In this edition of the Mother’s Market Radio show, guest Dr. German Zermeno talks about GI tract health (gastrointestinal tract) and its effect on your mood and emotions.
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, guest Dr. German Zermeno talks about GI tract health (gastrointestinal tract) and its effect on your mood and emotions.
In this edition of the Mother's Market Radio show, guest Dr. German Zermeno talks about GI tract health (gastrointestinal tract) and its effect on your mood and emotions.
The advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition.
Hello, I can really king and welcome to the mother's market radio show, a show dedicated to the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the human condition. On today's show, you are what you eat, and what you eat is going to affect how you feel.
Today, we explore the gastro-intestinal track and give you some tips on how you can feel better overall, plus later we'll tell you what's going on around town, but first step, we're joined today by another prominent physician when it comes to alternative medicine. Dr. Manzano is a board-certified physician, specializing in internal and Family Medicine and anti-aging. He's also trained in nutrition, detoxification and hormone replacement. He's also been trained in ozone therapy and works out of the Institute for progressive medicine. And we welcome him to the mother's market radio show.
Doctors may know. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Thanks for having me here.
It's a pleasure to have you.
Before we get to today's topic, please fill us an on your mission and your work.
Well, let me tell you about what I used to do first. I used to practice Mariano many jars have been practicing for 20, almost 28 years, and I used to practice and make a group and basically prescribe medication to every patient, exchange symptoms or appeal after years of seeing that the patients were not doing any better with medication and they were coming back and for backend for and try another vacation. On the vacation, I just got through Australia and say, There's gotta be something different, so I started to learn other areas, so I decided to start employing everything that I could, alterations, they start looking into the Anti-Aging Medicine and started to go to conferences about the learning more and more more. And that really excite me, I started seeing differences.
So I started learning more and more and more, and then try to apply that today to my practice, and I started to see different instead of this prescribes, that must have been very rewarding. So thank you, thank you for being here today, and we look forward to talking about how today, how can we have a healthy gastro intestinal track. So doctor, what are the most common gastrointestinal issues you see... What I see frequently here is, and I used to see that to in my other practice. Did GI is so important, we ignore it, and then we think Arista, early hard and the take care of the holistic or that, but the GI is so essential for our body to function well, they call it the Cobain.
So when you have the second brain or functioning well, you're not gonna form Sowell because everything comes from the interesting... And if you think that the GI is the connection to the outside world, the connection from the outside world to the inside world is her Garak, whatever you eat. He has to go through the border. Those are our borders.
So they have to cross the border first and you have to grow the border with documents to be able to function well, and there is something called like God, that we'll talk about it later, that is like crossing the border without documents, and I'm creating a name on the other side... So this is important, the G is so important to keep it healthy because that's what we are for for that were with a jester food, that's when we break everything we eat into nutrients, and if that is not functioning well, you body wanna function well as essential... So what do I see frequently? Garofalo, very common harboring people complain the A-Harmon Tooele, they have Harbor and they have a hard time sleeping. This is very annoying. burning sensation. And your chest. That is constant.
So why do we have Harbor? I believe that has something to do in what we... Ataman of Harbor, I guess I don't hear, but it's not a comment that we see all the healthy people complain a Harbor, I think it has to do with what we eat, I don't understand why in the world we decided to put gas in or liquids. Great sales.
So what you think were that gas, it gonna go... The guys are gonna go up. So when you drink, it is gonna push yourself as uh, your stomach up and it's gonna delay the inter of the Suffolk now, who are other things? cahaba to diet, I have seen gluten. Major Case of the GI problem, the problem with the gaspare is that we're treating in the wrong way, the problem of the Atropine is that the printer that connects the sofas with the stomach, he's failing is a awful and its weak, so now it's gonna allow the aid and the food to return to the softwares uncaring. Why is that inter-wick? There's a reason it can be something with what we eat, unfortunately, in medicine, we use the wrong approach and we treat it the wrong way, what is the most common approach of these issues by conventional medicine?
Unfortunately, everything is three with medication, I forgot to mention the other two important things, as a problem with our GI is the retable syndrome and the inflammatory Batiste-ritual ostend is also symptomatic. The problem basically, you just have this come for symptoms of GI problems, but they are not... They can find anything not the time, then they're gonna be having a hard time finding something.
