steel cut oats, because steel cutouts contain per cup eight grams of fiber weight in grams of fiber, so in the morning, you're already getting nine grams of fiber for breakfast, then let's think about lunch, build a salad, and think about the green part of the salad is probably around five grams, three to five grams then the next thing you wanna add is something that has high fiber, like beans and a kidney bean versus a green bean have different amounts of fiber, kidney bean has nine grams of fiber per cup, whereas a green bean has only five, so you wanna build a salad for lunch, that has higher fiber content, and then by dinner, if you do a root vegetable and another salad, you would get into that 35 grams a day, and then you can also supplement with fiber. We recommend things like flax, Acacia or oat fiber, not Selim.
Okay, alright, let's see how you're moving with this too, how many grams of oils should one and take daily... Fish oils are the omega-3 oils and the most studied are the EPA constituent and the DHA constituent, and that's mostly studied for EPA would be for heart health and Joint Health, DHA would be great for brain health and eye health, and for that baseline would be 3000 to 2000-3000 milligrams a day or two grams to three grams a day, and does that come in the form of food or supplements, supplements. Food contains fish oil, like Omega-3, but you would have to eat three cans of tuna every single day to equal that amount, and that's not a therapeutic amount, if you have joint issues or heart issues, you wanna go higher, you could go up to 9000 milligrams for therapeutic purposes. The fish though is contaminated with mercury, so tuna, I would not eat tuna, and I have been a sushi eater, and I have recently done blood work and found that I have mercury toxicity, and I was eating sushi once a week to twice a week. And now I probably will never eat tuna again for my body because of that, because of the mercury there are... If you Google what mercury toxicity and fish, they could list different fish that are less toxic than others, like sardine mackerel anchovy have less mercury toxicity than the bigger fish, salmon is also a good choice, but there's still contamination in our fish, so that's why I like to supplement with my fish oil.
Oh my goodness. Well, well, that's big.
That's really interesting. Again, interesting information about... And right now, we are gonna take a quick break, but we'll be back, we are talking about help and the acronym and what it stands for, and all about our digestive system will be right back.
Or welcome back to the mother's market radio show. And I wanna remind you that if you missed any portion of today's show, you can find us on iTunes by searching mother's market or download the show from our website, mother's market dot com, click on the link for radio and listen to past shows, plus download our Healthy Recipes and money savings coupons, all available at mother's market dot com.
And now back to our interview with Colin therapist EARN, and we're talking about our digestive system, and so we're also talking about that acronym hope, and we've gone to the H and he owned, and now we're talking about the probiotics, what intake should be taken daily with the probiotics, we should take about 15 billion probiotic just that day, a billion million and you'll find a million count, but billion count is what we're looking for because of digestive balance, to have enough bacterial balance in the digestive system is ideal, and why... Because we are eating things that have antibiotics in them, if we're animal protein eaters and we're eating chicken out at restaurants, or we're not buying pesticide-free and hormone-free and organic animal proteins, we are ingesting the antibiotic antibiotics that they are ingesting that... You just said it so beautifully, and that is true, because everything you're right with all the meat and I don't... They're fighting, right?
The testings are finding back even pesticides too, affect your bacteria balance and pesticides can be on your fruits and vegetables... Oh my goodness.
Billion what was at Amalfi.
Wow. Yes, and the thing about probiotics is you wanna make sure you're doing them every single day, and that will help with your immune system, probiotics create B vitamins, they also produce enzymes, so they're going to boost your immune system, all of these things are necessary. If you have children that get sick a lot or every year they're catching a cold, just put them on probiotics and that would be the best start for them, and it just comes in a supplement form and program... Yes, so many different places and companies make probiotics, you could find it in yogurt, but you would have to eat about 18 cups of yogurt to date to get your probiotic intake, so I would supplement with them for the children or for an adult, I would take supplements find it right at mother's market. Doesn't matter of fact.
That's right.
Why should someone take in some people should take enzymes if they have any problems, burin or with flatulence or anyone over the age of 30, enzymes get depleted as we age... Can I give them to make 13-year-olds?
Yes, absolutely, and food combining also helps with gas, if that's what you're alluding to, my guess a 13-year-old, a food combining is a way of eating where you're not creating more fermentation, so if you're eating an animal protein, have it with a vegetable, if you're eating a pasta, rice or bread product have it with the vegetable and fruit should always be eaten on its own, it's... When we combine things together, that can cause some fermentation that can cause that extra gas in the system, we are naturally... Everybody has gas to a degree, but not if it's super explosive, let's say that it's a great idea to food combine and then you can take enzyme or eat foods that are closer to being alive, take probiotics that are hardy strains that are different streams because like dogs, bacteria do different things in the body, so if you get a variance of different types of bacteria, some can help with... Have been studied for IDs, like lack of the zillion antis.
Others like lactic utilities or Lactobacillus, various help with H-Pylori or food poisoning. So just like dogs, are she parter dogs or hunting dogs, bacteria do certain specific things in the digestive system, so having a probiotic that does that multi-strain probiotic is ideal.
Oh, that's good to know about... About the dogs too. Yes.
Yeah, 'cause that can be pretty bad.
Okay, so what is the importance of the PayPal pains?
Okay, told me that. What's the importance of lipase in the enteric coding?