The inflammatory Baltics is what we know as Halsey collides cronies and other inflammatory processes in the cut.
Now, what is the conventional approach you ask me... Unfortunately, I was doing that too. Is that again, you see your doctor, you tell your symptoms and he's gonna give you a medication, maybe he's gonna tell you still needing food Change or Die and there, but they really don't know what the true about this. And again, if we don't change the lifestyle, we don't change anything, and we have to start with the diet, so I found that one of the problems is basically Gluten, gluten is very, very toxic for our body, there... Product out for us too.
So basically, the problem with the conventional approach, he said They don't look into that. They're just gonna give you the PM. Yeah, they will do some tests, they do the call not copy, they'll do the opera, and those copy, they cut... Can when they don't find anything, they say, Well, you just have what we call a Rite about, and they're gonna give you a PO for the Astor Rapoport unley. We've been treating pain the wrong way, they got to Torres, India inter... The primacy is Pinter.
So what are we doing? We're giving you something to the critics of the stomach... Okay, we give you the Proust would give you the pills, the... The target, the Santa, that's gonna decrease at in the stomach, but... Is that reading the problem? Not that decreasing the atheistic, that's not where the problem is. You don't have an excess of... Is it you have a weak winter, so we're treating the problem in the wrong way, again, it's like give your car is make you noise in the engine, and then you fix the tires, you treating the problem at a different level. So what are we doing when we decrease in the AI of the stomach, we allowing your body to my function, because they are in the stomach, is there for a reason, Googie the athlete is to give it harbored. There is a reason for it. So it's for digestion.
Decrease they are it. You're gonna have more digestion, you're gonna have bacteria and fungus and viruses and everything going through because they as it is a defence mechanism, number two, the as it is essential for absorption, so what happens then now you don't have any as... Now you're not as for innervation, now you nottoway calcium, now you're not gonna... Saw your iron that you can have efficiencies. So reading this, doab decrease in the acid is not the right approach. He has to be done at the level of the softener... How do you deal with the GI reflex?
Basically, again, instead of decreasing the asset of the stomach, let's take care of the inter, and in my practice, I have seen it many times by removing gluten from the diet, Harbor goes away. I cannot explain why, but I know it happens because when I put patients on gluten-free diet, they come back and say, I don't have any more Harbor, and I can tell you in my personal experience, it worked because I was there too, I was suffering from Harbor for years and years and years, and I was taking pills, I was taking this time and in tantric, doing exactly what we were trained to do until I learned that that doesn't work 'cause his problems, and then I was even taking the medication, I was still having Harman but I was eating my chocolate and I was hitting this, and I was drinking my sales, and I was expecting that that was going to get berries with a pill after all, how was a big deal. I continue drinking myself as an... In my chapter, I realized that, Wait a minute, let's change, you had to start drinking your soda because a guy at his problem and you have to stop eating chocolate, which I love, unfortunately, we all do it, but... It can is a problem. You have to start drinking your coffee 'cause that the later you... His center, so you have to stop putting things in your body that are affecting that don't just take the pill, make changes.
Number one.
Number two, why gluten works again, I don't know, but it works. And when I stopped eating gluten harboring away.
Now, what can we do about it? Basically, instead of decreasing the Artois touch and messing with... You ask it for 24 hours a day. I'll say, You know what, one of the easiest thing to do is drink Caliban silent a little bit of making solar with water that will automatically neutralize the acid and a just breaks that Harbor immediately, so you don't have to suppress your acid for 24 hours a natural way.
Well, this is very interesting, we still have a lot more to go here and a lot more to learn about the gastro-intestinal tract, I stay with us. Very interesting information, doctor. That's plenty more to learn, we will be right back to stay with us and now back to our interview with Dr. Zeman, and we're talking about how we can keep our Gastro-intestinal tract healthy, how do you deal with irritable bowel syndrome, regional Bolton of those things, that means... I don't know, why do you have... So let me call it something, it's basically a bunch of sites, you have blowing sensation, you have diarrhea, sometime you have constipation, you have abdominal pain, you have many symptoms that are very hard to Spain, they come from the... Interesting.
So most of the time they end up doing the test, you end up getting the colonoscopy and the ultrasound, the cut can, and they operate, and those copy and he doesn't show anything.
So how can you plan these symptoms, they're there.
So they call it retroviruses.
During testing is real, something causes irritation or your... Interesting, and I give you that is come for any bodies and the diarrhea and the pain and all that, so they don't know what it causes, the syndrome, so they call it retain.
Well, what is the problem there? The problem is that we're looking at a big picture.
We're looking for cancer, we're looking for all sets, we're looking for a structure. We're looking for big things, we don't see that. So then we think, Okay, well, is a red bow syndrome is usually related to anxiety? And depression, let me give you something for anxiety, something for depression, or let me give you a medication, which is the anti-Paoli, so we use that, sometimes I give you in science or whatever, but do they would tell you to change your diet bonus of the time. They say, Oh yeah, they just eliminate... Retain food. Actually, they tell you sometimes not to be anything with fiber because that causes problems too.
So how do we deal with this?
Again, because we don't know about it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, is a microscopic problem can it's a malfunction of the GE intestine? And it has to have a reason.
So in my practice, again, I have seen it so many times when we removed the gluten from the diet and we remove the dairy from the diet, didn't get better.
And sometimes patients say, Well, it's not working for me.
Okay, I say, well, how you eat it... Yeah, I call down. Cotton does not work. Please, you can understand. Don't cut down. Just get off completely.
Gluten is not a forgiving than just a little bit... Is not bad as much. No, no, no, it doesn't work that way, you get off completely 100% or doesn't work... It's like saying, I'm alert you to penicillin, but I'm just gonna have a little bit of panic.
You can't do that. Is someone like an allergic reaction, it's gonna retake your bow is a catty, so it causes damage to the intestine, he can is blowing sensation, it causes rain for He's gonna cast you joint pains and he's gonna give you a thing, so... Cutting down doesn't work, you have to get off 100% on what else they do, unfortunately the patients, okay. They say, Okay, I'm gonna go gluten-free, now they're changing it into gluten-free stuff.
So what happening with your gluten-free cookies and gluten-free bread and noting fetters, then they come back and say, Well, I'm gluten free, but I'm gaining weight, or why are you gaining... Wait by meeting only gluten-free stores.
Okay, well, unfortunately, you're gonna be careful they're gluten-free, now they're gonna suitable for other type of carbohydrates, now you're loving yourself with much more carbohydrates you eat in an excess of cahir, you're gonna Binet.
Number two, you put in excess of carbohydrate enter in testing and the bacteria and the fungus in your interesting, they have such a happy time when you give him sugar, they're really tried the Depo Duce like crazy, and did you... So you're gonna have an imbalance, now you can have an excess of Candida or yeast in your interesting and that's gonna cause a excess of gas, is gonna damage to your intestine and it's also gonna cost you some of the team like forebrain and other things that candidates so it's basically important to change the diet, most people don't need any fiber, 15 year is essential for... We need fiber for interest into function and also the balance the bacteria and the fungus in the intercity... Because what does it come from? bastards, so if you read enough fiber, you're gonna have a normal booming basically eliminating sugar, eliminating gluten, eliminating gluten, eliminating dairy in more fiber and balancing your bacteria and you're... Interesting with probiotics.
So how do your patients feel once they do go gluten-free, they come back and say, You're not gonna believe how good I feel, and I tell you because I went through the same... And then I can tell you that the framework goes away, different time gets better.
They are vain blowing. Sensation goes away.
So once we start doing the gluten-free, it's amazing, it's amazing, the result... It is very difficult.
We are so used to it in our bread acts are passed us, and everything has looked in from Syria to resin for the vets to... Everything has gluten, so you have to read the label to make sure that I have with barley or rice is okay, it's a problem.
So you have to eliminate a glut and you have to really read the labels, you have to try to be 100% gluten-free, and you're gonna see that your joint pain and everything else can have taken better.
How do you deal with inflammatory... Banal disease, we... Arteries is an inflammation of the colon. And the interesting... That's more interesting, sometimes cross-effect, it's an inflammation where you develop ulceration in the lining of the interesting sometimes lead sometimes a lot of mucus and tie developers strictures. People have frequent biomes with mucus and LA, and they have Louisiana, there are constipation and they use a hard time gaining weight and a lot of different symptoms.
Basically is an implement ARY process again, we don't know, according to mainstream, in what cases the problem crosses alive, more advanced, is like there are deeper ulcers in the colon, it could cause his strictures on 5 Landon of complications, but my philosophy is there is a reason for everything.
So I can give you an example when, if I put something in your skin that irritate your skin... That you're sensitive to it.
Okay, and the next day your skin, I start getting better, and then I put that again, and then the next day your skin is getting better, and I put it again, Hannigan and Kanan every day, I put that substance that is reading you and your skin... What's gonna happen with your skin, it's gonna develop inflammation, it's gonna develop an ulceration... He's not gonna heal. It's gonna take a long time to get better.
So what are we doing? What are in testing, we're drinking and eating something that is irritating lining, very interesting. How we keep doing it, everything all they... And our lining is trying to heal, but we don't let it... What happened? We can put in that we can drink in this area, we can drink in the Mir, we get put in the gluten, we get eating the wrong food with pesticide, and we put in a whole bunch of things you think that... Interesting is gonna be able to heal. Now, it's going to develop ulcers, it's gonna develop lumps, it's gonna develop... Polyps is gonna develop the strictures, it's going to progress, and it's gonna develop his cult and... And they do it, then they're gonna tell you, Well, let me give you a medication, or they go take you to surgery and remove your call in, so the question is, why don't we just try to stop for discussing the problem? Well, we don't know what it... Cosine problem, let's just go to mother nature, let's just start with the simple thing, I start at investor some fruits, you cannot go wrong with the beta through it become a big on... Okay, you cannot tell Arad a five as well. You know what, the team... You bestiality to eat some of the fruit that are not very irritating for you, but eliminate things, you start managing their use, Tremont and glue, and you start eliminating pesticides, you start eliminating things are a toxic for you, you're gonna see that your body will start healing.
I'll tell you a story about a... I have a friend that she developed crosses, she was a young lady in Hesketh Ng, and she was pretty diverse, 'cause I have found crossing her interesting, and they talked it, she was going to eventually had to have a collective means remove her column from her... Interesting.
So she was the Athenian, I don't wanna live like that.
So I said, Well, you know what, to start changing to disaster, eating healthy, Nolan, not there, Hunter, investor organic.
And she was kind of resistant, but at the end, she decided to do it, she colonoscopy about five months later, and when they went in there, they couldn't find anything, herniation were gone, and she had biopsies and everything to show that she did have cronies, but it went away, and she continued to follow the diet, you continue to stay healthy in gangs can get better when you changed your diet, and when you watch that beautiful documentary called for a nice... You can watch it on YouTube with called for olives, a beautiful cemetery. We tell you about the diet and how eliminating diet that is toxic for you, it can change your life, you can revert your hard problem, you can reverse your GI problems, or in this case is, what are we doing with inflammatory bodies? Just change your lifestyle. You can take supplements, you can take probiotics, balance our GI, sometimes there's acceptance that you need to treat, but basically lifestyle, fruits and vegetables, that's what God gave us to eat in this... You know, he put us in this plan and then he gave us what we eat, we are eating our own food on nature food, they're natural. That's all great advice, doctor. And again, it's been fascinating listening to you here, thank you for your time, and it's been a place... You're having you on the show again. In the mean time, you can catch more of Dr. Jermaine on his website, I progressive met dot com and learn more about his passion for alternative medicine and the other great things he's involved with, we look forward to our next visit.
Thank you, thank you toffee. And some with No... Get in much.
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Another favorite mothers is our red lentil soup is delicious, so the ingredients are two and-a-half cups, red lentils sorted and rinsed one half cup, anion diced, one half cup, salary diced, one half cup Carradine, one tablespoon olive oil, one teaspoon basal, one teaspoon. Oregano, a dash, a black pepper, two Baileys, a teaspoon to marry soy sauce and six cups of water, first you place all the ingredients in the water in a large pot, you bring it to a boil and cook for one hour over a low flame stirring. Occasionally, you remove from the fire and served piping hot, make sure to take those bay leaves out to make six servings and it's a delicious soup that's red Lantau. My mother's marketing continues market, the advice and informational content does not necessarily represent the views of mother's market and kitchen, mother's recommends consulting your health professional for your personal medical condition E in a... Oneonta.