Yes, Lipase is an enzyme that your pancreas produces to break down fat, so the light pace and a fish oil would keep you from burying up the fish, and then Terri-coded type of fish oil would also help deliver that oil to the small intestine where it breaks down... And a lot of people, the reason why they don't like to take fish oil is because they will burn up the fish and taste it, so light pace is a good moving to have in your fish oil to prevent the burin and a lot of the supplements... Now they actually have a different... It's coded with something else now, right, either interacted or lipase or definitely enter coating is becoming more popular because it's being studied on things like IBS, great to have oils that are interceded so that you can deliver to the small intestine where the problem might lie with somebody with IBS, definitely.
And again, just the importance of what the official does for the body as in the digestive system... Yes, fish oils help to maintain a healthy inflammatory response, fish oils also help with brain health, eye health, and Joint Health and heart health, specifically EPA would be great for joint health and heart health, the EPA is a constituent of fish oil, so you have fish oils, then you have the omega-3 is what? fish oils are omega-3 oils and the constituent of omega-3 that have been mostly studied or EPA and DHA.
So EPA for the joint and heart health, DH for the eyes in the brain.
Okay, okay, wow. How often should wanna do a total body cleanse... Now, I've been hearing you talk about the cleansing and how important that is...
Yes, total body cleansing, because toxicity is the root cause of all illness and we are constantly bombarded with toxins in our air, the water and food that we're eating, and it's ideal to detox the body twice a year with a product that can help detox your organs, so when total body detoxing would be eliminating toxins from the seven channels of elimination, so you're gonna detox from the lungs, the liver, lymphatic system, blood, kidney skin, not just two areas like the colon and the liver, but seven different places, so that you get through cleansing twice a year.
And Hollins, that process. What does that mean? When you go in to do a total body cleansing... What is that?
There's herbal supplements that you can do, there's also juice fasting, so juice-fasting shouldn't be done unless you're supervised because a lot of people go online and they see things and they try it and they can really mess up their systems, they can really cause problems if they don't do juice fasting correctly, there's other types of cleanses like a Pontiac clans, which is more of an Arabic type of cleanse, these things are better done with practitioners, now, if you're somebody, the working person who wants to do a cleanse and doesn't wanna be stuck at home, in the bathroom, there are things that you can do herbal cleanses that you just take morning and night, some of them are 30 days long, some of them are 15 days long, and others are seven days long, depending on what you think you can handle.
How does the fiber effect... Weight management, not... I know that from fiber pills, but to eating fiber, and it's always... I hear about it so much about weight management and vibrant, it goes hand in hand.
It does, and before I tell you that fiber is great to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, fibers also great for colon health, to strengthen the muscle of the Colin and with digestion, with weight management, fiber will, if you eat fiber before you eat a meal, it'll trigger the hormone called CC, that tells you that you're full. You, you've seen on probably doctorate, talks a lot about the grell and hormone that makes you hungry, that tells you to eat more... Well, the fiber will trigger the hormone CC that tells you that you're full, so if you're trying to curb your eating where you're not eating a huge portion, fiber is great because you trigger the hormone and your body feels full, it also helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, so with weight management, one gram of fiber will erase seven calories... Oh my goodness, yes. So if you eat 35 grams of fiber a day, you get rid of 245 calories daily.
Wow. Well, that's a pretty big statistic right then... Yes, so just increasing fiber can handle weight management.
Okay, so we talked a little bit about this earlier, but the channels of elimination and how, again, this can tie into everything we've been discussing, what are those channels of elimination... The channels of elimination, there's seven of them, and they're the liver, lungs, lymphatic system, blood, colon, kidneys and skin. So ideally, when you take a supplement to detox your body, you wanna make sure that you're taking herbs that handle all seven areas to give you a proper cleansing, can the supplements that we've discussed about with the probiotics and hope... Can they go hand-in-hand with the seven?
Yes, yes, actually, when you do a detox, a total body cleanse, you would wanna take fiber with it to absorb any toxins that are being released. When we talk about cleansing, we're talking about herbs that go into the organs, like hawthorn berry will address the heart, that's an herb specifically for the heart, so if you get a combination of herbs and nutraceuticals that help take the toxins... Remove toxins out of the system. That's ideal. And then fiber, you take with the cleansing program to absorb the toxins as they're being released, and oils would be ideal to take as well to help maintain healthy, healthy inflammatory response so that if when you're detoxing, if there's any inflammation that occurs, that taking oils will help with a healthy inflammatory response, so fiber and oils with cleansing would be ideal to maintain the channels of elimination.
Okay, this is really interesting. I mean, we could talk a lot about all of this. Again, numbers have been very interesting with this digestion, we talked a little bit about this, but can you just point out to the audience about the prevalence and the number of people that are affected by digesting... Yes, there's 100 million people in the United States that deal with Digestive Diseases. Out of that 100 million people, 65 million deal with chronic heartburn every single day, and also 52 million million Americans have IBS, which is the second leading cause of Miwok. And 42 million Americans deal with chronic constipation, and the number one reason for constipation is dehydration, so if you take your body weight and you divide it in half, that's how many ounces of water that you would need every single day for dehydration to keep yourself from becoming dehydrated, especially in the colon, 'cause when you think about the Colin, it's like an incubator and it de-hydrates what's inside of it to prepare it to get harder to leave the body, so it's not liquid, it's harder matter coming out, so that's like a little dehydrate your colon, if you can imagine that. So in order to function properly, it needs water... Oh my goodness, when you wrapped it up in a nice tidy boat right there for something for us all to think about and give us hope. Yes.
Well, thank you very much for your time, and we look forward to having you on again. But in the mean time, you can catch more of a on her Facebook search, Renew Life, and find out all of the wonderful things she's involved with. We look forward to our next visit. Thank you.
Thank you, Tom, thanks for listening to the mother's market radio show. And for shopping at mother's market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition A